1,252 research outputs found

    Stonewall Jackson: A Biography

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    Stonewall Jackson: Man and Myth On Sunday afternoon, May 10, 1863, Confederate Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan Stonewall Jackson died. The Confederacy lapsed into mourning, and a long history of what might have been arguments dawned. Jackson excelled during his short career in Virgini...

    Plain Folk\u27s Fight: The Civil War & Reconstruction in Piney Woods Georgia

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    Race Trumps Class Flagging Support Undermines South When Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia in April of 1865, the Civil War for all intents and purposes ended. The Confederacy soon collapsed, and the United States began its long road toward regional reconcil...

    Where the South Lost the War: An Analysis of the Fort Henry-Fort Donelson Campaign, February 1862

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    River Sentinels Fall of Confederate strongholds recounted On Sunday, February 16, 1862, jubilant Federal forces under the command of General Ulysses S. Grant captured Fort Donelson, along with more than 12,000 Confederate prisoners and a mountain of weapons and supplies. The fal...

    Co. Aytch: First Tennessee Regiment or a Side Show of the Big Show

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    Sam Watkins\u27s Civil War It is the blackest page in the history of the war of the Lost Cause. It was the bloodiest battle of modern times in any war. It was the finishing stroke to the independence of the Southern Confederacy. I was there. I saw it. My flesh trembles, and c...

    Voices from Company D: Diaries by the Fifth Alabama Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia

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    Water power: The campaign to control the Mississippi On July 9, 1863, Port Hudson, the last Confederate bastion on the Mississippi, surrendered to Union forces under the command of Major General Nathaniel Banks. Port Hudson\u27s fall, along with the capture of Vicksburg only a few...

    Robert E. Lee and the Fall of the Confederacy, 1863-1865

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    Seeking to Answer Why the Army of Northern Virginia Lost On the morning of May 3, 1863, one of the fiercest and most important battles of the Civil War reached its crescendo around Chancellorsville, Virginia. Two separate wings of the Army of Northern Virginia reunited after inflicting...

    Service Learning: A Valuable Experience

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    In this paper, we describe how our department recently incorporated a major service learning component into the curriculum. Specifically, we employed participation in the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program as an effective means of experiential and service learning for the past two years for Masters of Accountancy students. We designed a course devoted entirely to serving in a VITA program operated on a local Air Force base. Our experience confirms that service learning can be a powerful tool in teaching. It has enhanced our students’ academic and professional development. It has given significance to our mission and it has strengthened community relationships. However, recent developments have made it difficult for us to maintain this service learning project in its present form. It appears that we, like many other programs, must consider again how to implement service learning as part of our curriculum, but we will do so now with a greater appreciation and enthusiasm for its unique contributions to learning

    Rodent Control on Poultry Farms.

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    Publishing Makerspace: A New Approach to Scholarly Publishing

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    This article describes the concept of the Publishing Makerspace, which is a publishing environment that is reconfigured as a place where all the components of a scholarly project—books and e‐books, virtual and physical exhibits, visualizations, live performance and film—can be integrated using a collaborative process. This place enables the creation of a multimodal publishing environment that fully integrates digital content with manuscripts and “traditional” scholarly content. Starting with an overview of the history of the team that devised this approach and its membership, the article describes the problem that the authors have identified with current approaches to multimodal publishing and outlines a workshop model for engaging in a reconfiguration of the publishing process, including a description of a new publishing and knowledge making ecosystem that includes librarians, publishers, and other collaborators
