75 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Rhinoceros in the Free State, South Africa: A Reassessment

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    Published ArticleThe last rhinoceros in the Orange Free State is believed to have been shot at Renosterkop near Kroonstad in 1842. This is one of nine farms in the present-day Free State Province with rhenoster (rhinoceros in Afrikaans) as a prefix in their names. These place names, and the petroglyph of a rhinoceros made by indigenous people on boulders near Rhenosterkop, indicate the occurrence of rhinos in the area in late historical times. We examined historical photographs, maps and literature to gain a retrospective view of the ecology. We conclude that the habitat could have supported small numbers of white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum), but that there was probably insufficient browsing vegetation for the survival of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) at these sites. Previous evidence of fossilized black rhino skulls from the province was discounted when these were found to be those of a hippopotamus and a predator. The reintroduction of rhinos to the Province began in 1962 when a white rhino was relocated from Natal Province to the Willem Pretorius Game Reserve. Since then, rhino numbers have increased significantly, and there are currently 669 white rhinos and 11 black rhinos on state and private land in Free State Province

    Low dislocation rate one year after total hip arthroplasty at a tertiary hospital in South Africa

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    BACKGROUND : Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most performed and most researched procedures worldwide, and there is an ever-growing demand for THA in an already resource-constrained system in South Africa. Early dislocation after THA remains a serious and costly problem; however, few THA outcome studies have been performed locally. This study therefore aimed to calculate the incidence of dislocation after THA and to identify risk factors for dislocation after THA in a South African academic hospital. METHODS : In this retrospective cohort review, files and radiographs of 543 patients were reviewed for dislocation during the first year after primary THA. The reason for the THA, the surgical data, the implant data, and whether and when dislocation occurred were recorded for each patient. Fisher’s exact tests and independent t-tests were done to analyse the association between variables and a patient’s odds of experiencing a dislocation after THA. RESULTS : Twenty (3.7%) out of 543 THAs dislocated during the first year, 17 of these within the first three months. The surgical approach used was not shown to be a significant risk factor (p = 0.650) for dislocation, although the Hardinge approach had been used for all 20 cases of dislocation. Similar dislocation rates (p = 0.967) were found for THAs done for displaced neck of femur (NOF) fractures (3.6%) and for elective THAs (3.7%). Trauma THAs made up more than half (55%) of our study population. Femoral head sizes ≤ 32 mm (p = 0.390 for neck of femur THA and p = 0.451 for elective THA) and a single mobility design (p = 0.494) both produced a higher dislocation rate, although this was not statistically significant. Surgeon experience did not prove to be significant for our study population (p = 0.570). CONCLUSION : The dislocation rate after THA at our institution is lower than rates reported in the literature for NOF THA and similar to rates reported for elective THA. This was found despite the dislocation rate for the Hardinge approach being nearly eight times higher than expected. Minimal surgeon experience, implant coupling and smaller femoral head size did not prove to be significant risk factors for dislocation after THA.https://www.saoj.org.za/index.php/saoj%20am2024Orthopaedic SurgerySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    An audit on the accuracy of freehand acetabular cup positioning in total hip arthroplasty with the direct lateral approach at a tertiary institution over seven years

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    BACKGROUND : The direct lateral approach for total hip replacement has been traditionally reserved and described for neck of femur fractures. Advantages of this approach include technically easy access to the acetabulum and femur and low incidence of hip dislocation. Imperfect positioning of the acetabular component leads to increased risk for dislocations, accelerated wear, reduced range of motion and increased revision rate. Freehand technique has been the gold standard for many decades, but newer technologies like computer navigation and robotic-assisted surgery have shown to improve the accuracy of cup placement. This study reports on the accuracy of freehand cup positioning via the direct lateral approach with mention of the dislocation rate. METHODS : We retrospectively reviewed 253 patients who had total hip replacements done via the direct lateral approach. The patients’ files were evaluated for patient parameters, demographic details, aetiology of hip pathology, confirmation of approach used, comorbidities and history of previous relevant surgery. The postoperative radiographs were analysed for acetabular component position inclination and anteversion. Dislocation rates were calculated as a secondary objective. RESULTS : The radiographic analysis was performed using the Liaw method based on trigonometry of the eclipse generated. This showed a mean cup inclination of 42.3° (95% CI: 41.3–43.3°) and anteversion of 12.7° (95% CI: 12.0–13.7°). A total of 57% of the acetabular cups were within the safe zones described by Lewinnek. Of them, 78% were in the 30–50° range for inclination and 73% in the 5–25° range for anteversion. There were ten dislocations within one year from the index procedure: a dislocation rate of 4.0% (95% CI: 2.8–8.5%). CONCLUSION : The freehand technique using the direct lateral approach for acetabular cup placement produces a poor overall accuracy of only 57%. Although our study only commented on ten dislocations, the rate (4%) is significantly worse compared to the 0.43% reported in literature for the direct lateral approach. The radiographic results for inclination and anteversion are comparable to other freehand techniques, regardless of the approach used, but significantly worse than results achieved with navigation and robotics.http://journal.saoa.org.zadm2022Orthopaedic Surger

