120 research outputs found

    Existing Buildings and HVAC Systems: Incidence of Innovative Surface Finishes on the Energy Requirements

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    Abstract A great portion of the global energy consumption depends on existing buildings. So, energy saving and related CO 2 emission reduction are important measures. This paper analyses the incidence of innovative surface finishes on the cooling and heating energy demand of existing buildings. These easy and cheap measures preserve the little living spaces, limited height and the architectural/chromatic characteristics. The analysis is conducted for various European cities, by using a dynamic energy simulation software. The primary energy required by the HVAC systems on seasonal and annual basis is evaluated and relevant energy saving (up to 21% on annual basis) is obtained. Finally, a technical-economic analysis is performed and interesting payback values are obtained (2.5-11 years in the best cases; 2–10 years, when a tax deduction of 35% is considered)

    obtaining a nzeb in mediterranean climate by using only on site renewable energy is it a realistic goal

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    Abstract A new concept of building is represented by Zero Energy Buildings (ZEBs). This paper evaluates the possibility to obtain a NZEB (for office building) by using only "on-site" renewable energy, solely on the roof. A dynamic energy simulation code, EnergyPlus, is used. Two different Italian climatic zones (Palermo and Naples) and two typologies of building are considered: square or rectangular basis. For the building with square basis, the energy self-sufficiency is kept up to a higher number of the building levels (8 for Naples, 10 for Palermo) compared to the case of rectangular basis (7 levels for Naples, 9 for Palermo)

    energy retrofit of historic buildings in the mediterranean area the case of the palaeontology museum of naples

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    Abstract This paper aims to identify some optimal system solutions for the energy refurbishment of a specific historic building, through energy simulations in dynamic conditions performed with a suitable software. The analysis is carried out by the evaluation of energy requirements of the building, in terms of both primary and electric energy. The hypotheses of intervention regard only the air conditioning system components and take into account the existing architectural constraints. The case study refers to the Palaeontology Museum of Naples (Southern Italy), whose rooms are currently in a historic building located in the ancient centre of the city

    Formatore su efficienza energetica ed impianti elettrici

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    Aggiornamento tecnico-legislativo per i Formatori su efficienza energetica del sistema edificio-impianti. Seminario, a cura del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università di Napoli Federico II, nell’ambito del progetto europeo "Italian Training qualificatiOn Workforce in buildiNg" (Acronimo: BUILD UP Skills I-TOWN, nell'ambito di Intelligent Energy - Europe IEE, Call for proposals CIP-IEE-2013 - BUILD UP Skills Initiative. Contract N°: IEE/13/BWI/721/SI2.680178, durata: 36 mesi), dal titolo “Formatore su efficienza energetica ed impianti elettrici”, Napoli, 9-10 Novembre 2016

    Gli impianti di riscaldamento e raffrescamento a pavimento. Vincoli e requisiti della norma UNI EN 1264

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    Vengono descritti gli impianti di riscaldamento invernale e di raffrescamento estivo mediante pannelli radianti a pavimento: stato attuale, elementi tecnici innovativi, prospettive di sviluppo
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