766 research outputs found

    DOP: Deep Optimistic Planning with Approximate Value Function Evaluation

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    Research on reinforcement learning has demonstrated promising results in manifold applications and domains. Still, efficiently learning effective robot behaviors is very difficult, due to unstructured scenarios, high uncertainties, and large state dimensionality (e.g. multi-agent systems or hyper-redundant robots). To alleviate this problem, we present DOP, a deep model-based reinforcement learning algorithm, which exploits action values to both (1) guide the exploration of the state space and (2) plan effective policies. Specifically, we exploit deep neural networks to learn Q-functions that are used to attack the curse of dimensionality during a Monte-Carlo tree search. Our algorithm, in fact, constructs upper confidence bounds on the learned value function to select actions optimistically. We implement and evaluate DOP on different scenarios: (1) a cooperative navigation problem, (2) a fetching task for a 7-DOF KUKA robot, and (3) a human-robot handover with a humanoid robot (both in simulation and real). The obtained results show the effectiveness of DOP in the chosen applications, where action values drive the exploration and reduce the computational demand of the planning process while achieving good performance

    Q-CP: Learning Action Values for Cooperative Planning

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    Research on multi-robot systems has demonstrated promising results in manifold applications and domains. Still, efficiently learning an effective robot behaviors is very difficult, due to unstructured scenarios, high uncertainties, and large state dimensionality (e.g. hyper-redundant and groups of robot). To alleviate this problem, we present Q-CP a cooperative model-based reinforcement learning algorithm, which exploits action values to both (1) guide the exploration of the state space and (2) generate effective policies. Specifically, we exploit Q-learning to attack the curse-of-dimensionality in the iterations of a Monte-Carlo Tree Search. We implement and evaluate Q-CP on different stochastic cooperative (general-sum) games: (1) a simple cooperative navigation problem among 3 robots, (2) a cooperation scenario between a pair of KUKA YouBots performing hand-overs, and (3) a coordination task between two mobile robots entering a door. The obtained results show the effectiveness of Q-CP in the chosen applications, where action values drive the exploration and reduce the computational demand of the planning process while achieving good performance

    S-AVE Semantic Active Vision Exploration and Mapping of Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots

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    Semantic mapping is fundamental to enable cognition and high-level planning in robotics. It is a difficult task due to generalization to different scenarios and sensory data types. Hence, most techniques do not obtain a rich and accurate semantic map of the environment and of the objects therein. To tackle this issue we present a novel approach that exploits active vision and drives environment exploration aiming at improving the quality of the semantic map

    Teachers’ Professional Development on Media and Intercultural Education. Results from some participatory research in Europe

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    Media and intercultural education are being increasingly recognised as a fundamental competence for teachers of the 21st century. Digital literacy and civic competence are facing several new challenges in response to the intensification of migratory phenomena and the unprecedented spread of fake news, especially among adolescents at risk of social exclusion, but teachers’ professional development is still far from coping with this emerging need. Intercultural understanding and a critical use of media among adolescents have now become primary goals for the promotion of active citizenship. This article intends to provide some recommendations on how to support teachers’ professional development in the field of media and intercultural education. To this purpose, it presents and discusses the results of an action-research project aimed at teachers’ improvement of teaching skills about the media in multicultural public schools. The results are part of a larger European project “Media Education for Equity and Tolerance” (MEET) (Erasmus Plus, KA3), an initiative promoted in 2016–2018 by the University of Florence (Italy)

    DOP: Deep Optimistic Planning with Approximate Value Function Evaluation

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    Research on reinforcement learning has demonstrated promising results in manifold applications and domains. Still, efficiently learning effective robot behaviors is very difficult, due to unstructured scenarios, high uncertainties, and large state dimensionality (e.g. multi-agent systems or hyper-redundant robots). To alleviate this problem, we present DOP, a deep model-based reinforcement learning algorithm, which exploits action values to both (1) guide the exploration of the state space and (2) plan effective policies. Specifically, we exploit deep neural networks to learn Q-functions that are used to attack the curse of dimensionality during a Monte-Carlo tree search. Our algorithm, in fact, constructs upper confidence bounds on the learned value function to select actions optimistically. We implement and evaluate DOP on different scenarios: (1) a cooperative navigation problem, (2) a fetching task for a 7-DOF KUKA robot, and (3) a human-robot handover with a humanoid robot (both in simulation and real). The obtained results show the effectiveness of DOP in the chosen applications, where action values drive the exploration and reduce the computational demand of the planning process while achieving good performance.Comment: to appear as an extended abstract paper in the Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018), Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-15, 2018, IFAAMAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.0029

