459 research outputs found

    How the European External Action Service Deals with Religion through Religious Freedom. EU Diplomacy Paper 7/2017

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand why and how the European External Action Service (EEAS) has developed a specific approach towards religion, an approach characterised by the focus on freedom of religion and belief (FoRB). The research question is to assess the level of autonomy and distinctiveness of religion as a policy issue. The European diplomatic strategy on religion reflects geopolitical and societal changes at the global scale. It is also an effort of the EEAS to assert itself as a political player and to reinforce the profile of the European Union (EU) in international relations. In practice, the handling of religion is framed by the usual EU policy-making: ideational incentives (advocacy for FoRB, display of European unity and identity) matter but are secondary to realist ones (interests and security concerns); the risk-averse culture of diplomats and European bureaucracies leads them to defer to the states and to prioritise a legal approach to religion. This paper draws on academic and institutional literature; the analysis of the adoption and implementation of the 2013 EU Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief; an online survey of EU Delegations around the world; and interviews with national and European officials

    Why Japan and Europe are (not so) different…

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    Values play an increasingly prominent role in European politics, but to what extent is this trend unique to European states? François Foret and Airo Hino present insights from a new book comparing the rise of value politics in Japan and Europe. They highlight some clear parallels in the changing relationship between values and political behaviour in the two polities

    Faut-il excommunier le religieux ?Religion et politique aujourd’hui

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    Religion, identité, institution en Europe

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    Regulating values: European public policy and religion

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    La "normalisation" de l'UE en trois dimensions

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    Interview par le magazine Moustique sur l’état du rêve européen

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    Interview pour Le Jeudi sur l’Europe face aux enjeux bioéthiques

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