619 research outputs found

    Showing Meat Animals : Extension Circular 2-88-2

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    Gives instructions and suggestions for showing meat animals for 4-H projects

    Characteristics and genomic epidemiology of colistin-resistant Enterobacterales from farmers, swine, and hospitalized patients in Thailand, 2014-2017

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    BACKGROUND: Colistin is one of the last resort therapeutic options for treating carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales, which are resistant to a broad range of beta-lactam antibiotics. However, the increased use of colistin in clinical and livestock farming settings in Thailand and China, has led to the inevitable emergence of colistin resistance. To better understand the rise of colistin-resistant strains in each of these settings, we characterized colistin-resistant Enterobacterales isolated from farmers, swine, and hospitalized patients in Thailand. METHODS: Enterobacterales were isolated from 149 stool samples or rectal swabs collected from farmers, pigs, and hospitalized patients in Thailand between November 2014-December 2017. Confirmed colistin-resistant isolates were sequenced. Genomic analyses included species identification, multilocus sequence typing, and detection of antimicrobial resistance determinants and plasmids. RESULTS: The overall colistin-resistant Enterobacterales colonization rate was 26.2% (n = 39/149). The plasmid-mediated colistin-resistance gene (mcr) was detected in all 25 Escherichia coli isolates and 9 of 14 (64.3%) Klebsiella spp. isolates. Five novel mcr allelic variants were also identified: mcr-2.3, mcr-3.21, mcr-3.22, mcr-3.23, and mcr-3.24, that were only detected in E. coli and Klebsiella spp. isolates from farmed pigs. CONCLUSION: Our data confirmed the presence of colistin-resistance genes in combination with extended spectrum beta-lactamase genes in bacterial isolates from farmers, swine, and patients in Thailand. Differences between the colistin-resistance mechanisms of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in hospitalized patients were observed, as expected. Additionally, we identified mobile colistin-resistance mcr-1.1 genes from swine and patient isolates belonging to plasmids of the same incompatibility group. This supported the possibility that horizontal transmission of bacterial strains or plasmid-mediated colistin-resistance genes occurs between humans and swine

    Epithelial immunomodulation by aerosolized Toll-like receptor agonists prevents allergic inflammation in airway mucosa in mice

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    Allergic asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease associated with eosinophilic infiltration, increased mucus production, airway hyperresponsiveness, and airway remodeling. Epidemiologic data reveal that the prevalence of allergic sensitization and associated diseases has increased in the twentieth century. This has been hypothesized to be partly due to reduced contact with microbial organisms (the hygiene hypothesis) in industrialized society. Airway epithelial cells, once considered a static physical barrier between the body and the external world, are now widely recognized as immunologically active cells that can initiate, maintain, and restrain inflammatory responses, such as those that mediate allergic disease. Airway epithelial cells can sense allergens via expression of myriad Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and other pattern-recognition receptors. We sought to determine whether the innate immune response stimulated by a combination of Pam2CSK4 (“Pam2”, TLR2/6 ligand) and a class C oligodeoxynucleotide ODN362 (“ODN”, TLR9 ligand), when delivered together by aerosol (“Pam2ODN”), can modulate the allergic immune response to allergens. Treatment with Pam2ODN 7 days before sensitization to House Dust Mite (HDM) extract resulted in a strong reduction in eosinophilic and lymphocytic inflammation. This Pam2ODN immunomodulatory effect was also seen using Ovalbumin (OVA) and A. oryzae (Ao) mouse models. The immunomodulatory effect was observed as much as 30 days before sensitization to HDM, but ineffective just 2 days after sensitization, suggesting that Pam2ODN immunomodulation lowers the allergic responsiveness of the lung, and reduces the likelihood of inappropriate sensitization to aeroallergens. Furthermore, Pam2 and ODN cooperated synergistically suggesting that this treatment is superior to any single agonist in the setting of allergen immunotherapy

    Paring Down HIV Env: Design and Crystal Structure of a Stabilized Inner Domain of HIV-1 gp120 Displaying a Major ADCC Target of the A32 Region

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    SummaryEvidence supports a role of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) toward transitional epitopes in the first and second constant (C1-C2) regions of gp120 (A32-like epitopes) in preventing HIV-1 infection and in vaccine-induced protection. Here, we describe the first successful attempt at isolating the inner domain (ID) of gp120 as an independent molecule that encapsulates the A32-like region within a minimal structural unit of the HIV-1 Env. Through structure-based design, we developed ID2, which consists of the ID expressed independently of the outer domain and stabilized in the CD4-bound conformation by an inter-layer disulfide bond. ID2 expresses C1-C2 epitopes in the context of CD4-triggered full-length gp120 but without any known neutralizing epitope present. Thus, ID2 represents a novel probe for the analysis and/or selective induction of antibody responses to the A32 epitope region. We also present the crystal structure of ID2 complexed with mAb A32, which defines its epitope

    Strong signature of natural selection within an FHIT intron implicated in prostate cancer risk

