42 research outputs found

    The NOTCH Pathway and Its Mutations in Mature B Cell Malignancies

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    The systematic application of next-generation sequencing to large cohorts of oncologic samples has opened a Pandora's box full of known and novel genetic lesions implicated in different steps of cancer development and progression. Narrowing down to B cell malignancies, many previously unrecognized genes emerged as recurrently mutated. The challenge now is to determine how the mutation in a given gene affects the biology of the disease, paving the way to functional genomics studies. Mutations in NOTCH family members are shared by several disorders of the B series, even if with variable frequencies and mutational patterns. In silico predictions, revealed that mutations occurring in NOTCH receptors, despite being qualitatively different, may have similar effects on protein processing, ultimately leading to enhanced pathway activation. The discovery of mutations occurring also in downstream players, either potentiating positive signals or compromising negative regulators, indicates that multiple mechanisms in neoplastic B cells concur to activate NOTCH pathway. These findings are supported by results obtained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and splenic marginal zone B cell lymphoma where deregulation of NOTCH signaling has been functionally characterized. The emerging picture confirms that NOTCH signaling is finely tuned in cell- and microenvironment-dependent ways. In B cell malignancies, it contributes to the regulation of proliferation, survival and migration. However, deeper biological studies are needed to pinpoint the contribution of NOTCH in the hierarchy of events driving B cells transformation, keeping in mind its role in normal B cells development. Because of its relevance in leukemia and lymphoma biology, the NOTCH pathway might represent an appealing therapeutic target: the next few years will tell whether this potential will be fulfilled

    Early prediction of treatment outcome in acute myeloid leukemia by measurement of WT1 transcript levels in peripheral blood samples collected after chemotherapy

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    The Wilms' tumor gene WT1 is a reliable marker for minimal residual disease assessment in acute leukemia patients. The study was designed to demonstrate the potential use of WT1 to establish quality of remission in acute leukemia patients for early identification of patients at high risk of relapse. A prospective study based on a quantitative Real-Time PCR (TaqMan) assay in 562 peripheral blood samples collected from 82 acute leukemia patients at diagnosis and during follow-up was established. The evaluation of WT1 in peripheral blood samples after induction chemotherapy can distinguish the continuous complete remission patients from those who obtain only an "apparent" complete remission and who could relapse within a few months. WT1 helps identify patients at high risk of relapse soon after induction chemotherapy allowing post-induction therapy in high risk patients to be intensified

    Adenosine signaling mediates hypoxic responses in the chronic lymphocytic leukemia microenvironment

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    The chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) niche is a closed environment where leukemic cells derive growth and survival signals through their interaction with macrophages and T lymphocytes. Here, we show that the CLL lymph node niche is characterized by overexpression and activation of HIF-1a, which increases adenosine generation and signaling, affecting tumor and host cellular responses. Hypoxia in CLL lymphocytes modifies central metabolic pathways, protects against drug-driven apoptosis, and induces interleukin 10 (IL-10) production. In myeloid cells, it forces monocyte differentiation to macrophages expressing IRF4, IDO, CD163, and CD206, hallmarks of the M2 phenotype, which promotes tumor progression. It also induces IL-6 production and enhances nurturing properties. Low oxygen levels decrease T-cell proliferation, promote glycolysis, and cause the appearance of a population of PD-11 and IL-10–secreting T cells. Blockade of the A2A adenosine receptor counteracts these effects on all cell populations, making leukemic cells more susceptible to pharmacological agents while restoring immune competence and T-cell proliferation. Together, these results indicate that adenosine signaling through the A2A receptor mediates part of the effects of hypoxia. They also suggest that therapeutic strategies to inhibit the adenosinergic axis may be useful adjuncts to chemotherapy or tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of CLL patients

    Validation of a Simple, Rapid, and Cost-Effective Method for Acute Rejection Monitoring in Lung Transplant Recipients

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    Despite advances in immunosuppression therapy, acute rejection remains the leading cause of graft dysfunction in lung transplant recipients. Donor-derived cell-free DNA is increasingly being considered as a valuable biomarker of acute rejection in several solid organ transplants. We present a technically improved molecular method based on digital PCR that targets the mismatch between the recipient and donor at the HLA-DRB1 locus. Blood samples collected sequentially post-transplantation from a cohort of lung recipients were used to obtain proof-of-principle for the validity of the assay, correlating results with transbronchial biopsies and lung capacity tests. The results revealed an increase in dd-cfDNA during the first 2 weeks after transplantation related to ischemia-reperfusion injury (6.36 ± 5.36%, p < 0.0001). In the absence of complications, donor DNA levels stabilized, while increasing again during acute rejection episodes (7.81 ± 12.7%, p < 0.0001). Respiratory tract infections were also involved in the release of dd-cfDNA (9.14 ± 15.59%, p = 0.0004), with a positive correlation with C-reactive protein levels. Overall, the dd-cfDNA percentages were inversely correlated with the lung function values measured by spirometry. These results confirm the value of dd-cfDNA determination during post-transplant follow-up to monitor acute rejection in lung recipients, achieved using a rapid and inexpensive approach based on the HLA mismatch between donor and recipient

    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    This Special Issue of Cancers, made up of nine articles (four original papers, four reviews, and a brief report), is dedicated to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) [...