4,099 research outputs found

    Long range order for lattice dipoles

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    We consider a system of classical Heisenberg spins on a cubic lattice in dimensions three or more, interacting via the dipole-dipole interaction. We prove that at low enough temperature the system displays orientational long range order, as expected by spin wave theory. The proof is based on reflection positivity methods. In particular, we demonstrate a previously unproven conjecture on the dispersion relation of the spin waves, first proposed by Froehlich and Spencer, which allows one to apply infrared bounds for estimating the long distance behavior of the spin-spin correlation functions.Comment: 9 page

    Semidirect product of CCR and CAR algebras and asymptotic states in quantum electrodynamics

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    A C*-algebra containing the CCR and CAR algebras as its subalgebras and naturally described as the semidirect product of these algebras is discussed. A particular example of this structure is considered as a model for the algebra of asymptotic fields in quantum electrodynamics, in which Gauss' law is respected. The appearence in this algebra of a phase variable related to electromagnetic potential leads to the universal charge quantization. Translationally covariant representations of this algebra with energy-momentum spectrum in the future lightcone are investigated. It is shown that vacuum representations are necessarily nonregular with respect to total electromagnetic field. However, a class of translationally covariant, irreducible representations is constructed excplicitly, which remain as close as possible to the vacuum, but are regular at the same time. The spectrum of energy-momentum fills the whole future lightcone, but there are no vectors with energy-momentum lying on a mass hyperboloid or in the origin.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX; minor corrections, a reference adde

    Stellar evolution of massive stars at very low metallicities

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    Recently, measurements of abundances in extremely metal poor (EMP) stars have brought new constraints on stellar evolution models. In an attempt to explain the origin of the abundances observed, we computed pre--supernova evolution models, explosion models and the related nucleosynthesis. In this paper, we start by presenting the pre-SN models of rotating single stars with metallicities ranging from solar metallicity down to almost metal free. We then review key processes in core-collapse and bounce, before we integrate them in a simplistic parameterization for 3D MHD models, which are well underway and allow one to follow the evolution of the magnetic fields during collapse and bounce. Finally, we present explosive nucleosynthesis results including neutrino interactions with matter, which are calculated using the outputs of the explosion models. The main results of the pre-SN models are the following. First, primary nitrogen is produced in large amount in models with an initial metallicity Z=10−8Z=10^{-8}. Second, at the same metallicity of Z=10−8Z=10^{-8} and for models with an initial mass larger than about 60 Mo, rotating models may experience heavy mass loss (up to more than half of the initial mass of the star). The chemical composition of these winds can qualitatively reproduce the abundance patterns observed at the surface of carbon-rich EMP stars. Explosive nucleosynthesis including neutrino-matter interactions produce improved abundances for iron group elements, in particular for scandium and zinc. It also opens the way to a new neutrino and proton rich process (ν\nup-process) able to contribute to the nucleosynthesis of elements with A > 64. (Abridged)Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, Reviews of Modern Astronomy 19, proceedings for 79th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Deutsche Astronomische Gesellschaft 200

    Probing Non-Abelian Statistics in nu=12/5 Quantum Hall State

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    The tunneling current and shot noise of the current between two Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) edges in the ν=12/5 \nu=12/5 FQH state in electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer are studied. It is shown that the tunneling current and shot noise can be used to probe the existence of k=3k=3 parafermion statistics in the ν=12/5 \nu=12/5 FQH state. More specifically, the dependence of the current on the Aharonov-Bohm flux in the Read-Rezayi state is asymmetric under the change of the sign of the applied voltage. This property is absent in the Abelian Laughlin states. Moreover the Fano factor can exceed 12.7 electron charges in the ν=12/5 \nu=12/5 FQH state . This number well exceeds the maximum possible Fano factor in all Laughlin states and the ν=5/2 \nu=5/2 Moore-Read state which was shown previously to be e e and 3.2e 3.2 e respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Adaiabtic theorems and reversible isothermal processes

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    Isothermal processes of a finitely extended, driven quantum system in contact with an infinite heat bath are studied from the point of view of quantum statistical mechanics. Notions like heat flux, work and entropy are defined for trajectories of states close to, but distinct from states of joint thermal equilibrium. A theorem characterizing reversible isothermal processes as quasi-static processes (''isothermal theorem'') is described. Corollaries concerning the changes of entropy and free energy in reversible isothermal processes and on the 0th law of thermodynamics are outlined

