8 research outputs found

    Integration of art and technology in personalized radiation oncology care: Experiences, evidence, and perspectives

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    Cancer diagnoses expose patients to traumatic stress, sudden changes in daily life, changes in the body and autonomy, with even long-term consequences, and in some cases, to come to terms with the end-of-life. Furthermore, rising survival rates underline that the need for interventions for emotional wellbeing is in growing demand by patients and survivors. Cancer patients frequently have compliance problems, difficulties during treatment, stress, or challenges in implementing healthy behaviors. This scenario was highlighted during the COVID-19 emergency. These issues often do not reach the clinical attention of dedicated professionals and could also become a source of stress or burnout for professionals. So, these consequences are evident on individual, interpersonal, and health system levels. Oncology services have increasingly sought to provide value-based health care, considering resources invested, with implications for service delivery and related financing mechanisms. Value-based health care can improve patient outcomes, often revealed by patient outcome measures while seeking balance with economical budgets. The paper aims to show the Gemelli Advanced Radiation Therapy (ART) experience of personalizing the patients' care pathway through interventions based on technologies and art, the personalized approach to cancer patients and their role as “co-stars” in treatment care. The paper describes the vision, experiences, and evidence that have guided clinical choices involving patients and professionals in a co-constructed therapeutic pathway. We will explore this approach by describing: the various initiatives already implemented and prospects, with particular attention to the economic sustainability of the paths proposed to patients; the several pathways of personalized care, both from the patient's and healthcare professional perspective, that put the person's experience at the Gemelli ART Center. The patient's satisfaction with the treatment and economic outcomes have been considered. The experiences and future perspectives described in the manuscript will focus on the value of people's experiences and patient satisfaction indicators, patients, staff, and the healthcare organization

    Second heart sound onset to identify T-wave offset

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    Phonocardiography (PCG) second heart sound represents aortic-pulmonary valves closure and beginning of isovolumetric relaxation of the ventricles. Electrocardiography (ECG) T wave represents electrical repolarization of the ventricles. Ventricular electrical repolarization is known to drive ventricular mechanical relaxation. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate whether, in normal conditions, second heart sound onset (S2on) matches in time T-wave offset (Toff) so that S2on may be used to identify Toff. To this aim, 99 couples of simultaneously recorded short (around 30 s PCG and ECG) signals relative to normal subjects (selected from PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2016: Training Set A) were analyzed. S2on was identified by application of our newly developed threshold-based algorithm to the median beat of the PCG envelope. Instead, Toff was identified by application of the Laguna and Thakor algorithm to the median ECG beat. Median time-distance (δt) between S2on and Toff was 5 ms (P=0.007). Thus, in normal conditions, S2on and Toff differ on average of 5 ms, whose meaning remain to be defined. Still, 5 ms is included in the Toff identification variability (of the order of tens ms) due to different Toff identification methods and electrocardiographic leads. Consequently, in normal condition, S2on may be used to estimate Tof

    Risk and maintenance factors for young women\u2019s DSM-5 eating disorders

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    Recent research with young women attending colleges, who are at the average age of eating disorder (ED) onset, established that the ED symptoms are not only prevalent but also relatively stable over the college period. Nonetheless, our knowledge regarding the course and modifiable factors associated with both the onset and maintenance of diagnosable (DSM-5) EDs in this population is limited. The objective of this report was to address these key research gaps. Data were examined from 2713 women who completed assessments of potential vulnerability factors and EDs in the autumn semester of the first (baseline) and fourth (follow-up) college years. A total of 13.1% of the sample met DSM-5 criteria for an ED diagnosis at baseline. At 4-year follow-up, 7.6% of the sample met DSM-5 criteria for an ED, with 67.5% of these cases representing women who had maintained an ED diagnosis from baseline, and 32.5% representing new onset EDs. Elevated appearance-ideal internalization, body dissatisfaction, self-objectification, dieting, and negative affectivity at baseline as well as changes in these factors between assessments all predicted onset and maintenance of DSM-5 EDs at 4-year follow-up. Self-objectification (thinking about and monitoring the body\u2019s appearance from an external observer\u2019s perspective) was the largest contributor to both ED onset and maintenance. In addition to enhancing our knowledge about the course of young women\u2019s (DSM-5) EDs during college, this work highlights potentially similar psychological foci for prevention and treatment efforts. Implications for improving existing preventive and treatment approaches are outlined