    Discovery-2: an interactive resource for the rational selection and comparison of putative drug target proteins in malaria

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    BACKGROUND: Drug resistance to anti-malarial compounds remains a serious problem, with resistance to newer pharmaceuticals developing at an alarming rate. The development of new anti-malarials remains a priority, and the rational selection of putative targets is a key element of this process. Discovery-2 is an update of the original Discovery in silico resource for the rational selection of putative drug target proteins, enabling researchers to obtain information for a protein which may be useful for the selection of putative drug targets, and to perform advanced filtering of proteins encoded by the malaria genome based on a series of molecular properties. METHODS: An updated in silico resource has been developed where researchers are able to mine information on malaria proteins and predicted ligands, as well as perform comparisons to the human and mosquito host characteristics. Protein properties used include: domains, motifs, EC numbers, GO terms, orthologs, protein-protein interactions, protein-ligand interactions. Newly added features include drugability measures from ChEMBL, automated literature relations and links to clinical trial information. Searching by chemical structure is also available. RESULTS: The updated functionality of the Discovery-2 resource is presented, together with a detailed case study of the Plasmodium falciparum S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (PfSAHH) protein. A short example of a chemical search with pyrimethamine is also illustrated. CONCLUSION: The updated Discovery-2 resource allows researchers to obtain detailed properties of proteins from the malaria genome, which may be of interest in the target selection process, and to perform advanced filtering and selection of proteins based on a relevant range of molecular characteristics

    A comparison between the cardio-stress indices of an active and a sedentary population

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    Die moderne leefwyse bring dikwels mee dat ons die belangrikheid van liggaamlike oefening uit die oog verloor. Ons toenemend passiewe leefwyse het gelei tot ’n aansienlike toename in die voorkoms van lewenstylsiektes soos hipertensie en verskeie vorme van vaskulêre patologie. In hierdie studie word die kardiostres-indekse (KSI’e) van aktiewe en sedentêre individue met mekaar vergelyk ten einde insig te verkry in die uitwerking van die aansienlike veranderinge wat in die gemoderniseerde samelewing plaasgevind het. Die aktiewe populasie het bestaan uit 217 weermagrekrute wat reeds 20 weke van hul basiese weermagopleiding voltooi het. Die (n = 126) lede van die sedentêre populasie is gewerf uit ’n tradisionele tersiêre onderwysinstansie. Die deelnemers uit beide populasies moes drie toetssessies bywoon wat gedurende week 1, week 12 en week 20 gehou is. Hulle het ’n nie-ingrypende ViportTMtoets ondergaan om hul KSI, harttempo en QRS-duur te bepaal. Die resultate het getoon dat alhoewel die basislyn vir KSI, bloeddruk en harttempo aanvanklik hoër was onder die aktiewe populasie, die aanvang van die liggaamsoefeningprogram ten opsigte van hierdie drie faktore ’n geleidelike afname en dus ’n verandering in die rigting, en uiteindelik gesonder marges tot gevolg gehad het. Die KSI het egter nie die normale reikwydte ten opsigte van een van die twee groepe bereik nie, wat daarop gedui het dat alhoewel liggaamlike aktiwiteit fisiologiese stresvlakke verminder, ander sleutelfaktore, te wete leefwyse en stresvlakke, ook in ag geneem moet word. Die studie onderskryf die idee dat ’n toename in liggaamlike aktiwiteit die potensiaal het om ’n individu se vatbaarheid vir kardiovaskulêre siektes te verminder. Die studie ondersoek ook die uitwerking van oefening op die hart deur die gebruik van KSI as ’n meetinstrument.A comparison between the cardio-stress indices of an active and a sedentary population. Our modern lifestyle often results in the importance of physical exercise being overlooked. The increasingly passive way of life has resulted in a notable increase in the prevalence of lifestyle disorders, such as hypertension and some forms of vascular pathology. This study compares the cardio-stress indices (CSIs) of active and sedentary individuals to provide insight into the impact of the significant changes that have taken place in the modernised society. The active population consisted of 217 military recruits who had completed 20 weeks of basic military training. The sedentary population (n = 126) was sourced from a traditional tertiary institution where the focus is on attending lectures. Participants from both populations were required to attend three testing sessions, which were held during Week 1, Week 12 and Week 20. Subjects underwent a non-invasive ViportTM test to measure their CSI, heart rate and QRS duration. The results showed that although baseline readings for CSI, blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were initially higher among the active population, the commencement of the physical training programme resulted in a steady decline in respect of these three factors to approach healthier margins. However, the CSI for neither population reached the normal range, indicating that although physical activity reduces physiological stress levels, other key factors, namely lifestyle stress levels, must also be taken into account.The study supports the notion that increased physical activity has the potential to reduce the predisposition of an individual to cardiovascular disorders and contributes towards establishing the effect of training on heart health by using CSI as a means of measurementhttp://www.satnt.ac.zaay201

