12 research outputs found

    Cytogenetics of Premature Ovarian Failure: An Investigation on 269 Affected Women

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    The importance of X chromosome in the aetiology of premature ovarian failure (POF) is well-known but in many cases POF still remains idiopathic. Chromosome aneuploidy increase is a physiological phenomenon related to aging, but the role of low-level sex chromosome mosaicism in ovarian function is still undiscovered. Standard cytogenetic analysis was carried out in a total of 269 patients affected by POF: 27 chromosomal abnormalities were identified, including X chromosome and autosomal structural and numerical abnormalities. In 47 patients with 46,XX karyotype we performed interphase FISH using X alpha-satellite probe in order to identify X chromosome mosaicism rate. Aneuploidy rate in the patient group was significantly higher than the general population group. These findings underline the importance of X chromosome in the aetiology of POF and highlight the potential role of low-level sex chromosome mosaicism in ovarian aging that may lead to a premature onset of menopause

    Cytogenetics of Premature Ovarian Failure: An Investigation on 269 Affected Women

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    The importance of X chromosome in the aetiology of premature ovarian failure (POF) is well-known but in many cases POF still remains idiopathic. Chromosome aneuploidy increase is a physiological phenomenon related to aging, but the role of low-level sex chromosome mosaicism in ovarian function is still undiscovered. Standard cytogenetic analysis was carried out in a total of 269 patients affected by POF: 27 chromosomal abnormalities were identified, including X chromosome and autosomal structural and numerical abnormalities. In 47 patients with 46,XX karyotype we performed interphase FISH using X alpha-satellite probe in order to identify X chromosome mosaicism rate. Aneuploidy rate in the patient group was significantly higher than the general population group. These findings underline the importance of X chromosome in the aetiology of POF and highlight the potential role of low-level sex chromosome mosaicism in ovarian aging that may lead to a premature onset of menopause

    Laparoendoscopic Single Site Hysterectomy: Literature Review and Procedure Description

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    Laparoendoscopic single site surgery (LESS) refers to a spectrum of surgical techniques that allow the performance of laparoscopic surgery through consolidation of all ports into one surgical incision. LESS has emerged as a potentially less invasive alternative to multiport laparoscopy and in the last year in gynecology; hence, this approach has been largely applied for selective indications to perform total hysterectomy. We performed a literature review on single site hysterectomy and described indications and technique, highlighting practical problems, pointers, limitations and recent technical development as robotic assistance

    Anastomotic Leakage after Colorectal Surgery in Ovarian Cancer: Drainage, Stoma Utility and Risk Factors

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    Objective: to evaluate the incidence of anastomotic leakage (AL), risk factors and utility of drainage and stoma in patients undergoing intestinal surgery for ovarian cancer in a single institution and in a review of the literature. Methods: retrospective study that includes consecutive patients undergoing debulking surgery with en bloc pelvic resection with rectosigmoid colectomy for ovarian cancer between 1 November 2011 and 31 December 2021. Data regarding patient and tumour characteristics, surgical procedure, hospitalisation, complications and follow-up were recorded and analysed. The PubMed database was explored for recent publications on this topic. Results: Seventy-five patients were enrolled in the study. All anastomoses were performed at a distance of >6 cm from the anal margin, with negative leak tests and tension-free anastomosis. Diverting stoma were performed in just three patients (4%). At least one perianastomotic pelvic drain was positioned in 71 patients (94.7%) and was removed on average on postoperative day 7. Four patients (5.3%) experienced AL. In all cases, the drain content was not the only sign of complication, as the clinical signs were also highly suggestive. Just one patient received conservative treatment. Average postoperative hospitalisation was 14.6 days (SD: ±9.7). There were no deaths at 30 and 60 days after surgery. Between the AL and non-AL groups, statistically significant differences were observed for age, Charlson Comorbidity Index, length of the intestinal resection and fitness for chemotherapy at 30 days. In ovarian cancer, rectosigmoid resection is a standardised procedure with comparable results for AL, and risk factors for AL are discretely homogeneous. What is neither homogeneous nor standardised according to the literature is the use of stomas and/or drains. Conclusion: use in the future of protective stoma and/or intra-abdominal drains is to be explored in selected and standardised situations to verify their preventive role

