341 research outputs found

    Gauge dilution and leptogenesis

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    In this paper, we examine how gauge interactions can dilute the lepton asymmetry in lepton induced baryogenesis. Constraints imposed on Majorana masses keep this dilution at an acceptable level.Comment: 5 page

    See-saw neutrino masses and large mixing angles in the vortex background on a sphere

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    In the vortex background on a sphere, a single 6-dimensional fermion family gives rise to 3 zero-modes in the 4-dimensional point of view, which may explain the replication of families in the Standard Model. Previously, it had been shown that realistic hierarchical mass and mixing patterns can be reproduced for the quarks and the charged leptons. Here, we show that the addition of a single heavy 6-dimensional field that is gauge singlet, unbound to the vortex, and embedded with a bulk Majorana mass enables to generate 4D Majorana masses for the light neutrinos through the see-saw mechanism. The scheme is very predictive. The hierarchical structure of the fermion zero-modes leads automatically to an inverted pseudo-Dirac mass pattern, and always predicts one maximal angle in the neutrino see-saw matrix. It is possible to obtain a second large mixing angle from either the charged lepton or the neutrino sector, and we demonstrate that this model can fit all observed data in neutrino oscillations experiments. Also, U_{e3} is found to be of the order ~0.1.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Bound on the Dark Matter Density in the Solar System from Planetary Motions

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    High precision planet orbital data extracted from direct observation, spacecraft explorations and laser ranging techniques enable to put a strong constraint on the maximal dark matter density of a spherical halo centered around the Sun. The maximal density at Earth's location is of the order 10510^5 GeV/cm3{\rm GeV/cm^3} and shows only a mild dependence on the slope of the halo profile, taken between 0 and -2. This bound is somewhat better than that obtained from the perihelion precession limits.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Searching for family-number conserving neutral gauge bosons from extra dimensions

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    Previous studies have shown how the three generations of the Standard Model fermions can arise from a single generation in more than four dimensions, and how off-diagonal neutral couplings arise for gauge-boson Kaluza-Klein recurrences. These couplings conserve family number in the leading approximation. While an existing example, built on a spherical geometry, suggests a high compactification scale, we conjecture that the overall structure is generic, and work out possible signatures at colliders, compatible with rare decays data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, jetpl.cls style, references adde

    MeV Right-handed Neutrinos and Dark Matter

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    We consider the possibility of having a MeV right-handed neutrino as a dark matter constituent. The initial reason for this study was the 511 keV spectral line observed by the satellite experiment INTEGRAL: could it be due to an interaction between dark matter and baryons? Independently of this, we find a number of constraints on the assumed right-handed interactions. They arise in particular from the measurements by solar neutrino experiments. We come to the conclusion that such particles interactions are possible, and could reproduce the peculiar angular distribution, but not the rate of the INTEGRAL signal. However, we stress that solar neutrino experiments are susceptible to provide further constraints in the future.Comment: 7 pages, figure 1 changed, added reference

    3D-conjugated systems based on oligothiophenes and phosphorus nodes

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    3D-conjugated systems based on oligothiophene segments grafted on a phosphorus or on a phosphine oxide node have been synthesized. Under Stille coupling conditions, bromide terminated thienyl phosphine derivatives undergo a breaking of the phosphorus–carbon bond attributed to a ligand exchange with the Pd catalyst. The electronic properties of the new compounds have been analyzed by UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry

    Synthesis, spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of new covalent assemblies between TTF and various acceptors

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    Five new acceptor-π–TTF-π-acceptor (A–D–A) triads that contain pyridine, quinoline, nitrophenyl or nitrofuryl groups as acceptor unit have been synthesized by two-fold Wittig olefination reactions and their electrochemical behavior has been studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) band in these molecules was characterized by UV–visible electronic absorption spectroscopy and these studies were completed by DFT calculations in the gas phase. These materials appear to be good candidates for the preparation of electroactive discrete metal complexes or coordination polymers as well as for the preparation of radical cations salts

    Could the MSSM have no CP violation in the CKM matrix?

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    We show that all CP violation in the MSSM could originate in the supersymmetry breaking sector rather than the CKM matrix, and discuss the important consequences for BB-physics.Comment: 12 pages + 4 figures, requires epsf.sty, small error + acknowledgement change
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