26 research outputs found

    Zum Verständnis von Arbeit im historischen Wandel

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    Bei dem Begriff der Arbeit handelt es sich um eine grundlegende Kategorie des menschlichen Daseins, die in der Gegenwart nahezu ausschließlich in ihrer ökonomischen Dimension, d. h. als Erwerbsarbeit, wahrgenommen wird. Analysiert wird, wie sich das Verständnis von Arbeit im Zeitablauf herausgebildet hat. Verfolgt werden vor allem zwei Ziele: 1. Eine Rekonstruktion des Verständnisses von Arbeit im ökonomischen Denken seit den ersten Schrifttümern bis in die Gegenwart; 2. die Begründung der Herausbildung eines auf die westliche Hemisphäre bezogenen dominanten instrumentell-ökonomischen Arbeitsverständnisses

    Der Schumpetersche Unternehmer in der Geschichte des ökonomischen Analyse

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    Schumpeter‘s book History of Economic Analysis (1954) is not only a fa-mous and seminal contribution to the field of the history of economic thought, it also embodies Schumpeter's unique way of treating economic thought, which sometimes makes the term history of economic analysis appear as being almost synonymous to the book title. The connection between the History of Economic Analysis and the Schumpeterian entrepreneur is analyzed, and according to this the hypothesis to what extent does Schumpeter with his idea of the entrepreneur – which surely re-veals some parallels to his own personality – appear in his style of writing economic analysis is developed

    Nutzen- und tauschtheoretische Grundlagen in der Entwicklung der Neoklassik

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    The explanation of exchange based on considerations about subjective utility has been one of Neoclassic's central concerns ever since its beginning; however the explanation has always been linked with such questions of how states of sensation can be dealt with. The author wants to illustrate the emergence of a variety of concepts resulting mainly from handling these questions, a variety which is significant of the development of Neoclassical Economics in the range of the section focussed here. The analysis submitted mainly uses primary texts and aims at contributing to the development and structuring of concepts in Microeconomics

    The social question and fundamental principles of modern market economics – there is more agreement than contradiction: The case of von Schmoller's labour question

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    Purpose – In view of current catchwords like globalisation, internationalisation and flexible markets, it should be remembered that many of the fundamental economic positions which are assigned to those terms were already put forward by promoters of the social question. The questions discussed are whether the social question and modern market economics are related to each other – if at all – and to what extent the strategies of the social question can be helpful, may be even to the solution of present problems. Design/methodology/approach – Different issues and methods are compared which lead both the Historical School and modern economic theory to similar results. “Historical” hermeneutical and modern analytical (e.g. game theoretic) thinking are described and compared. Findings – It turns out that parts of the Historical School agree with the fundamental principles of modern market economics. It is also shown (in contrast to widely spread opinions) that von Schmoller can be considered as a great forerunner of the social market economy in many of his views. Research limitations/implications – The analysis of the social question is restricted to the example of von Schmoller's treatment of the labour question. Comparison is reduced to certain issues such as the role of productivity, free competition, bargaining. Practical implications – The comparison of different methods of analysis recommends not to thoughtlessly refusing the results of the Historical School. It makes sense to assess some of these old results in relation to the current conditions and circumstances. Originality/value – The solution to the social question is linked to the harmonious development of individual and social goals, not only based on the exchange of economic quantities but also under consideration of these relationships as an expression of ethics, custom, culture, ideas, education and public opinion – all of which are problems of the present.Economic doctrines, Economics, Welfare

    Ein neuer Gedanke zur Entstehung der Neoklassik

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 57 (182) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Zum Verstaendnis des Transaktionskostenbegriffs in der oekonomischen Theorie

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 57 (183) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman