195 research outputs found

    Déformation asymétrique de houppiers pour la génération de représentations paysagÚres réalistes

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    National audienceLa gĂ©nĂ©ration de paysage naturel virtuel rĂ©aliste a beaucoup dapplications, aussi bien en infographie quen Ă©co- logie par exemple. Ce problĂšme est gĂ©nĂ©ralement traitĂ© en deux Ă©tapes. Une distribution des plantes sur le terrain est dabord calculĂ©e en utilisant des modĂšles simplifiĂ©s de plantes. Puis ces modĂšles sont utilisĂ©s pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des reprĂ©sentations gĂ©omĂ©triques dĂ©taillĂ©es des plantes. En suivant cette mĂ©thodologie, nous prĂ©sentons dans ce travail une rĂ©alisation dun tel processus sur une forĂȘt de hĂȘtres. Pour cela, nos proposons dutiliser une mĂ©thode de distribution stochastique darbres basĂ©e sur les processus de Gibbs. Une contribution importante de ce travail est la prise en compte la plasticitĂ© des houppiers lors de la distribution en considĂ©rant notamment des formes asymĂ©triques de houppier

    GEOM Module manual: I User guide

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    The GEOM module is part of the AMAPmod software and consists of a 3D objects description language. Based on the MTG model, this language provides a simple and ïŹ‚exible mechanism to describe a hierarchical 3D scene as a collection of objects arranged into a graph structure, called Scene Graph. In addition to this module, AMAPmod includes a Viewer, which allow the user to examine the scenes he has created and to export them into various 3D ïŹle formats. This way it is possible to perform additional operations on the scenes such as ray tracing, walk through, hemispherical snapshots and so on. Although, this language has been designed to be used by non specialist and do not require strong backgrounds in 3D computer graphics, it is recommended to consult books introducing basic concepts on 3D graphics to have a better understanding. This document contains the following chapters: * The chapter 1 explains how to represent 3D scenes using AMAPmod. * The chapter 2 forms a reference to the GEOM's ïŹle formats. * The chapter 3 forms a reference to the objects available within the GEOM module
