31 research outputs found

    Low cost electrical current sensors with automatic measurement range

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    We present a simple and low cost Smart Current Sensor with wide automatic measurement range. The logic core system of the sensor is the Atmel AT32UC3C2256C AVR 32-bit microcontroller, the wireless core is a Microchip MRF24J40MA IEEE 802.15.4 RF transceiver[3]. The MCU features 11 ADC multiplexed channels, with 12-bit resolution and sample rate up to 2Msps, two of which can be sampled in parallel. The sensing board consists of two hall-effect based current sensors, assembled on different PCBs in order to perform with different sensitivities. Custom primary conductor design allowed us to sense the current flowing in the conductor with two different sensitivities: the sensor mounted inside the two PCBs gets a strong contribution from the traces on both the PCBs, the sensor mounted outside only gets a strong contribution from the traces on the bottom PCB

    Dynastic Measures of Intergenerational Mobility

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    We suggest a simple and fexible criterion to assess relative inter-generational mobility. It accommodates different types of outcomes, such as (continuous) earnings or (discrete and ordinal) education levels, and captures dynastic improvements of such outcomes at different points of the initial distribution. We provide dominance characterizations - for instance on the relative progress made by women vs.men - that are consistent with social preferences upon desirable patterns of mobility. We suggest an application on Indonesia. Using the IFLS data, we match parents observed in 1993 to their children in 2014, providing one of the rare intergenerational mobility analyses based on a long panel in the context of a developing country. Results indicate that mobility in terms of education and potential earnings was markedly at the advantage of women. The bulk of the population came out of illiteracy, possibly due to largescale education reforms, but the relative educational mobility was regressive, which considerably reduced the progressivity of mobility in terms of potential earnings

    NEMO-SN1 Abyssal Cabled Observatory in the Western Ionian Sea

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    The NEutrinoMediterranean Observatory—Submarine Network 1 (NEMO-SN1) seafloor observatory is located in the central Mediterranean Sea, Western Ionian Sea, off Eastern Sicily (Southern Italy) at 2100-m water depth, 25 km from the harbor of the city of Catania. It is a prototype of a cabled deep-sea multiparameter observatory and the first one operating with real-time data transmission in Europe since 2005. NEMO-SN1 is also the first-established node of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory (EMSO), one of the incoming European large-scale research infrastructures included in the Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) since 2006. EMSO will specifically address long-term monitoring of environmental processes related to marine ecosystems, marine mammals, climate change, and geohazards

    Pathological voice analysis via digital signal processing

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    The interest in pathological voice analysis for specific neurological diseases is growing up aiming to offer more Health-care tele monitoring services since new high performing electronic devices are available for the end-user. In this article we show some parameters that can be digitally extracted and analyzed from pathological voices, in order to find a distinctive sign of the Parkinson disease. As a result, we will show a parameter that gives some information about the Parkinson disease characterization, particularly for male patients. We will also discuss about the needed computational cost related to parameters extraction and elaboration, aiming to target a possible tough yet portable hardware architecture capable to carry out the whole calculation or at least part of them locally

    An Embedded System for the integration of a Combined Photovoltaic Solar (CPS) system into a ZigBee Home Area Network

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    In this paper is reported the design and implementation of an electronic system capable of communicating over a standard ZigBee network in order to let a residential gateway collector, named agent, gain access to the parameters of a Combined Photovoltaic and Solar thermal (CPS) plant, thus realizing a networked energy production appliance . The system is made of three parts: a PV metering device, a boiler metering device also capable of controlling a heating resistor embedded within the boiler tank, and a data collector acting as a ZigBee node. The data collector device periodically retrieves the following parameters from the metering devices: instantaneous photovoltaic power production, accumulated photovoltaic energy, instantaneous boiler heater power consumption, accumulated energy consumed by the boiler resistor, water temperatures in three distinct points of the boiler. Since solar thermal and photovoltaic panels are located out of the ZigBee communication range, an RS485 wired link between the three devices has been implemented, while the collector, usually located not far from the agent, has wireless visibility. Some of the parameters listed above are already monitored by proprietary CPS digital systems. However the implemented ZigBee nodes make these parameters accessible through an open and interoperable standard. Various IC manufacturers including Texas Instruments and Freescale provide ZigBee enabled solution. The development of the system is based on the Texas Instruments solution is described and their advantage and limitations have been experimentally studied in order to explore the possible application area