15 research outputs found

    Goal modelling for strategic dependency analysis in destination management

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    Purpose: The paper suggests goal modelling as a method for the strategic analysis in tourism destinations. Destination management is quite complex and challenging and requires deep understanding of the intentions, the roles and the strategies of the various stakeholders. Methods: This paper identifies the challenges and major issues of destination management, evaluates the capacity of goal modelling to address them and demonstrates the use of goal modelling for stakeholder and strategic analysis. Results: The paper provides a holistic, multi-level modelling approach that begins with stakeholder analysis, continues with the analysis of strategic dependencies between stakeholders and ends with the analysis of the strategic alignment of the Destination Management Systems. Goal modelling is used for the analysis of the roles and functions of stakeholders, the analysis of the interdependencies between stakeholders in terms of goals, tasks and resources, the selection between alternative business configurations, and the business model and strategic analysis. Implications: Three important issues of destination management are addressed: stakeholder analysis, strategic dependency analysis, and strategic alignment of information systems. The formalism of goal modelling can provide rigor and visualization in the analysis of the complex relationships in destination management

    An analysis of bilateral project consortia in the case of Greece and Bulgaria

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    Interreg IV is an EU initiative financed under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which aims to stimulate interregional cooperation in the EU between the years 2007–2013. In this empirical paper, we offer a first analytical view on the relations and the network developed through project partnerships within the European Territorial Cooperation Programme. Our aim is to discover and understand the collaborative status of cross border projects in the two countries with regard to their priorities and targets set in Programme Interreg IV: Greece–Bulgaria 2007–2013. In particular, we analyse the characteristics of 90 projects with 329 partners in order to examine data relevant to the project’s priority axis, the number of the partners involved, the type of the partners, etc. Our analysis provides insights on the regional and organizational strategies for the development of bilateral collaboration between the organizations of the two countries and for the successful development of future actions for the strengthening of cross border collaboration.INTERREG IV yra ES iniciatyva, finansuojama iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondų, kurių tikslas yra skatinti tarpregioninį bendradarbiavimą ES 2007–2013 m. laikotarpiu. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiamas empirinis tyrimas, kurio tikslas nustatyti įgyvendinant Europos teritorinio bendradarbiavimo programą susidariusius projekto partnerystės ryšius bei tinklus. Straipsnio tikslas – nustatyti bendradarbiavimo ryšius, susidariusius tarp Graikijos ir Bulgarijos įgyvendinant tarpregioninius projektus, atsižvelgiant į jų prioritetus ir tikslus, nustatytus programoje INTERREG IV 2007–2013 m. laikotarpiui. Pagrindinis dėmesys straipsnyje yra skiriamas 90 projektų ir 329 partnerių charakteristikų analizei, siekiant išnagrinėti duomenis, susijusius su projektų prioritetinėmis kryptimis, partnerių skaičiumi, partnerių tipu ir kt. Atlikta analizė leidžia visapusiškiau pažvelgti į regionines ir organizacines strategijas, skirtas bendradarbiavimui tarp dviejų šalių institucijų stiprinti, bei numatyti jų būsimo glaudesnio bendradarbiavimo priemones

    International and cross-border entrepreneurship : the case of greece and Bulgaria

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    Greece and Bulgaria have very different social and economic environments for entrepreneurship. In this empirical paper we use quantitative data in order to analyse the structure of the cross-border entrepreneurial and investment activities between the two countries in order to reveal the direction, the spatial concentration and the sectoral dissemination of entrepreneurial activities. Our analysis includes data relevant to the existing cross-border activities of firms, joint ventures, public-private partnerships and other forms of formal collaboration and provides interesting results on the regional and organisational strategies for the internationalisation and development of bilateral collaboration between the organisations of the two countries.Graikijos ir Bulgarijos socialinė ir ekonominė verslumo aplinka labai skirtinga. Šiame empiriniame darbe naudojame kiekybinius duomenis, siekdami išanalizuoti tarpvalstybinę dviejų šalių verslumo ir investicinės veiklos struktūrą ir atskleisti verslo veiklos kryptį, erdvinę koncentraciją ir struktūrinę sklaidą. Analizėje naudojami įmonių ir bendrijų tarptautinės veiklos, viešojo ir privačiojo sektoriaus partnerystės bei kitų formalių bendradarbiavimo formų duomenys. Rezultatai pateikia įdomią informaciją apie regionines ir organizacines internacionalizavimo ir dvišalio šių dviejų šalių organizacijų bendradarbiavimo strategijas

