5 research outputs found

    First-episode psychosis and migration in Italy (PEP-Ita migration): a study in the Italian mental health services

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    BACKGROUND: It has been frequently reported a higher incidence of psychotic disorders in immigrants than in native populations. There is, however, a lack of knowledge about risk factors which may explain this phenomenon. A better understanding of the causes of psychosis among first-generation migrants is highly needed, particularly in Italy, a country with a recent massive migration. METHODS/DESIGN: The "Italian study on first-episode psychosis and migration (PEP-Ita)" is a prospective observational study over a two-year period (1 January 2012-31 December 2013) which will be carried out in 11 Italian mental health centres. All participating centres will collect data about all new cases of migrants with first-episode psychosis. The general purpose ("core") of the PEP-Ita study is to explore the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, and the pathways to care of a population of first-episode psychosis migrants in Italy. Secondary aims of the study will be: 1) to understand risk and protective factors for the development of psychotic disorders in migrants; 2) to evaluate the correlations between psychopathology of psychotic disorders in migrants and socio-demographic characteristics, migration history, life experiences; 3) to evaluate the clinical and social outcomes of first-episode psychoses in migrants. DISCUSSION: The results of the PEP-Ita study will allow a better understanding of risk factors for psychosis in first-generation migrants in Italy. Moreover, our results will contribute to the development of prevention programmes for psychosis and to the improvement of early intervention treatments for the migrant population in Italy

    Diventare madre nella migrazione: una ricerca qualitativa sulla maternità nel contesto migratorio

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    Nella società ospitante i migranti devono spesso fronteggiare situazioni di rischio psicopatologico che per le donne risulta ampliificato. Esse sono infatti esposte a una "doppia discriminazione": quella dell'essere migranti e dell'essere donne. La scelta di avere un figlio in un paese straniero assume la valenza di una "prova", in quanto la maternità costringe la donna a rinegoziare la propria identità femminile e materna mediando tra il modello tradizionale interiorizzato che ella porta in sé, e i modelli "altri" con viene in contatto

    Etre mère dans la migrations: quelques réflexions à partir d'une recherche qualitative

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    L'objectif général de ce travail est d'étudier les aspects psychologiques, sociaux et de risque psychopathologique liés au projet de procréation, à la maternité et aux soins prodigués aux enfants chez les femmes immigrées qui vivent dans la province de Pavie. On a soumis 55 femmes immigrées, entre la 28ème et la 32ème semaine de grossesse, à une entrevue semi-structurée comprenant six modules dont l'un s'inspire del 'IRMAG pour la section concernant la maternité qui étudie différentes dimensions des représentations de la femme relativement à son identité féminine et maternelle. Etant entendu que l'istorire de chaque femme migrante échappe à toute généralisation, nous pouvons toutefois affirmer qu'on retrouve un vécu de solitude et une charge de responsabilités amplifiée par l'expérience migratoire. Cette condition favorise l'apparition de vécus dépressifs qui ont une incidence sur la relation avec l'enfant, tant dans le présent que dans le futur