22 research outputs found

    A Dutch Fanconi Anemia FANCC Founder Mutation in Canadian Manitoba Mennonites

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a recessive DNA instability disorder associated with developmental abnormalities, bone marrow failure, and a predisposition to cancer. Based on their sensitivity to DNA cross-linking agents, FA cells have been assigned to 15 complementation groups, and the associated genes have been identified. Founder mutations have been found in different FA genes in several populations. The majority of Dutch FA patients belongs to complementation group FA-C. Here, we report 15 patients of Dutch ancestry and a large Canadian Manitoba Mennonite kindred carrying the FANCC c.67delG mutation. Genealogical investigation into the ancestors of the Dutch patients shows that these ancestors lived in four distinct areas in The Netherlands. We also show that the Dutch and Manitoba Mennonite FANCC c.67delG patients share the same haplotype surrounding this mutation, indicating a common founder

    Protease-Sensitive Transfection of Bacillus subtilis with Bacteriophage GA-1 DNA: a Probable Case of Heterologous Transfection

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    The host bacterium of bacteriophage GA-1, Bacillus sp. G1R, was compared with respect to its taxonomic relationship to Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, and B. pumilis. The physiological-biochemical properties of Bacillus sp. G1R are equal to those of B. licheniformis, but the thermal denaturation midpoint of G1R DNA differs by 3 C and the buoyant density by 0.005 g/cm(3) from that of B. licheniformis. Transformation with G1R donor DNA was neither observed in B. licheniformis nor in B. subtilis-competent recipients. Bacteriophage GA-1 shows neither infectivity on B. licheniformis nor on B. subtilis. However, infection of competent B. subtilis cultures with phenol-extracted GA-1 DNA results in the production of infective GA-1 particles. The transfecting activity of GA-1 DNA is destroyed by treatment with proteolytic enzymes. Resistance of transfecting DNA to inactivation by trypsin develops earlier than that to inactivation by DNase. Protease-treated GA-1 DNA competes with transforming DNA to approximately the same extent as does untreated GA-1 DNA, suggesting that uptake of GA-1 DNA is not affected by protease treatment. CsCl density gradient centrifugation reveals that the density of trypsinized GA-1 DNA is 0.004 g/cm(3) greater than that of untreated DNA

    DNA-Protein Complex in Circular DNA from Bacillus Bacteriophage GA-1

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    DNA prepared from bacteriophage GA-1 contains circular DNA molecules, which are converted to linear molecules by treatment with trypsin

    Integrated Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and Loss of Heterozygosity at 11q22 and 18q21 in an Oral Carcinoma and Its Derivative Cell Line

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    A human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 containing oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line 93VU147T at early passage was demonstrated to match its primary tumor with regard to HPV status and loss of heterozygosity at loci potentially involved in HPV-mediated carcinogenesis. DNA in situ hybridization of the cell line and the primary tumor revealed the presence of HPV 16 DNA clonally associated with the neoplastic cells. One- and two-dimensional Southern blot hybridization suggested HPV 16 to be integrated in the host genome at over hundred copies/cell. An identical restriction enzyme profile was observed for the tumor and the cell line. Viral DNA integration was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization on metaphase spreads of the cell line, which revealed six stained loci comprising one at 15q14-15 and five at cytogenetically unidentifiable chromosomes. In addition, the tumor and the cell line displayed mRNA expression of the E6/E7 region encoding the viral oncoproteins, as determined by reverse transcription-PCR. Northern blot analysis of the cell line revealed three major and three minor transcripts harboring E67E7 sequences. Both the primary tumor and cell line showed loss of heterozygosity at the 11q22 (D11S35) and 18q21 (DCC) loci. These data support a role for HPV 16 in the development of a subset of oral cancers, presumably in concert with loss of function of tumor suppressor genes at 11q and 18q

    A physical complex of the Fanconi anemia proteins FANCG/XRCC9 and FANCA

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a recessively inherited disease characterized at the cellular level by spontaneous chromosomal instability and specific hypersensitivity to cross-linking agents. FA is genetically heterogeneous, comprising at least eight complementation groups (A-H). We report that the protein encoded by the gene mutated in complementation group G (FANCG) localizes to the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell and assembles in a molecular complex with the FANCA protein, both in vivo and in vitro. Endogenous FANCA/FANCG complex was detected in both non-FA cells and in FA cells from groups D and E. By contrast, no complex was detected in specific cell lines belonging to groups A and G, whereas reduced levels were found in cells from groups B, C, F, and H. Wild-type levels of FANCA/FANCG complex were restored upon correction of the cellular phenotype by transfection or cell fusion experiments, suggesting that this complex is of functional significance in the FA pathway. These results indicate that the cellular FA phenotype can be connected to three biochemical subtypes based on the levels of FANCA/FANCG complex. Disruption of the complex may provide an experimental strategy for chemosensitization of neoplastic cells

    The Gene for Hereditary Bullous Dystrophy, X-Linked Macular Type, Maps to the Xq27.3-qter Region

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    Bullous dystrophy, hereditary macular type (McKusick 302000), is an X-linked disorder and was originally described in a single kindred in the Netherlands by Mendes da Costa and Van der Valk in 1908. To determine the location of the bullous dystrophy gene, segregation studies were performed in this family and in a recently described Italian family. Using informative polymorphic markers, the gene could initially be localized on the Xq27-q28 region. No recombinants were noted with loci in Xq27.3-q28. Fine mapping places the bullous dystrophy locus distal to DXS102 (Xq26.3) in the Italian family and distal to DXS998 (Xq27.3) in the Dutch family