4 research outputs found

    Spanish Translation: Plain language summary of the updated results from the CROWN study comparing lorlatinib with crizotinib in people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    What is this summary about?: This summary shows the updated results of an ongoing research study called CROWN that was published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine in December 2022. In the CROWN study, researchers looked at the effects of two study medicines called lorlatinib and crizotinib. The study included people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that had not been treated previously. All people in the study had cancer cells with changes (known as alterations) in a gene called anaplastic lymphoma kinase, or ALK. This ALK gene is involved in cancer growth. In this updated study, researchers looked at the continued benefit in people who took lorlatinib compared with people who took crizotinib after 3 years.What did this study find?: After 3 years of being observed, people who took lorlatinib were more likely to be alive without their cancer getting worse than people who took crizotinib. At 3 years, 64% of people who took lorlatinib were alive without their cancer getting worse compared with 19% of people who took crizotinib. The cancer was less likely to have spread within or to the brain in people who took lorlatinib than in people who took crizotinib. After 3 years of being observed, 61% of people were still taking lorlatinib and 8% of people were still taking crizotinib. People who took lorlatinib had more severe side effects than people who took crizotinib. However, these side effects were manageable. The most common side effects with lorlatinib were high levels of cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides (a type of fat) in the blood. Life-threatening side effects were seen in 13% of people who took lorlatinib and 8% in crizotinib. Two people who took lorlatinib died because of side effects from lorlatinib.What do the results of the study mean?: The updated results from the CROWN study showed that a larger percentage of people who took lorlatinib continued to benefit from their treatment after being observed for 3 years compared with those who took crizotinib.</p

    German translation: Plain language summary of the updated results from the CROWN study comparing lorlatinib with crizotinib in people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Worum geht es in dieser Zusammenfassung?Diese Zusammenfassung zeigt die aktualisierten Ergebnisse einer laufenden Forschungsstudie namens CROWN, die im Dezember 2022 in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine veröffentlicht wurde. In der CROWN-Studie haben die Forscher die Wirkungen von zwei Studienmedikamenten, Lorlatinib und Crizotinib, untersucht. In die Studie wurden Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs (NSCLC, von Engl.: non-small-cell lung cancer) eingeschlossen, die keine Vortherapie erhalten haben. Alle Studienteilnehmer hatten Krebszellen mit Veränderungen („Alterationen“) in einem Gen, das den Bauplan für ein Enzym namens anaplastische Lymphomkinase oder ALK enthält. Dieses ALK-Gen ist am Krebswachstum beteiligt. In dieser aktualisierten Studie verglichen die Forscher den anhaltenden Nutzen bei Patienten, die Lorlatinib beziehungsweise Crizotinib einnahmen, nach 3 Jahren.Was wurde in dieser Studie herausgefunden?Nach einer Beobachtungszeit von 3 Jahren zeigte sich, dass die Überlebensrate ohne Fortschreiten des Krebses bei den Teilnehmern, die Lorlatinib einnahmen, deutlich höher war als bei jenen, die Crizotinib einnahmen. Nach 3 Jahren waren 64% der Lorlatinib-Patienten noch am Leben, ohne dass sich ihr Krebs verschlimmert hatte, im Vergleich zu lediglich 19% der Crizotinib-Patienten. Bei Studienteilnehmern, die Lorlatinib einnahmen, war die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sich der Krebs im oder ins Gehirn ausbreitete, geringer als bei denjenigen, die Crizotinib einnahmen. Nach einer Beobachtungszeit von 3 Jahren nahmen 61 % der Studienteilnehmer Lorlatinib immer noch ein, während nur 8 % der Studienteilnehmer Crizotinib immer noch einnahmen. Studienteilnehmer, die Lorlatinib einnahmen, hatten mehr schwere Nebenwirkungen als Studienteilnehmer, die Crizotinib einnahmen. Diese Nebenwirkungen waren jedoch behandelbar. Die häufigsten Nebenwirkungen mit Lorlatinib waren erhöhte Cholesterinwerte oder erhöhte Triglyceridwerte (eine Art von Fett) im Blut. Lebensbedrohliche Nebenwirkungen wurden bei 13 % der Studienteilnehmer, die Lorlatinib einnahmen, und 8 % der Studienteilnehmer, die Crizotinib einnahmen, beobachtet. Zwei Studienteilnehmer, die Lorlatinib einnahmen, starben an den Nebenwirkungen des Medikaments.Was bedeuten die Studienergebnisse?Aktualisierte Ergebnisse der CROWN-Studie wurden nach 3 Jahren Beobachtungszeit vorgestellt. Dabei profitierten die Teilnehmer, die Lorlatinib einnahmen, langfristiger von der Therapie als die Teilnehmer, die Crizotinib einnahmen.</p