    Refining the Phenotype of Recurrent Rearrangements of Chromosome 16

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    Chromosome 16 is one of the most gene-rich chromosomes of our genome, and 10% of its sequence consists of segmental duplications, which give instability and predisposition to rearrangement by the recurrent mechanism of non-allelic homologous recombination. Microarray technologies have allowed for the analysis of copy number variations (CNVs) that can contribute to the risk of developing complex diseases. By array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) screening of 1476 patients, we detected 27 cases with CNVs on chromosome 16. We identified four smallest regions of overlapping (SROs): one at 16p13.11 was found in seven patients; one at 16p12.2 was found in four patients; two close SROs at 16p11.2 were found in twelve patients; finally, six patients were found with atypical rearrangements. Although phenotypic variability was observed, we identified a male bias for Childhood Apraxia of Speech associated to 16p11.2 microdeletions. We also reported an elevated frequency of second-site genomic alterations, supporting the model of the second hit to explain the clinical variability associated with CNV syndromes. Our goal was to contribute to the building of a chromosome 16 disease-map based on disease susceptibility regions. The role of the CNVs of chromosome 16 was increasingly made clear in the determination of developmental delay. We also found that in some cases a second-site CNV could explain the phenotypic heterogeneity by a simple additive effect or a pejorative synergistic effect

    Characterization of Chromosomal Breakpoints in 12 Cases with 8p Rearrangements Defines a Continuum of Fragility of the Region

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    Improvements in microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization technology have allowed for high-resolution detection of genome wide copy number alterations, leading to a better definition of rearrangements and supporting the study of pathogenesis mechanisms. In this study, we focused our attention on chromosome 8p. We report 12 cases of 8p rearrangements, analyzed by molecular karyotype, evidencing a continuum of fragility that involves the entire short arm. The breakpoints seem more concentrated in three intervals: one at the telomeric end, the others at 8p23.1, close to the beta-defensin gene cluster and olfactory receptor low-copy repeats. Hypothetical mechanisms for all cases are described. Our data extend the cohort of published patients with 8p aberrations and highlight the need to pay special attention to these sequences due to the risk of formation of new chromosomal aberrations with pathological effects

    Genomic Complexity and Complex Chromosomal Rearrangements in Genetic Diagnosis: Two Illustrative Cases on Chromosome 7

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    Complex chromosomal rearrangements are rare events compatible with survival, consisting of an imbalance and/or position effect of one or more genes, that contribute to a range of clinical presentations. The investigation and diagnosis of these cases are often difficult. The interpretation of the pattern of pairing and segregation of these chromosomes during meiosis is important for the assessment of the risk and the type of imbalance in the offspring. Here, we investigated two unrelated pediatric carriers of complex rearrangements of chromosome 7. The first case was a 2-year-old girl with a severe phenotype. Conventional cytogenetics evidenced a duplication of part of the short arm of chromosome 7. By array-CGH analysis, we found a complex rearrangement with three discontinuous trisomy regions (7p22.1p21.3, 7p21.3, and 7p21.3p15.3). The second case was a newborn investigated for hypodevelopment and dimorphisms. The karyotype analysis promptly revealed a structurally altered chromosome 7. The array-CGH analysis identified an even more complex rearrangement consisting of a trisomic region at 7q11.23q22 and a tetrasomic region of 4.5 Mb spanning 7q21.3 to q22.1. The mother’s karyotype examination revealed a complex rearrangement of chromosome 7: the 7q11.23q22 region was inserted in the short arm at 7p15.3. Finally, array-CGH analysis showed a trisomic region that corresponds to the tetrasomic region of the son. Our work proved that the integration of several technical solutions is often required to appropriately analyze complex chromosomal rearrangements in order to understand their implications and offer appropriate genetic counseling