19 research outputs found

    Fungal volatile organic compounds: emphasis on their plant growth-promoting

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    Fungal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) commonly formed bioactive interface between plants and countless of microorganisms on the above- and below-ground plant-fungus interactions. Fungal-plant interactions symbolize intriguingly biochemical complex and challenging scenarios that are discovered by metabolomic approaches. Remarkably secondary metabolites (SMs) played a significant role in the virulence and existence with plant-fungal pathogen interaction; only 25% of the fungal gene clusters have been functionally identified, even though these numbers are too low as compared with plant secondary metabolites. The current insights on fungal VOCs are conducted under lab environments and to apply small numbers of microbes; its molecules have significant effects on growth, development, and defense system of plants. Many fungal VOCs supported dynamic processes, leading to countless interactions between plants, antagonists, and mutualistic symbionts. The fundamental role of fungal VOCs at field level is required for better understanding, so more studies will offer further constructive scientific evidences that can show the cost-effectiveness of ecofriendly and ecologically produced fungal VOCs for crop welfare

    A minimal growth medium for the basidiomycete Pleurotus sapidus for metabolic flux analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Pleurotus sapidus secretes a huge enzymatic repertoire including hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes and is an example for higher basidiomycetes being interesting for biotechnology. The complex growth media used for submerged cultivation limit basic physiological analyses of this group of organisms. Using undefined growth media, only little insights into the operation of central carbon metabolism and biomass formation, i.e., the interplay of catabolic and anabolic pathways, can be gained. RESULTS: The development of a chemically defined growth medium allowed rapid growth of P. sapidus in submerged cultures. As P. sapidus grew extremely slow in salt medium, the co-utilization of amino acids using 13C-labelled glucose was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. While some amino acids were synthesized up to 90% in vivo from glucose (e.g., alanine), asparagine and/or aspartate were predominantly taken up from the medium. With this information in hand, a defined yeast free salt medium containing aspartate and ammonium nitrate as a nitrogen source was developed. The observed growth rates of P. sapidus were well comparable with those previously published for complex media. Importantly, fast growth could be observed for 4days at least, up to cell wet weights (CWW) of 400gL-1. The chemically defined medium was used to carry out a 13C-based metabolic flux analysis, and the in vivo reactions rates in the central carbon metabolism of P. sapidus were investigated. The results revealed a highly respiratory metabolism with high fluxes through the pentose phosphate pathway and TCA cycle. CONCLUSIONS: The presented chemically defined growth medium enables researchers to study the metabolism of P. sapidus, significantly enlarging the analytical capabilities. Detailed studies on the production of extracellular enzymes and of secondary metabolites of P. sapidus may be designed based on the reported data

    Odor Characteristics of Novel Non-Canonical Terpenes

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    Several non-canonical, methylated terpenes have been described as products of genetically modified Escherichia coli recently, and the aroma properties of 28 odor-active methylated derivatives of prenol, isoprenol, bornane, camphene, carene, citronellol, fenchol, geraniol, limonene, linalool, terpineol, and farnesol were characterized for the first time in the current study. Twelve methylated monoterpenes exhibited a particularly intense and pleasant odor and were therefore chosen for the determination of their respective odor thresholds (OTs) in comparison to their non-methylated equivalents. In addition to the determination of OTs based on the literature value for the internal standard, (2E)-decenal, the threshold values of the compounds with individually determined OTs of the participants were calculated. This enabled a more precise identification of the OTs. Among the non-canonical terpenes, the lowest OTs in the air were found for 2-methyllinalool (flowery, 1.8 ng L−1), 2-methyl-α-fenchol (moldy, 3.6 ng L−1), 2-methylgeraniol (flowery, 5.4 ng L−1), 2-methylcitronellol (citrus-like, 7.2 ng L−1), and 4-methylgeraniol (citrus-like, 16 ng L−1). The derivatives of geraniol, linalool, and citronellol showed very pleasant odor impressions, which could make them interesting for use as flavoring agents in the flavor and fragrance industry

    Herstellung natürlicher Aromastoffe durch monokaryotische Stämme von Pleurotus sapidus unter Nutzung von Nebenströmen der Citrus‐verarbeitenden Industrie

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    Entsprechend dem ökonomischen Konzept „Reduzierung, Wiederverwendung und Recycling“ stellen präkursorenreiche Nebenströme der Citrus-verarbeitenden Industrie ein ideales Ausgangsmaterial für die Produktion und industrielle Anwendung von wertgesteigerten Verbindungen dar. Citrus-Nebenströme enthalten eine vergleichsweise große Menge an Monoterpenen, einschließlich (R)-Limonen und β-Myrcen. Pilze der Abteilung Basidiomycota sind in der Lage, diese Terpene in attraktive aromaaktive Substanzen zu transformieren. Zum Beispiel konnte für β-Myrcen eine Biotransformation durch den Austernseitling Pleurotus ostreatus zu dem holzig, citrusartig riechenden Aromastoff Perillen gezeigt werden.Fil: Bürger, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Omarini, Alejandra Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Krahe, N. K.. No especifíca;Fil: Fraatz, M. A.. No especifíca;Fil: Berger, R. G.. No especifíca;Fil: Zorn, H.. Universität Gießen; Alemani