    Validity and clinical utility of the DSM-5 severity specifier for bulimia nervosa: results from a multisite sample of patients who received evidence-based treatment

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    A new \u201cseverity specifier\u201d for bulimia nervosa (BN), based on the frequency of inappropriate weight compensatory behaviours (IWCBs), was added to the DSM-5 as a means of documenting heterogeneity and variability in the severity of the disorder. Yet, evidence for its validity in clinical populations, including prognostic significance for treatment outcome, is currently lacking. Existing data from 281 treatment-seeking patients with DSM-5 BN, who received the best available treatment for their disorder (manual-based cognitive behavioural therapy; CBT) in an outpatient setting, were re-analysed to examine whether these patients subgrouped based on the DSM-5 severity levels would show meaningful and consistent differences on (a) a range of clinical variables assessed at pre-treatment and (b) post-treatment abstinence from IWCBs. Results highlight that the mild, moderate, severe, and extreme severity groups were statistically distinguishable on 22 variables assessed at pre-treatment regarding eating disorder pathological features, maintenance factors of BN, associated (current) and lifetime psychopathology, social maladjustment and illness-specific functional impairment, and abstinence outcome. Mood intolerance, a maintenance factor of BN but external to eating disorder pathological features (typically addressed within CBT), emerged as the primary clinical variable distinguishing the severity groups showing a differential treatment response. Overall, the findings speak to the concurrent and predictive validity of the new DSM-5 severity criterion for BN and are important because a common benchmark informing patients, clinicians, and researchers about severity of the disorder and allowing severity fluctuation and patient\u2019s progress to be tracked does not exist so far. Implications for future research are outlined

    Integration of art and technology in personalized radiation oncology care: Experiences, evidence, and perspectives

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    Cancer diagnoses expose patients to traumatic stress, sudden changes in daily life, changes in the body and autonomy, with even long-term consequences, and in some cases, to come to terms with the end-of-life. Furthermore, rising survival rates underline that the need for interventions for emotional wellbeing is in growing demand by patients and survivors. Cancer patients frequently have compliance problems, difficulties during treatment, stress, or challenges in implementing healthy behaviors. This scenario was highlighted during the COVID-19 emergency. These issues often do not reach the clinical attention of dedicated professionals and could also become a source of stress or burnout for professionals. So, these consequences are evident on individual, interpersonal, and health system levels. Oncology services have increasingly sought to provide value-based health care, considering resources invested, with implications for service delivery and related financing mechanisms. Value-based health care can improve patient outcomes, often revealed by patient outcome measures while seeking balance with economical budgets. The paper aims to show the Gemelli Advanced Radiation Therapy (ART) experience of personalizing the patients' care pathway through interventions based on technologies and art, the personalized approach to cancer patients and their role as "co-stars" in treatment care. The paper describes the vision, experiences, and evidence that have guided clinical choices involving patients and professionals in a co-constructed therapeutic pathway. We will explore this approach by describing: the various initiatives already implemented and prospects, with particular attention to the economic sustainability of the paths proposed to patients; the several pathways of personalized care, both from the patient's and healthcare professional perspective, that put the person's experience at the Gemelli ART Center. The patient's satisfaction with the treatment and economic outcomes have been considered. The experiences and future perspectives described in the manuscript will focus on the value of people's experiences and patient satisfaction indicators, patients, staff, and the healthcare organization

    Art and digital technologies to support resilience during the oncological journey: The Art4ART project

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    Introduction: New digital technologies can become a tool for welcoming the patient through the artistic dimension. Cancer patients, in particular, need support that accompanies and supports them throughout their treatment. Materials and methods: The Art4ART project consist in the structural proposal to cancer patients of a web-based digital platform containing several forms of art as video-entertainments; a multimedia immersive room; an art-based welcoming of the patients with several original paintings; an environment with a peacefulness vertical garden; a reconceptualization of the chemotherapy-infusion seats. Data regarding patients’ preference and choices will be stored and analysed also using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to measure and predict impact indicators regarding clinical outcomes (survival and toxicity), psychological indicators. Moreover, the same digital platform will contribute to a better organization of the activities. Discussion: Through the systematic acquisition of patient preferences and through integration with other clinical parameters, it will be possible to measure the clinical, psychological, organisational, and social impact of the newly implemented Art4ART project. The use of digital technology leads us to apply the reversal of viewpoint from therapeutic acts to patient-centred care