    Chinese-HK translation - Plain language summary of the updated results from the CROWN study comparing lorlatinib with crizotinib in people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    What is this summary about?This summary shows the updated results of an ongoing research study called CROWN that was published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine in December 2022. In the CROWN study, researchers looked at the effects of two study medicines called lorlatinib and crizotinib. The study included people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that had not been treated previously. All people in the study had cancer cells with changes (known as alterations) in a gene called anaplastic lymphoma kinase, or ALK. This ALK gene is involved in cancer growth. In this updated study, researchers looked at the continued benefit in people who took lorlatinib compared with people who took crizotinib after 3 years.What did this study find?After 3 years of being observed, people who took lorlatinib were more likely to be alive without their cancer getting worse than people who took crizotinib. At 3 years, 64% of people who took lorlatinib were alive without their cancer getting worse compared with 19% of people who took crizotinib. The cancer was less likely to have spread within or to the brain in people who took lorlatinib than in people who took crizotinib. After 3 years of being observed, 61% of people were still taking lorlatinib and 8% of people were still taking crizotinib. People who took lorlatinib had more severe side effects than people who took crizotinib. However, these side effects were manageable. The most common side effects with lorlatinib were high levels of cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides (a type of fat) in the blood. Life-threatening side effects were seen in 13% of people who took lorlatinib and 8% in crizotinib. Two people who took lorlatinib died because of side effects from lorlatinib.What do the results of the study mean?The updated results from the CROWN study showed that a larger percentage of people who took lorlatinib continued to benefit from their treatment after being observed for 3 years compared with those who took crizotinib.</p

    Chinese translation: Plain language summary of the updated results from the CROWN study comparing lorlatinib with crizotinib in people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    摘要有关什么研究?本摘要介绍了 2022 年 12 月 发表于《柳叶刀呼吸病学》期刊一项进行中研究 的 CROWN 研究的最新结果。在该 CROWN 研究中,洛拉替尼对比克唑替尼 的疗效。 入组患者为既往未接受过治疗的晚期非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC) 患者。 所有患者均存在间变性淋巴瘤激 酶基因 (ALK) 突变。 该ALK 基因与肿瘤生长相关。 研究最新结果显示, 发现经过3年随访,与克唑替尼相比,洛拉替尼可持续为患者提供生存获益。该研究发现了什么?经过 3 年的观察,与克唑替尼的患者相比,服用洛拉替尼组患者的未发生肿 瘤恶化的存活率更高。在第 3 年,服用洛拉替尼的患者中有 64% 依然存活且没有发生癌症恶化,而克唑替尼组仅 19% 的患者。相比克唑替尼组,服用洛拉替尼的患者的癌症在大脑内或向大脑扩散的比率更低。经过 3 年的随 访,61% 的患者仍在服用洛拉替尼,而克唑替尼组仅8%。服用洛拉替尼的患者比服用克 唑替尼的患者出现较多严重不良反应。而这些不良反应都是可管理的。洛拉替尼最常见的不良反应为高胆固醇或血液中高甘 油三酯(一类脂肪)。服用洛拉替尼和克唑替尼的患者发生危及生命的不良反应 的比例分别是 13% 和 8%。两例患者因洛拉替尼的不良发硬而 死亡。研究取得什么结果?CROWN最新 研究结果表明,经过 3 年的随访,与克唑替尼相比,服用洛拉替尼的患者可持续从洛拉替尼治疗中获 益。</p