5 research outputs found


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    Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di evidenziare i potenziali pericoli che si nascondono dietro la stampa 3D, una tecnologia nata negli anni \u201880 e da allora rapidamente progredita. Un lato oscuro \ue8 rappresentato dalla possibilit\ue0 di stampare, in materiale termo-plastico, armi da fuoco anche funzionanti che non essendo tracciate hanno ottenuto il nomignolo di \u201cghost-guns\u201d: la loro circolazione rappresenta una cogente problematica, considerato che non essendo rilevabili dai metal detectors e potendo essere rapidamente distrutte dopo l\u2019uso, potrebbero grandemente minacciare la sicurezza sociale. Auspichiamo, come gi\ue0 accaduto in alcune Nazioni estere, che la comunit\ue0 scientifica e gli organi governa- tivi del nostro Paese si interessino a tale fenomeno prevedendo politiche di contrasto negli anni avvenire


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    Negli anni recenti si \ue8 assistito ad un considerevole incremento delle richieste di risarcimento per med-mal. Questo incremento ha causato un aumento dei premi assicu- rativi, fino a divenire insostenibili da parte del SSN. In seguito a questa situazione le Regioni hanno adottato metodi assicurativi alternativi in ambito sanitario, come ad esempio il sistema di autoritenzione. Il presente studio si \ue8 posto come obiettivo l\u2019analisi delle richieste di risarcimento per med-mal pervenute all\u2019Azienda Ospedaliera Santa Maria di Terni dal 27 ottobre 2013 (data di entrata in vigore del sistema autoritentivo in Umbria) al 31 dicembre 2018, al fine di studiare l\u2019andamento del contenzioso, i reparti pi\uf9 sinistrosi, il tipo di errore pi\uf9 frequente, i tempi e i costi del sistema autoritentivo. Ne sono emersi numerosi ed interessanti risultati

    Media-Based Research on Selfie-Related Deaths in Italy

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    The incidence of taking selfies and sharing them on social media as well as selfie-related dangerous behaviors is increasing, particularly among young people, also leading to selfie-related trauma and death. This study was performed to obtain epidemiological characteristics of selfie-related mortality in Italy

    Phosphatidylethanol in Maternal or Neonatal Blood to Detect Alcohol Exposure during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy, even at low doses, may damage the fetus. Pregnant women tend to underreport their alcohol consumption generating the need for sensitive and specific biomarkers, among which PEth has emerged due to its high specificity and possibility to be measured in both maternal and neonatal blood. The aim of this study is to systematically review the latest 20 years of literature for depicting the state of the art, the limitations, and the prospects of PEth for estimating alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Materials and methods: A systematic search, adhering to PRISMA guidelines, of the latest 20 years of literature through “MeSH” and “free-text” protocols in the databases PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science, with time limits 1 January 2002–1 March 2022, was performed. The inclusion criteria were as follows: PEth used for detecting alcohol consumption during pregnancy, quantified in blood through liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, and full texts in the English language. Opinion papers, editorials, and narrative reviews were excluded. Results: Sixteen (16) papers were included in the present review (0.81% of total retrieved records). All the included records were original articles, of which there were seven prospective cohort/longitudinal studies, six cross-sectional studies, two observational-descriptive studies, and one retrospective study. All studies assayed PEth in at least one biological matrix; seven (7) studies quantified PEth in maternal blood, seven studies in newborn blood, and only two studies in both maternal and neonatal blood. In several included papers, PEth proved more sensitive than self-reports for identifying pregnant women with an active alcohol intake with the diagnostic efficiency improving with the increase of the maternal alcohol intake. Conclusions: Further studies, performed on wider and well-stratified populations, are needed to drive any definitive conclusion. PEth is a promising marker for monitoring alcohol use in pregnancy; however, at the present time, its use is still limited mainly by the absence of a globally agreed interpretative cut-off, the paucity of data regarding its specificity/sensitivity, and the lack of standardization on the diagnostic efficiency of the different isoforms