    Enhancing Graph Representation of the Environment through Local and Cloud Computation

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    Enriching the robot representation of the operational environment is a challenging task that aims at bridging the gap between low-level sensor readings and high-level semantic understanding. Having a rich representation often requires computationally demanding architectures and pure point cloud based detection systems that struggle when dealing with everyday objects that have to be handled by the robot. To overcome these issues, we propose a graph-based representation that addresses this gap by providing a semantic representation of robot environments from multiple sources. In fact, to acquire information from the environment, the framework combines classical computer vision tools with modern computer vision cloud services, ensuring computational feasibility on onboard hardware. By incorporating an ontology hierarchy with over 800 object classes, the framework achieves cross-domain adaptability, eliminating the need for environment-specific tools. The proposed approach allows us to handle also small objects and integrate them into the semantic representation of the environment. The approach is implemented in the Robot Operating System (ROS) using the RViz visualizer for environment representation. This work is a first step towards the development of a general-purpose framework, to facilitate intuitive interaction and navigation across different domains.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial protein coding genes confirms the reciprocal paraphyly of Hexapoda and Crustacea.

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    BACKGROUND: The phylogeny of Arthropoda is still a matter of harsh debate among systematists, and significant disagreement exists between morphological and molecular studies. In particular, while the taxon joining hexapods and crustaceans (the Pancrustacea) is now widely accepted among zoologists, the relationships among its basal lineages, and particularly the supposed reciprocal paraphyly of Crustacea and Hexapoda, continues to represent a challenge. Several genes, as well as different molecular markers, have been used to tackle this problem in molecular phylogenetic studies, with the mitochondrial DNA being one of the molecules of choice. In this study, we have assembled the largest data set available so far for Pancrustacea, consisting of 100 complete (or almost complete) sequences of mitochondrial genomes. After removal of unalignable sequence regions and highly rearranged genomes, we used nucleotide and inferred amino acid sequences of the 13 protein coding genes to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among major lineages of Pancrustacea. The analysis was performed with Bayesian inference, and for the amino acid sequences a new, Pancrustacea-specific, matrix of amino acid replacement was developed and used in this study. RESULTS: Two largely congruent trees were obtained from the analysis of nucleotide and amino acid datasets. In particular, the best tree obtained based on the new matrix of amino acid replacement (MtPan) was preferred over those obtained using previously available matrices (MtArt and MtRev) because of its higher likelihood score. The most remarkable result is the reciprocal paraphyly of Hexapoda and Crustacea, with some lineages of crustaceans (namely the Malacostraca, Cephalocarida and, possibly, the Branchiopoda) being more closely related to the Insecta s.s. (Ectognatha) than two orders of basal hexapods, Collembola and Diplura. Our results confirm that the mitochondrial genome, unlike analyses based on morphological data or nuclear genes, consistently supports the non monophyly of Hexapoda. CONCLUSION: The finding of the reciprocal paraphyly of Hexapoda and Crustacea suggests an evolutionary scenario in which the acquisition of the hexapod condition may have occurred several times independently in lineages descending from different crustacean-like ancestors, possibly as a consequence of the process of terrestrialization. If this hypothesis was confirmed, we should therefore re-think our interpretation of the evolution of the Arthropoda, where terrestrialization may have led to the acquisition of similar anatomical features by convergence. At the same time, the disagreement between reconstructions based on morphological, nuclear and mitochondrial data sets seems to remain, despite the use of larger data sets and more powerful analytical methods
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