116 research outputs found

    Decoding intentions from movement kinematics

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    How do we understand the intentions of other people? There has been a longstanding controversy over whether it is possible to understand others’ intentions by simply observing their movements. Here, we show that indeed movement kinematics can form the basis for intention detection. By combining kinematics and psychophysical methods with classification and regression tree (CART) modeling, we found that observers utilized a subset of discriminant kinematic features over the total kinematic pattern in order to detect intention from observation of simple motor acts. Intention discriminability covaried with movement kinematics on a trial-by-trial basis, and was directly related to the expression of discriminative features in the observed movements. These findings demonstrate a definable and measurable relationship between the specific features of observed movements and the ability to discriminate intention, providing quantitative evidence of the significance of movement kinematics for anticipating others’ intentional actions

    Gaze following in multiagent contexts: Evidence for a quorum-like principle

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    Research shows that humans spontaneously follow another individual’s gaze. However, little remains known on how they respond when multiple gaze cues diverge across members of a social group. To address this question, we presented participants with displays depicting three (Experiment 1) or five (Experiment 2) agents showing diverging social cues. In a three-person group, one individual looking at the target (33% of the group) was sufficient to elicit gaze-facilitated target responses. With a five-person group, however, three individuals looking at the target (60% of the group) were necessary to produce the same effect. Gaze following in small groups therefore appears to be based on a quorum-like principle, whereby the critical level of social information needed for gaze following is determined by a proportion of consistent social cues scaled as a function of group size. As group size grows, greater agreement is needed to evoke joint attention

    Standing out from the crowd: Both cue numerosity and social information affect attention in multi-agent contexts

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    Groups of people offer abundant opportunities for social interactions. We used a two-phase task to investigate how social cue numerosity and social information about an individual affected attentional allocation in such multi-agent settings. The learning phase was a standard gaze-cuing procedure in which a stimulus face could be either uninformative or informative about the upcoming target. The test phase was a group-cuing procedure in which the stimulus faces from the learning phase were presented in groups of three. The target could either be cued by the group minority (i.e., one face) or majority (i.e., two faces) or by uninformative or informative stimulus faces. Results showed an effect of cue numerosity, whereby responses were faster to targets cued by the group majority than the group minority. However, responses to targets cued by informative identities included in the group minority were as fast as responses to targets cued by the group majority. Thus, previously learned social information about an individual was able to offset the general enhancement of cue numerosity, revealing a complex interplay between cue numerosity and social information in guiding attention in multi-agent settings

    Detection of a novel clone of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from a dog with otitis externa

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    In this study, the isolation ofAcinetobacter baumanniiin a dog with clinical bilateral otitis externa is described.Moreover, to investigate the zoonotic potential of the isolate, microbiological examinations on the familymembers were performed. AnA. baumanniistrain was isolated from nasal swab in one of the dog owners. Theidentity of bacterial strains, either from dog and owner, was confirmed by phenotypic and molecular typing(wgMLST). Furthermore, to assess the pathogenic potential of the isolates a deep characterization of virulenceand antibiotic resistance genes was done by Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). Finally, the susceptibility to-wards a wide panel of antimicrobials was investigated. In our knowledge, this is thefirst recorded case ofA.baumanniiisolation from canine auricular swabs in Italy. And interestingly, this study underlines the possiblespread of this microorganism from human to anima

    Genome Sequence of a SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01 Strain Identified from a Patient Returning from London, England, to the Apulia Region of Italy

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    The coding-complete sequence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was obtained from a sample from a 25-year-old female returning to the Apulia region of Italy from England. The characterized strain showed all of the spike protein mutations defining SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01, as well as other mutations in the spike protein and in other genomic regions
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