    A critical engagement with theological education in Africa

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    The higher education landscape has arguably become one of the most arduous to traverse. More so in the African context, where a host of variables continiously challenge educators to reflect critically on their philosophies and practices as they engage an ever-changing audience. In this book, a critical engagement with theological education in Africa is offered. As the book originates from South Africa, it is presented as a South African perspective, although contributors are situated accross the African continent and abroad. The common denominator is that all contributers are, in some way or another, invested in theological education in Africa. The main contribution of this collaborative work is to be sought in the insights it offers on four main areas of theological education: A historical and current orientation on theological edcuation in Africa, some paradigm shifts in theological education in Africa, ministerial formation needs versus theological education challenges, and a critical reflection on elective models and methods. The book presents the original and innovative research of scholars for fellow scholars involved in theological higher education as it is grounded in the respective fields of interest of each contributor. It contributes to a better understanding of the complex African theological higher education landscape that is also mindful of post-COVID-19 realities. Methodologically the work draws on a combination of methods, including literature studies, empirical work, and in some cases sectional offerings from doctoral studies, as indicated in the various chapters

    A critical engagement with theological education in Africa

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    The higher education landscape has arguably become one of the most arduous to traverse. More so in the African context, where a host of variables continiously challenge educators to reflect critically on their philosophies and practices as they engage an ever-changing audience. In this book, a critical engagement with theological education in Africa is offered. As the book originates from South Africa, it is presented as a South African perspective, although contributors are situated accross the African continent and abroad. The common denominator is that all contributers are, in some way or another, invested in theological education in Africa. The main contribution of this collaborative work is to be sought in the insights it offers on four main areas of theological education: A historical and current orientation on theological edcuation in Africa, some paradigm shifts in theological education in Africa, ministerial formation needs versus theological education challenges, and a critical reflection on elective models and methods. The book presents the original and innovative research of scholars for fellow scholars involved in theological higher education as it is grounded in the respective fields of interest of each contributor. It contributes to a better understanding of the complex African theological higher education landscape that is also mindful of post-COVID-19 realities. Methodologically the work draws on a combination of methods, including literature studies, empirical work, and in some cases sectional offerings from doctoral studies, as indicated in the various chapters

    First fungal genome sequence from Africa : a preliminary analysis

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    Some of the most significant breakthroughs in the biological sciences this century will emerge from the development of next generation sequencing technologies. The ease of availability of DNA sequence made possible through these new technologies has given researchers opportunities to study organisms in a manner that was not possible with Sanger sequencing. Scientists will, therefore, need to embrace genomics, as well as develop and nurture the human capacity to sequence genomes and utilise the ’tsunami‘ of data that emerge from genome sequencing. In response to these challenges, we sequenced the genome of Fusarium circinatum, a fungal pathogen of pine that causes pitch canker, a disease of great concern to the South African forestry industry. The sequencing work was conducted in South Africa, making F. circinatum the first eukaryotic organism for which the complete genome has been sequenced locally. Here we report on the process that was followed to sequence, assemble and perform a preliminary characterisation of the genome. Furthermore, details of the computer annotation and manual curation of this genome are presented. The F. circinatum genome was found to be nearly 44 million bases in size, which is similar to that of four other Fusarium genomes that have been sequenced elsewhere. The genome contains just over 15 000 open reading frames, which is less than that of the related species, Fusarium oxysporum, but more than that for Fusarium verticillioides. Amongst the various putative gene clusters identified in F. circinatum, those encoding the secondary metabolites fumosin and fusarin appeared to harbour evidence of gene translocation. It is anticipated that similar comparisons of other loci will provide insights into the genetic basis for pathogenicity of the pitch canker pathogen. Perhaps more importantly, this project has engaged a relatively large group of scientists including students in a significant genome project that is certain to provide a platform for growth in this important area of research in the future.We thank the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, members of the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme, the THRIP initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Science and Technology (DST)/NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology and the Oppenheimer Foundation for funding.http://www.sajs.co.zanf201

    Thinking about mass communication research

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    The article presents an argument for a return to phenomenological (mass) communication research. The article is informed by social semiotics' emphasis on the multimodality of communication and phenomenological hermeneutics' emphasis on the development of a semiotic consciousness. The central argument is that the technology and market-driven media, media landscape and media culture have created a media studies which disregards and overlooks the phenomenological nature of mediated communication. The article expands on and substantiates this criticism as it has emerged from, what for the purpose of this article, is called a group of French, Harvard and Bloomington academics. As a solution the article argues for a phenomenological approach, taking as its point of departure the basic constructs of what constitutes mass communication, viz. signification, dialogue, rhetoric, and representation
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