133 research outputs found

    Impacts of Promoting Perennial Crops in the French Agriculture

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    This paper is devoted to a quantitative analysis of the introduction of perennial crop in a short-term supply model. The analysis provides assessment of impacts regarding land use and N-input demand. We show that a variation in yield or the subsidy amount of miscanthus leads to a significant change in land use and N-input.lignocellulosic perennial crop, bio-energy, mathematical linear programming, land use, N-input demand, Crop Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Limiting the Nitrogen Losses by N-tax and Bioenergy Support: A Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Policy Mix Impacts in the North of France

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    This paper is devoted to assessment of policy mix impacts regarding nitrogen pollutants. The analysed policy combines a tax on the nitrogen input and incentives promoting perennial crops assumed to be low input ones. We show that perennial crop subsidy increases significantly the tax efficiency, compatible with the balanced budget of the Regulatory Agency in charge of the environment. Based on a MILP agricultural supply model, quantitative analysis provides assessment of impacts regarding land use, farmers income, and N losses at the North France level.Bio-economic model, mathematical linear programming, environmental policy mix, N-fertilizer tax, bio-energy support, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Implémentation d'une mémoire cache supportant la recherche IP

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    RÉSUMÉ La croissance explosive du trafic Internet a Ă©tĂ© accompagnĂ©e d’une croissance exponentielle de la bande passante des liens de transmission des Ă©quipements de traitement de donnĂ©es, Ă  savoir les routeurs, rendue possible par le dĂ©ploiement de la fibre optique. Les routeurs sont devenus le principal goulot d’étranglement du traitement des paquets circulant dans le rĂ©seau. L’implĂ©mentation matĂ©rielle permet aux routeurs de satisfaire les exigences de performance d’un routeur Ă  haute vitesse en exploitant l’abondant parallĂ©lisme disponible dans le traitement des paquets. Les ASIC (« Application-Specific Integrated Circuits »), qui sont des circuits intĂ©grĂ©s spĂ©cialisĂ©s, sont alors utilisĂ©s pour leur performance. Ces circuits induisent cependant des coĂ»ts : comme les routeurs sont construits Ă  partir de matĂ©riel spĂ©cialisĂ©, ce sont des pĂ©riphĂ©riques Ă  fonction fixe qui ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre programmĂ©s. Beaucoup d’efforts et de travaux ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s afin de rendre les ASIC plus programmables, cependant, cela est encore insuffisant pour exprimer de nombreux algorithmes. DĂ» Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de mieux contrĂŽler les opĂ©rations du rĂ©seau et Ă  la demande constante d’offrir de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s, la contrainte de la programmabilitĂ© des routeurs est devenue aussi importante que la performance. Les routeurs logiciels sont considĂ©rĂ©s plus appropriĂ©s dans le contexte oĂč la programmabilitĂ© prime sur la performance et ils peuvent bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’une performance intĂ©ressante, comme l’incarnent les processeurs de rĂ©seau. Les processeurs rĂ©seau utilisent des accĂ©lĂ©rateurs matĂ©riels pour implĂ©menter des fonctions spĂ©cifiques comme l’utilisation des mĂ©moires TCAM (« Ternary Content Addressable Memory ») pour effectuer des recherches de types LPM (« Longest Prefix Match »), nĂ©cessaires pour la transmission des paquets. La TCAM satisfait le requis de dĂ©bit exigĂ© par le LPM, qui est le facteur de performance le plus limitant dans la transmission de paquets au vu de sa complexitĂ©, et elle s’est imposĂ©e comme la solution standard dans l’industrie. Cependant, elle prĂ©sente des inconvĂ©nients graves : sa consommation d’énergie Ă©levĂ©e, sa faible flexibilitĂ© (opĂ©rations de mise Ă  jour lente) et son coĂ»t financier (coĂ»t par bit plus Ă©levĂ© par rapport aux autres types de mĂ©moire). La consommation d’énergie de la TCAM est critique dans les routeurs, qui ont des budgets de puissance Ă©nergĂ©tique limitĂ©s.----------ABSTRACT The Internet’s traffic growth has been accompanied by an exponential growth in the bandwidth of the data processing equipment transmission links, made possible by the deployment of optical fiber. Routers have, therefore, become the main bottleneck in the packets processing speed across the network. The hardware implementation allows routers to meet performance requirements of a high-speed router by exploiting the abundant parallelism available in packet processing. ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) are specialized integrated circuits used for their performance, but they have a cost: as routers are built from specialized hardware, they are fixed-function devices that do not cannot be programmed. Much effort and work has been done to make ASICs more programmable, however, this is still insufficient to express many algorithms. Due to the need to better control network operations and the constant demand to support new features, the constraint of router programmability has become as important as performance. Hardware specification is the only way to achieve performance requirements for high-speed routers, however some contexts involve high computing requirements with lower link speeds. Software routers are considered more appropriate in the context where programmability takes precedence over performance and can benefit from interesting performance, as incarnated by network processors. Network processors use hardware accelerators to implement specific functions like TCAM (Ternary Content Addressable Memory) memories to perform LPM (Longest Prefix Match) lookup, required for packet transmission. The TCAM meets the speed required by the LPM, which is the most limiting performance factor in packet transmission due to its complexity, and has been an effective standard in the industry. However, TCAMs have some serious disadvantages: their high-power consumption, their poor scalability and their higher cost per bit compared to other memory types. The motivation of our work is to explore the concept of a generalized cache memory that can support the LPM. The on-chip memory of a network processor acts as a cache memory and is implemented using SRAM technology (Static Random-Access Memory) which is a much less expensive memory than TCAM memory. In order to speed up LPM lookup, the cache memory stores the prefixes consulted recently, in order to reduce the access time to the routing table. In this thesis, an architecture is proposed which relies on associative memories implemented by hash functions

    Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Selected Adipokines and Cardiometabolic Risk Markers in Normal-Weight and Overweight/Obese Young Males-A Pre-Post Test Trial

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    The study aimed to assess effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on plasma adipokines and cardiometabolic markers in normal and excess weight youth. Eighteen healthy young males (18.2 ± 1.06 yrs.) were divided in normal-weight group (NWG; body mass index (BMI), 20.5 ± 1.51 kg/m2; n = 9) and excess-weight group (EWG; BMI, 30.8 ± 4.56 kg/m2; n = 9). Participants performed an eight-week HIIT program without caloric restriction. Body composition, plasma leptin, adiponectin, chemerin, omentin-1, lipids, C-reactive protein (CRP), and the homeostasis model assessment index for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were assessed before and after the HIIT program. The program resulted in significant increases in omentin levels (p < 0.01) in EWG (27%) and NWG (22%), but no changes in leptin, adiponectin, and chemerin in both groups. BMI (−1.62%; p = 0.015), body fat (−1.59%; p = 0.021), total cholesterol (−11.8%; p = 0.026), triglycerides (−21.3%; p = 0.023), and HOMA-IR (−31.5%; p = 0.043) decreased in EWG only. Repeated measures detected significant interaction “Time x Group” for body mass and BMI only. Eight-week HIIT program improved body composition, lipid profile, and insulin sensitivity in excess-weight individuals. It resulted in an increase in omentin levels in both normal- and excess-weight groups, but no changes in leptin, adiponectin, and chemerin. Body composition has not influenced the response of the four adipokines to HIIT

    A first insight into North American plant pathogenic fungi Armillaria sinapina transcriptome

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    Abstract Armillaria sinapina, a fungal pathogen of primary timber species of North American forests, causes white root rot disease that ultimately kills the trees. A more detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying this illness will support future developments on disease resistance and management, as well as in the decomposition of cellulosic material for further use. In this study, RNA-Seq technology was used to compare the transcriptome profiles of A. sinapina fungal culture grown in yeast malt broth medium supplemented or not with betulin, a natural compound of the terpenoid group found in abundance in white birch bark. This was done to identify enzyme transcripts involved in the metabolism (redox reaction) of betulin into betulinic acid, a potent anticancer drug. De novo assembly and characterization of A. sinapina transcriptome was performed using Illumina technology. A total of 170,592,464 reads were generated, then 273,561 transcripts were characterized. Approximately, 53% of transcripts could be identified using public databases with several metabolic pathways represented. A total of 11 transcripts involved in terpenoid biosynthesis were identified. In addition, 25 gene transcripts that could play a significant role in lignin degradation were uncovered, as well as several redox enzymes of the cytochromes P450 family. To our knowledge, this research is the first transcriptomic study carried out on A. sinapina

    Facteurs predictifs de l’efficacite ablative de l’iode 131 dans les cancers differencies de la thyroïde

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    La prise en charge des cancers diffĂ©renciĂ©s de la thyroĂŻde (CDT) comporte souvent une radiothĂ©rapie mĂ©tabolique Ă  l’iode131 (IRA-thĂ©rapie). Le but de ce travail est d’évaluer le caractĂšre prĂ©dictif des diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments anatomopathologiques, de la classification pTNM et de la stadification pronostique sur l’activitĂ© ablative requise d’iode131. Notre travail est une Ă©tude analytique rĂ©trospective portant sur 275 cas de CDT ayant subit une thyroĂŻdectomie totale. Tous ces patients ont eu une ou plusieurs activitĂ©s ablatives. Nous avons cherchĂ© – au moyen d’une analyse statistique par test de Khi2 ou test Anova – toute corrĂ©lation entre les Ă©lĂ©ments de l’examen anatomopathologique de la tumeur, la classe pTNM, le stade pronostique correspondant d’une part  et l’efficacitĂ© de l’irathĂ©rapie ablative d’autre part. Dans notre sĂ©rie, une activitĂ© ablative plus Ă©levĂ©e est nĂ©cessaire lorsque la taille du foyer tumoral dĂ©passe les 6 cm (p=0,012), en cas de dĂ©passement de la graisse pĂ©ri thyroĂŻdienne (

    Estimation of Abbreviated Cyclosporine A Area under the Concentration-Time Curve in Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation after Oral Administration

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    Measurements of Cyclosporine (CsA) systemic exposure permit its dose adjustment in allogenic stem cell transplantation recipients to prevent graft-versus-host disease. CsA LSSs were developed and validated from 60 ASCT patients via multiple linear regressions. All whole-blood samples were analyzed by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA-Axym). The 10 models that have used CsA concentrations at a single time point did not have a good fit with AUC0–12 (R2 < 0.90). C2 and C4 were the time points that correlated best with AUC0–12 h, R2 were respectively 0.848, and 0.897. The LSS equation with the best predictive performance (bias, precision and number of samples) utilized three sampling concentrations was AUC0–12 h = 0.607 + 1.569 × C0.5 + 2.098 × C2 + 3.603 × C4 (R2 = 0.943). Optimal LSSs equations which limited to those utilizing three timed concentrations taken within 4 hours post-dose developed from ASCT recipient's patients yielded a low bias <5% ranged from 1.27% to 2.68% and good precision <15% ranged from 9.60% and 11.02%. We propose an LSS model with equation AUC0–12 h = 0.82 + 2.766 × C2 + 3.409 × C4 for a practical reason. Bias and precision for this model are respectively 2.68% and 11.02%
