8 research outputs found

    Age-specific rates of asthma in Italy by period of asthma onset and birth cohort:

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    <p><b>A)</b> Age-specific rates by year of onset: age at onset on x axis, with rates corresponding to same period connected by lines; <b>B)</b> Age-specific rates by birth cohort: age at onset on x axis, with rates corresponding to same cohorts connected by lines; <b>C)</b> Period-specific rates by age: year of onset on x axis, with rates corresponding to same age groups connected by lines; <b>D)</b> Cohort-specific rates by age: year of birth on x axis, with rates corresponding to same age groups connected by lines.</p

    A-C. Estimated effects from the APC model for asthma incidence rates.

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    <p>Fig 2A represents the age-specific incidence rates, referred to the reference period 1975; Fig 2B represents the merged period and drift effects (rate ratios): the linear increasing trend is given by the drift, while deviations from linearity (curvature) are determined by the period effect; Fig 2C represents the birth cohort effect. The arrow in B indicates the calendar period when the incidence of asthma has begun to level off. The respective regions surrounding the lines provide the 95% confidence intervals.</p

    A-C. Estimated effects from the APC models for incidence rates of atopic asthma (green tonalities) and non-atopic asthma (grey tonalities).

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    <p>Fig 5A represents the age-specific incidence rates, referred to the reference period 1975; Fig 5B represents the merged period and drift effects (rate ratios), with linear increasing trend determined by the drift, and deviations from linearity (curvature) determined by the period effect; Fig 5C represents the birth cohort effect. The arrow in B indicates the calendar period when the incidence of asthma has begun to level off. The respective regions surrounding the lines provide the 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Overlapping 95%CI are highlighted with lighter areas.</p

    Comparison of age-period color sub-models for asthma rates in males and females and for atopic and non-atopic asthma in Italy.

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    <p>Age, period and birth cohorts are modelled in 5-years periods. A: age effect; P: period effect; C: cohort effect</p><p>† drift (linear) estimate</p><p>‡ curvature estimate</p><p>Comparison of age-period color sub-models for asthma rates in males and females and for atopic and non-atopic asthma in Italy.</p

    A-C. Estimated effects from the APC models for asthma incidence rates in males (blue tonalities) and females (red tonalities).

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    <p>Fig 3A represents the age-specific incidence rates, referred to the reference period 1975; Fig 3B represents the merged period and drift effects (rate ratios), with linear increasing trend determined by the drift, and deviations from linearity (curvature) determined by the period effect; Fig 3C represents the birth cohort effect. The respective regions surrounding the lines provide the 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Overlapping 95%CI are highlighted with lighter areas.</p