350 research outputs found

    Il mattatoio tra Marcuse e patronage. Alcune chiavi di lettura dell?opera di Giorgio Pressburger

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    This article presents the radio-play Il mattatoio (The slaughter house) by the writer and playwright Giorgio Pressburger. The analysis is focused on some main points of the theories of Herbert Marcuse (who is directly mentioned in the incipit of the piece) regarding consumer society and family.  In this work, presented by RAI at the Prix Italia 1967 and aired on the Third Program on the 9th October of the same year, the author is able to describe with intelligence a situation in which Luciano Prisco, an alleged mobster and businessman native of Naples, owner of three slaughterhouses in New York, passes craftily over everything that is not connected to his own social and economic climbing. In such context, where family becomes only a way to manage power and business, in part like a clientelistic structure, with functions and roles decided by the main character, every aspect that is not connected to the protection and growth of his authority becomes useless and dangerous

    A randomized trial assessing the effectiveness of different concentrations of isotretinoin in the management of lichen planus

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    The aim of our 10-year study was to test the effectiveness of topical therapy based on 0. 18% isotretinoin, comparing it with that most frequently used, i.e. at 0.05% concentration. Seventy patients with an established diagnosis of oral lichen planus were involved in the study. The patients were randomly divided into two groups, and the drug was administered topically at 0.05% and 0. 18% concentrations. The drug at the higher concentration, according to the same protocol, was administered to the patients who did not benefit from the therapy at the lower concentration. None of the cases of reticular lichen planus showed clinical or histological improvement. In contrast, the atrophic-erosive forms showed a significant improvement, both clinical and histological: in 26 patients (at 0.18% concentration) and in nine patients (at 0.05% concentration), the symptoms, as well as the erosions or ulcers observed, disappeared. The disappearance of dysplasic phenomena was observed at 0. 18% concentration. Topical application of the drug was accompanied by an increase in soreness and pain, as well as greater sensitivity to hot foods. However, these side effects were transitory, and considered acceptable by the patients. The proposed therapeutic protocol was effective towards highly active atrophic-erosive oral lichen planus with dysplasic phenomena, which is the form of the disease at higher risk of malignant evolution


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    The morphological-functional study of microcirculation is of fundamental importance; in fact, the microvascular bed is directly involved both in autoimmune etiopathogenesis pathologies, and in acute and chronic inflammatory etiopathogenesis pathologies. Oral capillaroscopy is a very stimulating method for studying microcirculation, because of the possibility of studying small vessels in vivo by means of a microscope. Today, it is becoming more reliable thanks to the improvement of the observation tools (photography, videomicroscopy)

    Do fat supplements increase physical performance?

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    Fish oil and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) belong to a popular class of food supplements known as "fat supplements", which are claimed to reduce muscle glycogen breakdown, reduce body mass, as well as reduce muscle damage and inflammatory responses. Sport athletes consume fish oil and CLA mainly to increase lean body mass and reduce body fat. Recent evidence indicates that this kind of supplementation may have other side-effects and a new role has been identified in steroidogenensis. Preliminary findings demonstrate that fish oil and CLA may induce a physiological increase in testosterone synthesis. The aim of this review is to describe the effects of fish oil and CLA on physical performance (endurance and resistance exercise), and highlight the new results on the effects on testosterone biosynthesis. In view of these new data, we can hypothesize that fat supplements may improve the anabolic effect of exercise


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    In order to increase knowledge on the morphology and structure of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) for a better understanding of the functional role of the same, it proceeded with an investigation on histological samples in the block of TMJ and periarticular tissues of adult rabits and human fatustes at different stage of development. (www.actabiomedica.it

    Simple and fast orotracheal intubation procedure in rat

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    Introduction: Endotracheal intubation in the rat is difficult because of extremely small size of anatomical structures (oral cavity, epiglottis and vocal cords), small inlet for an endotracheal tube and the lack of proper techniacal instruments. Matherial and Methods: In this study we used seventy rats weighthing 400-500 g. The equipment needed for intubation was an operating table, a longish of cotton, a cotton tip, orotracheal tube, neonatal laryngoscope KTR4, small animal ventilator, and isoflurane for inhalation anaesthesia. Premedication was carried out by medetomidine hydrochloride 1 mg/mL; then, thanks to a closed glass chamber, a mixture of oxygen and isoflurane was administered. By means of neonatal laryngoscope the orotracheal tube was advanced into the oral cavity untile the wire guide was visualized trough the vocal cords; then it was passed through them. The tube was introduced directly into into the larynx over the wire guide; successively, the guide was removed and the tube placed into the trachea. Breathing was confirmed using a glove, cut at the end of a finger, simulating a small ballon. Conclusions: We believe that our procedure is easier and faster than those previously reported in scientific literature. (www.actabiomedica.it

    Quantitative patterns of Hsps in tubular adenoma compared with normal and tumor tissues reveal the value of Hsp10 and Hsp60 in early diagnosis of large bowel cancer

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    Large bowel carcinogenesis involves accumulation of genetic alterations leading to transformation of normal mucosa into dysplasia and, lastly, adenocarcinoma. It is pertinent to elucidate the molecular changes occurring in the pre-neoplastic lesions to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment. Heat shock proteins (Hsps), many of which are molecular chaperones, are implicated in carcinogenesis, and their variations with tumor progression encourage their study as biomarkers. There are many reports on Hsps and cancer but none to our knowledge on their systematic quantification in pre-neoplastic lesions of the large bowel. We performed immunohistochemical determinations of Hsp10, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 in biopsies of large bowel tubular adenomas with moderate grade of dysplasia and compared to normal mucosa and adenocarcinoma with a moderate grade of differentiation (G2). A significant elevation of Hsp10 and Hsp60 only, i.e., in the absence of elevation of Hsp70 or Hsp90, in both epithelium and lamina propria was found in tubular adenoma by comparison with normal mucosa. In contrast, adenocarcinoma was characterized by the highest levels of Hsp10 and Hsp60 in epithelium and lamina propria, accompanied by the highest levels of Hsp70 only in epithelium and of Hsp90 only in lamina propria, by comparison with normal and tubular adenoma counterparts. Hsp10 and Hsp60 are promising biomarkers for early diagnosis of tubular adenoma and for its differentiation from more advanced malignant lesions. Hsp10 and Hsp60 may be implicated in carcinogenesis from its very early steps and, thus, are potentially convenient targets for therapy