89 research outputs found

    Consistent and efficient output-streams management in optimistic simulation platforms

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    Optimistic synchronization is considered an effective means for supporting Parallel Discrete Event Simulations. It relies on a speculative approach, where concurrent processes execute simulation events regardless of their safety, and consistency is ensured via proper rollback mechanisms, upon the a-posteriori detection of causal inconsistencies along the events' execution path. Interactions with the outside world (e.g. generation of output streams) are a well-known problem for rollback-based systems, since the outside world may have no notion of rollback. In this context, approaches for allowing the simulation modeler to generate consistent output rely on either the usage of ad-hoc APIs (which must be provided by the underlying simulation kernel) or temporary suspension of processing activities in order to wait for the final outcome (commit/rollback) associated with a speculatively-produced output. In this paper we present design indications and a reference implementation for an output streams' management subsystem which allows the simulation-model writer to rely on standard output-generation libraries (e.g. stdio) within code blocks associated with event processing. Further, the subsystem ensures that the produced output is consistent, namely associated with events that are eventually committed, and system-wide ordered along the simulation time axis. The above features jointly provide the illusion of a classical (simple to deal with) sequential programming model, which spares the developer from being aware that the simulation program is run concurrently and speculatively. We also show, via an experimental study, how the design/development optimizations we present lead to limited overhead, giving rise to the situation where the simulation run would have been carried out with near-to-zero or reduced output management cost. At the same time, the delay for materializing the output stream (making it available for any type of audit activity) is shown to be fairly limited and constant, especially for good mixtures of I/O-bound vs CPU-bound behaviors at the application level. Further, the whole output streams' management subsystem has been designed in order to provide scalability for I/O management on clusters. © 2013 ACM

    Automotive Lightweight Design: Simulation Modeling of Mass-Related Consumption for Electric Vehicles

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    A thorough assessment of Life-Cycle effects involved by vehicle lightweighting needs a rigorous evaluation of mass-induced consumption, on which energy and sustainability benefits during use stage directly depend. The paper proposes an analytical calculation procedure to estimate the weight-related energy consumption of pure Electric Vehicles (EVs), since existing literature leaves considerable room for improvement regarding this research area. The correlation between consumption and mass is expressed through the Energy Reduction Value (ERV) coefficient, which quantifies the specific consumption saving achievable through 100 kg mass reduction. The ERV is estimated for a number of heterogeneous case studies derived from real 2019 European market EV models and according to three drive cycles, to consider different driving behaviors. For the case studies under consideration, ERV ranges from 0.47 to 1.17 kWh/(100 km Ă— 100 kg), with the variability mainly depending on vehicle size and driving cycle. Given the high uncertainty of mass-related consumption on car size, an analytical method is refined to estimate accurately the ERV for any real-world EV model, starting from vehicle technical features. Along with energy assessment, the research also evaluates the environmental implications of lightweight design by means of the Impact Reduction Value (IRV), which is estimated for three distinct electricity grid mixes. Finally, the ERV/IRV modeling approach is applied to a series of comparative lightweight case studies taken from the literature. Such an application demonstrates the effective utility of the work to reduce the uncertainty for all cases where no physical tests or computer-aided simulations are available

    Integrated process of images and acceleration measurements for damage detection

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    The use of mobile robots and UAV to catch unthinkable images together with on-site global automated acceleration measurements easy achievable by wireless sensors, able of remote data transfer, have strongly enhanced the capability of defect and damage evaluation in bridges. A sequential procedure is, here, proposed for damage monitoring and bridge condition assessment based on both: digital image processing for survey and defect evaluation and structural identification based on acceleration measurements. A steel bridge has been simultaneously inspected by UAV to acquire images using visible light, or infrared radiation, and monitored through a wireless sensor network (WSN) measuring structural vibrations. First, image processing has been used to construct a geometrical model and to quantify corrosion extension. Then, the consistent structural model has been updated based on the modal quantities identified using the acceleration measurements acquired by the deployed WSN. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    The Genomic Organisation of the TRA/TRD Locus Validates the Peculiar Characteristics of Dromedary δ-Chain Expression

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    The role of gamma/delta T cells in vertebrate immunity is still an unsolved puzzle. Species such as humans and mice display a low percentage of these T lymphocytes (i.e., “ gamma/delta low species”) with a restricted diversity of gamma/delta T cell receptors (TR). Conversely, artiodactyl species (i.e., “ gamma/delta high species”) account for a high proportion of gamma/delta T cells with large gamma and delta chain repertoires. The genomic organisation of the gamma TR (TRG) and delta (TRD) loci has been determined in sheep and cattle, noting that a wide number of germline genes that encode for gamma and delta chains characterise their genomes. Taking advantage of the current improved version of the genome assembly, we have investigated the genomic structure and gene content of the dromedary TRD locus, which, as in the other mammalian species, is nested within the TR alpha (TRA) genes. The most remarkable finding was the identification of a very limited number of variable germline genes (TRDV) compared to sheep and cattle, which supports our previous expression analyses for which the somatic hypermutation mechanism is able to enlarge and diversify the primary repertoire of dromedary delta chains. Furthermore, the comparison between genomic and expressed sequences reveals that D genes, up to four incorporated in a transcript, greatly contribute to the increased diversity of the dromedary delta chain antigen binding-site

    Facial scanning technologies in the era of digital workflow: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.

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    PURPOSE The aim of this network meta-analysis is to evaluate the accuracy of various face-scanning technologies in the market, with respect to the different dimensions of space (x, y, and z axes). Furthermore, attention will be paid to the type of technologies currently used and to the best practices for high-quality scan acquisition. MATERIAL AND METHODS The review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines and its updates. A thorough search was performed using the digital databases MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials by entering research lines or various combinations of free words. The main keywords used during the search process were "photogrammetry", "laser scanner", "optical scanner", "3D, and "face". RESULTS None of the included technologies significantly deviated from direct anthropometry. The obtained mean differences in the distances between the considered landmarks range from 1.10 to -1.74 mm. CONCLUSION Limiting the movements of the patient and scanner allows for more accurate facial scans with all the technologies involved. Active technologies such as laser scanners (LS), structured light (SL), and infrared structured light (ISL) have accuracy comparable to that of static stereophotogrammetry while being more cost-effective and less time-consuming

    Sheep (Ovis aries) T cell receptor alpha (TRA) and delta (TRD) genes and genomic organization of the TRA/TRD locus

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    In mammals, T cells develop along two discrete pathways characterized by expression of either the αβ or the γδ T cell receptors. Human and mouse display a low peripheral blood γδ T cell percentage ("γδ low species") while sheep, bovine and pig accounts for a high proportion of γδ T lymphocytes ("γδ high species"). While the T cell receptor alpha (TRA) and delta (TRD) genes and the genomic organization of the TRA/TRD locus has been determined in human and mouse, this information is still poorly known in artiodactyl species, such as sheep

    The expansion of the TRB and TRG genes in domestic goats (Capra hircus) is characteristic of the ruminant species

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    Goats (Capra hircus), one of the first domesticated species, are economically important for milk and meat production, and their broad geographical distribution reflects their successful adaptation to diverse environmental conditions. Despite the relevance of this species, the genetic research on the goat traits is limited compared to other domestic species. Thanks to the latest goat reference genomic sequence (ARS1), which is considered to be one of the most continuous assemblies in livestock, we deduced the genomic structure of the T cell receptor beta (TRB) and gamma (TRG) loci in this ruminant species

    A methodology for sound scene manipulation based on the ray space transform

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    In this paper we devise a methodology for analysing and subsequently manipulating a sound scene acquired by means of a uniform linear array of microphones. The array signal is transformed in the ray space, i.e. a domain where acoustic rays are points; here we extract the source position and orientation in space and its radiation pattern, while its signal is extracted by a near-field beamformer. These descriptors can be easily manipulated and provided to any parametric rendering system. Through simulations we have proven the capability of the proposed method to perform different manipulations
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