    The Spin-Statistics Theorem for Anyons and Plektons in d=2+1

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    We prove the spin-statistics theorem for massive particles obeying braid group statistics in three-dimensional Minkowski space. We start from first principles of local relativistic quantum theory. The only assumption is a gap in the mass spectrum of the corresponding charged sector, and a restriction on the degeneracy of the corresponding mass.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. Citation added; Minor modifications of Appendix

    Expression and alternative splicing of the neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM in human granulosa cells during luteinization

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    Freshly aspirated human granulosa cells from pre-ovulatory follicles and granulosa cells luteinized in culture possess the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) of approximate molecular mass of 140,000 and NCAM mRNA as confirmed by S1-nuclease protection assays and RT-PCR. Moreover, in the process of luteinization the NCAM isoform pattern is modified. Isoforms containing an insert of 10 amino acids (termed VASE) in the extracellular domain of NCAM were supplemented by alternatively spliced isoforms without this insert. NCAM immunoreactivity, at light and electron microscope levels, was associated with the cell membrane of most granulosa cells which formed clusters. During time in culture an increasing subpopulation of granulosa cells, devoid of NCAM immunoreactivity, spread out and formed monolayers. This differential expression and the alternative splicing of NCAM during luteinization of granulosa cells raise the possibility that NCAM could be involved in folliculogenesis and the formation of the corpus luteum in the human

    Spin - or, actually: Spin and Quantum Statistics

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    The history of the discovery of electron spin and the Pauli principle and the mathematics of spin and quantum statistics are reviewed. Pauli's theory of the spinning electron and some of its many applications in mathematics and physics are considered in more detail. The role of the fact that the tree-level gyromagnetic factor of the electron has the value g = 2 in an analysis of stability (and instability) of matter in arbitrary external magnetic fields is highlighted. Radiative corrections and precision measurements of g are reviewed. The general connection between spin and statistics, the CPT theorem and the theory of braid statistics are described.Comment: 50 pages, no figures, seminar on "spin

    Pushing 1D CCSNe to explosions: model and SN 1987A

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    We report on a method, PUSH, for triggering core-collapse supernova explosions of massive stars in spherical symmetry. We explore basic explosion properties and calibrate PUSH such that the observables of SN1987A are reproduced. Our simulations are based on the general relativistic hydrodynamics code AGILE combined with the detailed neutrino transport scheme IDSA for electron neutrinos and ALS for the muon and tau neutrinos. To trigger explosions in the otherwise non-exploding simulations, we rely on the neutrino-driven mechanism. The PUSH method locally increases the energy deposition in the gain region through energy deposition by the heavy neutrino flavors. Our setup allows us to model the explosion for several seconds after core bounce. We explore the progenitor range 18-21M⊙_{\odot}. Our studies reveal a distinction between high compactness (HC) and low compactness (LC) progenitor models, where LC models tend to explore earlier, with a lower explosion energy, and with a lower remnant mass. HC models are needed to obtain explosion energies around 1 Bethe, as observed for SN1987A. However, all the models with sufficiently high explosion energy overproduce 56^{56}Ni. We conclude that fallback is needed to reproduce the observed nucleosynthesis yields. The nucleosynthesis yields of 57−58^{57-58}Ni depend sensitively on the electron fraction and on the location of the mass cut with respect to the initial shell structure of the progenitor star. We identify a progenitor and a suitable set of PUSH parameters that fit the explosion properties of SN1987A when assuming 0.1M⊙_{\odot} of fallback. We predict a neutron star with a gravitational mass of 1.50M⊙_{\odot}. We find correlations between explosion properties and the compactness of the progenitor model in the explored progenitors. However, a more complete analysis will require the exploration of a larger set of progenitors with PUSH.Comment: revised version as accepted by ApJ (results unchanged, text modified for clarification, a few references added); 26 pages, 20 figure

    Degradation of LaMnO{3-y} surface layer in LaMnO{3-y}/ metal interface

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    We report electrical measurements showing the degradation processes of LaMnO3−y_{3-y} (LaMnO) in LaMnO/normal metal interface in both point contact and planar-type junctions. Immediately after the preparation of the interface, the degradation process was followed by measuring the evolution of the junction resistance versus time. This process is characterized by the appearance of a second maximum in the resistance vs. temperature (R-T) dependence at temperatures lower than the Curie temperature Tc_c, at which the metal-insulator transition occurs in the bulk. These effects are explained in terms of the formation of a depleted interface layer in LaMnO caused by an out-diffusion of oxygen from the manganite surface to the normal metal. This assumption is confirmed by XPS measurement. Similar results on LaSrMnO3−y_{3-y} interfaces are also obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett.(2002
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