499 research outputs found

    Engineering photonic entanglement and its practical applications

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    The quantum description of light offers a unique set of optical effects that has led to promising applications beyond those described by classical physics. Although well-defined quantum states of light do not persist in typical classical environments, phenomena such as entanglement often enhance optical approaches to communication, measurement, and sensing. With the emergence of new tasks in classical and quantum optical technology, new tools are required that must be specifically engineered including the generation of quantum states. This thesis is concerned with three principle tasks in engineering and implementing entangled photonic states. First, the use of frequency anti-correlated and polarization entangled two-photon states generated during spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) to precisely evaluate optical delays with quantum interferometry is demonstrated in a realistic commercially available optical telecommunication device. Second, the study of correlated orbital angular momentum (OAM) states for efficient object identification is presented. Finally, experimental efforts towards the development of sources for entangled weak coherent states are discussed. The generation of broadband entangled states leading to well-defined second order interference patterns is a necessary step for the application of low coherence quantum interferometry as a metrological device. The flexibility of non-uniformly chirped periodically poled nonlinear crystals offers a rich set of tools for precise state engineering. The experimental evaluation of a broadband source of polarization entanglement is presented. In addition, design considerations for applications that require optimized quantum interference features are discussed along with a numerical investigation of the limits of quantum interferometry with even order dispersion cancellation. We present an experimental demonstration of correlated OAM sensing exploiting the two-dimensional and correlated nature of states produced during SPDC projected onto the OAM basis. Efficient object recognition through the identification of azimuthal symmetries of arbitrary objects is achieved by observing the full two-photon joint OAM spectrum and focusing on non-conserved OAM components not found in the natural OAM spectrum of SPDC. Finally, quantum key distribution (QKD) is currently the most successful quantum optical application; however, a limiting trade off between the achievable rates and distances confines the approach to niche applications. The generation of entangled coherent states has been proposed to transition QKD into a new regime that would set aside single photons and two-photon entangled states for higher intensity coherent pulses. The key technical limitation that has prohibited the demonstration of such states is a reliable source of single-photon cross phase modulation. The plausibility and experimental efforts towards creating such an environment in a solid state device is presented

    Effect Of Defaults And Credit Deterioration On Yields Of Corporate Bonds

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91112/1/j.1540-6261.1961.tb02839.x.pd

    Balanced Scorecard : Optimisation de la Performance dans le Secteur Public Marocain

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    L'étude examine l'introduction de la Nouvelle Gestion Publique au Maroc, mettant en lumière la nécessité de remédier aux défis du secteur public. En se concentrant sur l'implémentation du Balanced Scorecard (BSC), l'analyse explore son adaptation au contexte marocain et son impact sur la gestion performante. Malgré les critiques sur son caractère standard, de nombreuses organisations publiques ont expérimenté le BSC pour instaurer une culture de la performance. L'étude, articulée autour de quatre axes, aborde les enjeux du secteur public marocain, la revue de littérature sur le Nouveau Management Public, la méthodologie de recherche adoptée, et la conclusion soulignant l'importance cruciale de l'évaluation de la performance dans les organisations publiques.   The study examines the introduction of New Public Management in Morocco, highlighting the need to address public sector challenges. Focusing on the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), the analysis explores its adaptation to the Moroccan context and its impact on high-performance management. Despite criticism of its standard nature, many public organizations have experimented with the BSC to establish a performance culture. The study, structured around four axes, addresses the challenges of the Moroccan public sector, the literature review on New Public Management, the research methodology adopted, and the conclusion underlining the crucial importance of performance assessment in public organizations

    Random Forests Applied to High-precision Photometry Analysis with Spitzer IRAC

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    We present a new method employing machine-learning techniques for measuring astrophysical features by correcting systematics in IRAC high-precision photometry using random forests. The main systematic in IRAC light-curve data is position changes due to unavoidable telescope motions coupled with an intrapixel response function. We aim to use the large amount of publicly available calibration data for the single pixel used for this type of work (the sweet-spot pixel) to make a fast, easy-to-use, accurate correction to science data. This correction on calibration data has the advantage of using an independent data set instead of the science data themselves, which has the disadvantage of including astrophysical variations. After focusing on feature engineering and hyperparameter optimization, we show that a boosted random forest model can reduce the data such that we measure the median of 10 archival eclipse observations of XO-3b to be 1459 ± 200 ppm. This is a comparable depth to the average of those in the literature done by seven different methods; however, the spread in measurements is 30%–100% larger than those literature values, depending on the reduction method. We also caution others attempting similar methods to check their results with the fiducial data set of XO-3b, as we were also able to find models providing initially great scores on their internal test data sets but whose results significantly underestimated the eclipse depth of that planet

    L'Utilité de la Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dans l'Évaluation des Stratégies de Financement à l'Ère de la Numérisation des Ètablissements Publics

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    Cet article explore le rôle central de la Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dans l'évaluation des stratégies de financement au sein des établissements publics à l'ère de la numérisation. Nous plongeons d'abord dans les concepts clés de la BSC, mettant en avant son utilité en tant qu'outil d'analyse et de mesure des performances financières et opérationnelles. La BSC offre un cadre global permettant de traduire la vision et la stratégie d'une organisation en indicateurs concrets, facilitant ainsi des décisions éclairées. Parallèlement, cet article souligne les défis théoriques majeurs posés par la numérisation pour les établissements publics. La transition vers le numérique a des répercussions profondes sur la gestion financière, l'ajustement des stratégies, et la réponse aux attentes croissantes des citoyens et des parties prenantes. Dans ce contexte, l'adaptation des stratégies de financement devient cruciale. La BSC, en tant qu'outil de mesure et d'évaluation, se révèle être un allié précieux pour les gestionnaires publics, permettant de suivre les performances, d'identifier les domaines nécessitant des améliorations, et d'ajuster les ressources financières en conséquence. La méthodologie de recherche de cette communication repose sur une analyse documentaire approfondie de la littérature scientifique, des rapports gouvernementaux pertinents, et des données provenant d'organismes nationaux et internationaux. En conclusion, cet article vise à éclairer les décideurs publics et les gestionnaires sur l'importance de la BSC dans l'amélioration des stratégies de financement à l'ère de la numérisation. Il offre des perspectives éclairées et des recommandations concrètes, basées sur une analyse documentaire solide, pour contribuer à une gestion financière efficace et à l'adaptation réussie des établissements publics dans ce contexte en constante évolution.   This article explores the central role of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in assessing funding strategies within public institutions in the age of digitization. We first dive into the key concepts of the BSC, highlighting its usefulness as a tool for analyzing and measuring financial and operational performance. BSC offers a comprehensive framework for translating an organization's vision and strategy into concrete indicators, thereby facilitating informed decision-making. At the same time, this article highlights the major theoretical challenges posed by digitization for public institutions. The transition to digitalization has profound repercussions on financial management, the adjustment of strategies, and the response to the growing expectations of citizens and stakeholders. In this context, adapting financing strategies becomes crucial. BSC, as a measurement and evaluation tool, is proving to be a valuable ally for public managers, enabling them to monitor performance, identify areas requiring improvement, and adjust financial resources accordingly. The research methodology of this paper is based on an in-depth documentary analysis of scientific literature, relevant government reports, and data from national and international organizations. In conclusion, this paper aims to enlighten public decision-makers and managers on the importance of BSC in improving funding strategies in the digitization era. It offers informed perspectives and concrete recommendations, based on a solid literature review, to contribute to effective financial management and the successful adaptation of public institutions in this ever-changing context
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