1 research outputs found

    In-vitro method and model to estimate methane emissions from liquid manure management on pig and dairy farms in four countries

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    Methane (CH4) emissions from manure management on livestock farms are a key source of greenhouse gas emissions in some regions and for some production systems, and the opportunities for mitigation may be significant if emissions can be adequately documented. We investigated a method for estimating CH4 emissions from liquid manure (slurry) that is based on anaerobic incubation of slurry collected from commercial farms. Methane production rates were used to derive a parameter of the Arrhenius temperature response function, lnA', representing the CH4 production potential of the slurry at the time of sampling. Results were used for parameterization of an empirical model to estimate annual emissions with daily time steps, where CH4 emissions from individual sources (barns, outside storage tanks) can be calculated separately. A monitoring program was conducted in four countries, i.e., Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands, during a 12-month period where slurry was sampled to represent barn and outside storage on finishing pig and dairy farms. Across the four countries, lnA' was higher in pig slurry compared to cattle slurry (p &lt; 0.01), and higher in slurry from barns compared to outside storage (p &lt; 0.01). In a separate evaluation of the incubation method, in-vitro CH4 production rates were comparable with in-situ emissions. The results indicate that lnA' in barns increases with slurry age, probably due to growth or adaptation of the methanogenic microbial community. Using lnA' values determined experimentally, empirical models with daily time steps were constructed for finishing pig and dairy farms and used for scenario analyses. Annual emissions from pig slurry were predicted to be 2.5 times higher than those from cattle slurry. Changing the frequency of slurry export from the barn on the model pig farm from 40 to 7 d intervals reduced total annual CH4 emissions by 46 %; this effect would be much less on cattle farms with natural ventilation. In a scenario with cattle slurry, the empirical model was compared with the current IPCC methodology. The seasonal dynamics were less pronounced, and annual CH4 emissions were lower than with the current methodology, which calls for further investigations. Country-specific models for individual animal categories and point sources could be a tool for assessing CH4 emissions and mitigation potentials at farm level. The project was funded under the 2018 Joint Call of the ERA-NETs FACCE ERA- GAS , SusAn and ICT-AGRI on “Novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in animal production systems”. The Danish contributions to this project were supported by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries through the Green Development and Demonstration Program (contract No. 34009-19-1491). In the Netherlands, the project was supported by the Dutch Research Council ( NWO ) and co-funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality . The Swedish governmental research council Formas supported the Swedish part of the study. In Germany, the project was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture ( BMEL ) through the Office for Agriculture and Food ( BLE ), Grant No. 2819ERA07A (“M4Models”).</p