6 research outputs found

    Flow diagram for identification and selection of studies of roost selection by North American bats for meta-analysis.

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    <p>Flow diagram for identification and selection of studies of roost selection by North American bats for meta-analysis.</p

    Meta-regression model number, number of estimated parameters (K), pseudo-R<sup>2</sup> (ps-R<sup>2</sup>) estimating the amount of heterogeneity (%) accounted for by each model, differences between model AICc and those of the best model (<i>∆</i><sub><i>i</i></sub>), and Akaike weights (<i>ω</i><sub><i>i</i></sub>), for 17 meta-regression models.

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    <p>All values are rounded upward to two decimal places.</p><p>Meta-regression model number, number of estimated parameters (K), pseudo-R<sup>2</sup> (ps-R<sup>2</sup>) estimating the amount of heterogeneity (%) accounted for by each model, differences between model AICc and those of the best model (<i>∆</i><sub><i>i</i></sub>), and Akaike weights (<i>ω</i><sub><i>i</i></sub>), for 17 meta-regression models.</p

    Funnel plots showing publication bias for each of the nine characteristics that were included in our quantitative meta-analysis.

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    <p>For each dataset, the effect size on the horizontal axis (standardized mean difference) is plotted against its standard error on the vertical axis. Dotted lines define the 95% CI limits around the mean effect size (vertical dotted line). The size of the circle varies according to the assigned random weight (inverse variance of the standardized mean differences) of each dataset. Funnel plot asymmetry <i>t</i>-test results and associated <i>P</i>-values are shown in each plot. In the absence of publication bias, studies should follow a symmetric funnel shape. Deviation from this shape may indicate publication bias.</p

    L’Abbé plots of the tree characteristics selected by bats (experimental groups) against the random tree characteristics (control group) with the 95% CI (black dashed lines) for each dataset, and for each characteristic (tree diameter, tree height, snag density, bark remaining on trunks, distance to water, canopy closure, elevation, slope, and stand density).

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    <p>The size of the circle varies according to the assigned random weight (inverse variance of the standardized mean differences) of each dataset. The diagonal (x = y) grey dotted line is the equality line (1:1) between both means (<i>i</i>.<i>e</i>., the zero effect line, for which the mean difference = 0). Above the x = y line, the experimental group mean is higher than the control group mean. Below the x = y line, the experimental group mean is lower than the control group mean. Tau-squared (<i>τ</i><sup>2</sup>) and Higgins’ I<sup>2</sup> heterogeneity indices are shown in each plot. Higgins' I<sup>2</sup> index is expressed in percentage and is used to interpret the severity of heterogeneity.</p

    Summary of the random effects meta-analysis of roost selection by North American bats, with heterogeneity indices and publication biases for each characteristic.

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    <p>K = number of datasets and SMD = standardized mean difference; Ï„<sup>2</sup> and I<sup>2</sup> indices indicate the severity of between-studies heterogeneity; t-tests are for funnel-plot asymmetry, with associated degrees-of-freedom and P-values. All values are rounded upward to two decimal places.</p><p>* Estimated by maximum likelihood</p><p>Summary of the random effects meta-analysis of roost selection by North American bats, with heterogeneity indices and publication biases for each characteristic.</p