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    Previously, a candidate gene linkage approach on brother pairs affected with prostate cancer identified a locus of prostate cancer susceptibility at D3S1234 within the fragile histidine triad gene (FHIT), a tumor suppressor that induces apoptosis. Subsequent association tests on 16 SNPs spanning approximately 381 kb surrounding D3S1234 in Americans of European descent revealed significant evidence of association for a single SNP within intron 5 of FHIT. In the current study, resequencing and genotyping within a 28.5 kb region surrounding this SNP further delineated the association with prostate cancer risk to a 15 kb region. Multiple SNPs in sequences under evolutionary constraint within intron 5 of FHIT defined several related haplotypes with an increased risk of prostate cancer in European-Americans. Strong associations were detected for a risk haplotype defined by SNPs 138543, 142413, and 152494 in all cases (Pearson's χ2 = 12.34, df 1, P = 0.00045) and for the homozygous risk haplotype defined by SNPs 144716, 142413, and 148444 in cases that shared 2 alleles identical by descent with their affected brothers (Pearson's χ2 = 11.50, df 1, P = 0.00070). In addition to highly conserved sequences encompassing SNPs 148444 and 152413, population studies revealed strong signatures of natural selection for a 1 kb window covering the SNP 144716 in two human populations, the European American (π = 0.0072, Tajima's D= 3.31, 14 SNPs) and the Japanese (π = 0.0049, Fay & Wu's H = 8.05, 14 SNPs), as well as in chimpanzees (Fay & Wu's H = 8.62, 12 SNPs). These results strongly support the involvement of the FHIT intronic region in an increased risk of prostate cancer. © 2008 Ding et al

    Comparative genomic analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus: serotype conversion and virulence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Vibrio parahaemolyticus </it>is a common cause of foodborne disease. Beginning in 1996, a more virulent strain having serotype O3:K6 caused major outbreaks in India and other parts of the world, resulting in the emergence of a pandemic. Other serovariants of this strain emerged during its dissemination and together with the original O3:K6 were termed strains of the pandemic clone. Two genomes, one of this virulent strain and one pre-pandemic strain have been sequenced. We sequenced four additional genomes of <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>in this study that were isolated from different geographical regions and time points. Comparative genomic analyses of six strains of <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>isolated from Asia and Peru were performed in order to advance knowledge concerning the evolution of <it>V. parahaemolyticus</it>; specifically, the genetic changes contributing to serotype conversion and virulence. Two pre-pandemic strains and three pandemic strains, isolated from different geographical regions, were serotype O3:K6 and either toxin profiles (<it>tdh+</it>, <it>trh</it>-) or (<it>tdh-</it>, <it>trh</it>+). The sixth pandemic strain sequenced in this study was serotype O4:K68.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genomic analyses revealed that the <it>trh</it>+ and <it>tdh</it>+ strains had different types of pathogenicity islands and mobile elements as well as major structural differences between the <it>tdh </it>pathogenicity islands of the pre-pandemic and pandemic strains. In addition, the results of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis showed that 94% of the SNPs between O3:K6 and O4:K68 pandemic isolates were within a 141 kb region surrounding the O- and K-antigen-encoding gene clusters. The "core" genes of <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>were also compared to those of <it>V. cholerae </it>and <it>V. vulnificus</it>, in order to delineate differences between these three pathogenic species. Approximately one-half (49-59%) of each species' core genes were conserved in all three species, and 14-24% of the core genes were species-specific and in different functional categories.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data support the idea that the pandemic strains are closely related and that recent South American outbreaks of foodborne disease caused by <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>are closely linked to outbreaks in India. Serotype conversion from O3:K6 to O4:K68 was likely due to a recombination event involving a region much larger than the O-antigen- and K-antigen-encoding gene clusters. Major differences between pathogenicity islands and mobile elements are also likely driving the evolution of <it>V. parahaemolyticus</it>. In addition, our analyses categorized genes that may be useful in differentiating pathogenic Vibrios at the species level.</p

    Genomewide identification of \u3ci\u3ePseudomonas syringae\u3c/i\u3e pv.\u3ci\u3etomato\u3c/i\u3e DC3000 promoters controlled by the HrpL alternative sigma factor

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    The ability of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 to parasitize tomato and Arabidopsis thaliana depends on genes activated by the HrpL alternative sigma factor. To support various functional genomic analyses of DC3000, and specifically, to identify genes involved in pathogenesis, we developed a draft sequence of DC3000 and used an iterative process involving computational and gene expression techniques to identify virulence-implicated genes downstream of HrpLresponsive promoters. Hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) promoters are known to control genes encoding the Hrp (type III protein secretion) machinery and a few type III effector proteins in DC3000. This process involved (i) identification of 9 new virulenceimplicated genes in the Hrp regulon by miniTn5gus mutagenesis, (ii) development of a hidden Markov model (HMM) trained with known and transposon-identified Hrp promoter sequences, (iii) HMM identification of promoters upstream of 12 additional virulence-implicated genes, and (iv) microarray and RNA blot analyses of the HrpLdependent expression of a representative subset of these DC3000 genes. We found that the Hrp regulon encodes candidates for 4 additional type III secretion machinery accessory factors, homologs of the effector proteins HopPsyA, AvrPpiB1 (2 copies), AvrPpiC2, AvrPphD (2 copies), AvrPphE, AvrPphF, and AvrXv3, and genes associated with the production or metabolism of virulence factors unrelated to the Hrp type III secretion system, including syringomycin synthetase (SyrE), N-(indole-3-acetyl)-L-lysine synthetase (IaaL), and a subsidiary regulon controlling coronatine production. Additional candidate effector genes, hopPtoA2, hopPtoB2, and an avrRps4 homolog, were preceded by Hrp promoter-like sequences, but these had HMM expectation values of relatively low significance and were not detectably activated by HrpL