61 research outputs found

    Adult leaves of grapevine cuttings stimulate rhizogenesis

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    In vitro morphogenesis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) originated from anticipated or latent buds

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    While in outdoor-grown vines shoots originate from latent buds, grapevine shoots from microcuttings cultured in vitro are produced by the anticipated bud. The latter shoots show physiological and morphological features of juvenility. This study was carried out to obtain more conform in vitro grapevine shoots. Latent buds were induced to develop in vitro. Shoots produced by latent buds had more juvenile features than those produced by anticipated buds. New information on the control of juvenility of grapevines in vitro is presented

    Physiologie de la croissance chez la vigne: Influences foliaires

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    Les influences observées dans ces différentes expériences peuvent être classées en deux catégories, effets trophiques et effets morphogénétiques.Du point de vue trophique nous apportons la preuve expérimentale d'un fait essentiel jusqu'alors seulement soupçonné, la possibilité de mobilisation des réserves glucidiques de la souche par les parties végétatives des pousses lorsque l'activité photosynthétique est déficiente et ce pendant toute la durée d'un cycle végétatif.Deux autres faits sont confirmés: l'effet dépressif de la réduction de la surface foliaire assimilatrice sur l'évolution des grappes mais aussi la possibilité pour toutes les grappes d'un cep d'accéder à un «pool» commun des assimilats et ce, quelle que soit leur situation vis à vis des feuilles.Les résultats acquis par ces expériences nous ont permis de faire une première approche de certaines influences morphogénétiques de la feuille chez la vigne: influence foliaire sur la croissance internodale,participation des feuilles à l'arrêt de croissance des pousses à la fin du cycle végétatif,influence inhibitrice des feuilles adultes portées par un rameau donné sur le bourgeon terminal d'une pousse voisine privée de la totalité de ses feuilles. Cette influence est telle qu'elle conduit à la mort du bourgeon et finalement de toute la pousse défoliée.Shoot growth on grapevines in the presence or absence of leavesIn experiments with vines of cv. Pinot noir, ail or half the shoots per vine were continuously defoliated from bud burst onwards and compared with shoots on vines without defoliation. The two methods of defoliation gave different responses.Defoliation of ail shoots per vine reduced shoot length because of shorter internodes although leaf initiation continued for longer and at a rate comparable to that of shoots on control vines. The flowers on the defoliated shoots failed to set.Defoliation of only half the shoots per vine caused the defoliated shoots to die back to the nodes that carried inflorescences. Their flowers set and developed into mature but somewhat smaller berries. On these vines, the presence of mature leaves nearby was responsible for the behaviour of the defoliated shoots

    Zone d'abscission et coulure de la vigne

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    Abscission zone and berry drop in grapevineBerry drop (coulure) in grapevine has various causes, but is generally observed in the days following anthesis and the separation occurs at the base of the flower pedicel. At this part of the pedicel a structured zone composed of little cells is observed where active abscission takes place. The abscission zone is activated by ethylene. This response does not only depend on the concentration of ethylene but also on the developmental stage of the target cells, which are highly reactive only during a few days. The presence of such an abscission zone in grapevine led us to consider new research to manage fruit set and thinning

    Roles of leaf in regulation of root and shoot growth from single node softwood cuttings of grape ( Vitis vinifera )

