41 research outputs found

    Current and future modelled distributions for the Corsican Nuthatch.

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    <p>The distributions are depicted according to the threshold used to transform the probability distribution of the Corsican pine into a binary distribution, used as one of the variables in the modelling of the Corsican Nuthatch. Only points with suitability above either the LPT or the TSS threshold of the Corsican Nuthatch (in brackets) are represented.</p

    Localisation of the study area.

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    <p>Localisation of the study area.</p

    Representation of the data used in the study.

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    <p>(a) Corsican Nuthatch data, (b) Corsican pine data, (c) Maritime pine data. For the Corsican pine red circles represents data from coppices (not used in the niche modelling but to determine further LPT).</p

    Distribution of forests in Corsica.

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    <p>Light green stands for mixed forests, dark green for coniferous forests and medium green for broad-leaved forests.</p

    Current and future distributions modelled for the Corsican pine and the Maritime pine.

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    <p>Current (a) and future (b) distributions predicted for the Corsican pine according to the considered threshold. Current (c) and future (d) distributions predicted for the Maritime pine according to the considered threshold.</p

    Performance summary of the GLMs computing the interaction effect between agricultural intentity (<i>Input Cost / ha</i> indicator, IC/ha) and its spatial aggregation on the grassland specialisation index of the community (CSIg).

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    <p>“Aggregation” is the difference in intercept and “IC/ha*Aggregation” is the difference in slope in non aggregated SARs compared to aggregated SARs. n = 332 points for all models; CSI: community specialisation index, CTI: community trophic index, CSIg = grassland specialisation index of the community.</p><p>Performance summary of the GLMs computing the interaction effect between agricultural intentity (<i>Input Cost / ha</i> indicator, IC/ha) and its spatial aggregation on the grassland specialisation index of the community (CSIg).</p

    Performance summary of the GAMs computing the effects of the <i>Input Cost / ha</i> (IC/ha) intensity indicator on the four bird community descriptors.

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    <p>n = 332 points for all models; test statistic = <i>F</i> for IC/ha and <i>t</i> for other variables; CSI: community specialisation index, CTI: community trophic index, CSIg = grassland specialisation index of the community;</p><p>* p-value < 0.05,</p><p>** p-value < 0.01,</p><p>*** p-value < 0.001</p><p>Performance summary of the GAMs computing the effects of the <i>Input Cost / ha</i> (IC/ha) intensity indicator on the four bird community descriptors.</p

    List of all explanatory variables.

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    <p>CLC = CORINE land cover</p><p>List of all explanatory variables.</p

    Czech Bird Data (managers: Reif and Vermouzek)

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    Abundance of breeding bird species counted two times in eight habitats in 2006-2008 within a large-scale breeding bird monitoring scheme covering the Czech Republic