    The Use of Goal Modelling for the Analysis of Value Co-Creation in Collaborative Networks

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    International audienceCollaborative networks engage their members in sharing resources, competencies and responsibilities in order to attain advanced results or common goals. This paper studiesthe relationship between thesetwo key concepts in collaborative networks, goals and collaborative value creation.Goal achievement can be seen as a value creation behavior and as a value co-creationprocedure since it is based on the collaboration and the interdependencies between actors. Therefore, goal modelling can be used for the analysis of value co-creation in collaborative settings. The paper develops a goal meta-model that describes the key concepts of value co-creation. The proposed goal meta-model can serve to the better understanding of the value creation process, the analysis of value co-creation inreal-world cases and the design and implementation of digital systems that enable value co-creation

    Three Application Scenarios for Use in the myCourse Educational Environment

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    In order for a user to develop rich and valid knowledge structures, not only is considerable predefined content required, but other equally important types of knowledge as well. In other words, to display real understanding and to build and extend their knowledge structures, users have to call on several resources as well as representation, retrieval and construction mechanisms. Apart from the specific content, on which traditional educational environments focus on, a user depends heavily on general content knowledge and on systems of knowledge that is more abstract and elusive than typical content. In this article, we document our myCourse approach presenting three application scenarios. In these scenarios, knowledge creation is a process of emergence and co-evolution of the individual, the social group and the wider society

    Designing the Tourist Journey for the Advancement of Sustainable Tourist Practices

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    Sustainable tourism has become a key priority in the strategic plans for tourism development in order to attain sociocultural development and environmental preservation. This paper examines opportunities for the advancement of sustainable tourism by encouraging tourists to consider sustainability and to include sustainable options in their tourist practices. The paper adopts a practice-based approach for the understanding of tourist behavior as a series of practices tourists perform for the development of valuable experiences, usually with the support of services offered by tourist organizations and service providers. Sustainability is an option for tourists that needs to be offered, promoted, and supported when they decide on their practices and the way they will perform them. Hence, sustainability is an option that needs to be designed so that tourists are enabled and motivated to adopt sustainable tourist practices. The paper proposes the sustainable tourist journey as an approach for the analysis and design of sustainable tourist practices that is based on the holistic scope of the consumer journey. The paper contributes to the advancement of sustainable tourism by introducing and improving the understanding of sustainability concerns in tourist practices. The paper discusses also how digital technologies can support the design of sustainable tourist practices

    Building an Enterprise Architecture for Public Administration: A High Level Data Model for Strategic Planning

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    This paper describes the construction of a generic data model for strategic planning in Public Administration (PA). This model is presented at two distinct levels corresponding to different levels of the Zachman framework. The data model developed covers one of the major generic processes which public administration agencies perform, that of strategy formulation. This model can be used to provide common definitions (vocabulary) in strategic planning and establish a conceptual framework that can be easily adapted for strategic planning to specific PA organizations. This work is part of an overall research effort, which involves building an enterprise architecture for Public Administration following an approach that populates the Zachman Framework for the overall domain of Public Administration. The models developed are generic (process, data, etc.) in order to possess the descriptive power, which allows them to be readily specialized for particular Public Administration agencies

    Value Co-Creation And University Teaching Services. The Case Of Teachers ' Evaluation Process

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    Abstract: In this research the teaching quality concept is explored. Concerning the area of higher education offered by Universities and Technological Institutions in Greece, there are many parties involved in the provision of services. In this study only one relationship, between students and teachers, is examined. For many this relationship is considered to be as the most essential one while there are others that argue that fact claiming that even if teaching quality is excellent and value creation aspects are based on the value co-creation approach the total provision in the university context will not be of excellence if all the other parties of networks involved do not promote quality and value. It can be sensed that students do co-create the value they expect to obtain from university service. The results of our case study revealed that teachers do not appreciate the way they are evaluated and think that this strategy may have very bad consequences for the whole education system. It is obvious that according to the results of the teachers ' interviews, they think that evaluation is something that must exists and that good evaluation system will lead to the upgrade of courses to the professional development of teachers and to more satisfied customers that in our case are students. On the other hand, bad evaluation systems, such as evaluation through student questionnaires may lead to lowered teacher expectations, lowered teaching difficulty and teacher manipulation by the students. Index Terms: value co-creation, services, education, evaluation proces