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    The role of leaf in regulation of root and shoot growths in single node softwood cuttings of grape ( Vitis vinifera ) was characterised. Leafy cuttings showed early rooting, vigorous root growth and subsequent shoot development. Defoliation at planting induced early sprouting, but adversely affected rooting and decreased the survival of cuttings irrespective of pre-planting treatment with 100 ΜM indole 3-acetic acid (IAA). Treatment with IAA did not affect the percent rooting of leafy cuttings but increased root and shoot growth. Leaf weight (wt) and leaf area of the cuttings showed a highly significant correlation to root wt of the new plant at 4 wk after planting, while cutting stem + petiole wt was either not or less significantly correlated to root and shoot weights of the subsequent plant. The greater the area or wt of leaf, the better the root and shoot growths, implying that leaf contributed to adventitious root growth. However, retaining the leaf for just 2 days was enough to stimulate rooting in more than 80% of the cuttings, suggesting that leaf tissue could also induce root formation. Root growth increased with the period of leaf retention but leaf removal before 3 wk triggered sprouting leading to high mortality in rooted cuttings. Bringing the leaf closer to the rooting zone by preparing leaf at base (LAB) cuttings delayed rooting and sprouting compared with the standard leaf at top (LAT) cuttings. An inhibitory effect on rooting and sprouting by the exposed upper internode region in LAB cuttings is suggested.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65538/1/j.1744-7348.2004.tb00313.x.pd

    Encore une bastide désertée : Chassaing en Périgord

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    Fournioux Bernard. Encore une bastide désertée : Chassaing en Périgord. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 93, N°153, 1981. pp. 313-319

    Une bastide vicomtale en Périgord : Bonneval

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    Unter den Fluchtburgen im Périgord, die uns bekannt sind, ist Bonneval als letzte gebaut worden. Die Vicomtes von Limoges scheinen die Grafen von Périgord nachgeahmt zu haben. Unmittelbar nach den großen Gründern sind sie dem Beispiel der Kapetinger gefolgt. Die Errichtung von Bonneval entsprang politischen und strategischen Überlegungen, und seine Lage verlieh ihm darüber hinaus eine unleugbare wirtschaftliche Bedeutung.Укрепленный виконтский город в Пери- горе : Бонневаль. Бонневаль - последний из нам изветных укрепленных городов Перигора. Виконты Лиможа видимо взяли пример с , графе- в Перигора и вслед за великими строителями стали подражать Капетингам. Основание Бонневаля отражает политические и стратегические интересы а его местоположение придавало ему в добавок определенную экономическую ценность.Bonneval is the latest-known bastide founded in Périgord. The viscounts of Limoges seem to have imitated the counts of Périgord and to have followed in the footsteps of the great founders such as the Capetians. The founding of Bonneval expressed political and strategic preoccupations and, moreover, its site conferred it a certain economic value.Bonneval est la plus tardive des bastides connues en Périgord. Les vicomtes de Limoges semblent avoir imité les comtes de Périgord et, dans la foulée des grands fondateurs, ont emboîté le pas aux Capétiens. La fondation de Bonneval des préoccupations politiques et stratégiques et sa situation lui conférait, en outre, une valeur économique certaine.Fournioux Bernard. Une bastide vicomtale en Périgord : Bonneval. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 92, N°147, 1980. pp. 133-150

    Une mesure à grains d'un système local en Périgord

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    Bernard Fournioux, A corn measure of a local type in Périgord. As a mirror of the activity of a region where it was used as a tool, the corn measure of La Faye is a palpable sign that remains of a complex and irrational mediaeval system of measurement. It is characteristic of the various centres radiating out from manorial jurisdictions that were so frequently found on the economic horizon of Périgord in the Middle Ages. This article seeks to provide a definition of a unit of weight, as a measurement and in its geographical and chronological dimensions. Such studies will perhaps lead to drawing up the conversion tables that are so badly needed by the specialists in mediaeval history.Instrument et reflet d'une activité locale, la mesure de la Faye est l'expression matérielle et résiduelle des mécanismes d'une métrologie médiévale complexe et irrationnelle. Elle est une manifestation de ces centres de diffusion (sièges de juridictions châtelaines) qui constellaient l'horizon économique périgourdin à la fin du Moyen Age. Cette esquisse tente de donner une définition métrique, spatiale et chronologique d'une unité de capacité. Ainsi, de telles investigations archéologiques inciteront peut-être à l'élaboration d'abaques de conversion qui font tant défaut à l'historien médiéviste.Fournioux Bernard. Une mesure à grains d'un système local en Périgord. In: Archéologie médiévale, tome 12, 1982. pp. 281-288