412 research outputs found

    Current trends in British sociophonetics.

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    First language acquisition and phonological change

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    One of the longest-standing maxims of linguistic thought is that children’s language provides a source for language change. In a very early discussion of acquisition, Schleicher (1861) notes parallels between children’s errors and diachronic changes in a range of languages. For example, his three year old son Ernst

    What is the relevant population? Considerations for the computation of likelihood ratios in forensic voice comparison

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    In forensic voice comparison, it is essential to consider not only the similarity between samples, but also the typicality of the evidence in the relevant population. This is explicit within the likelihood ratio (LR) framework. A significant issue, however, is the definition of the relevant population. This paper explores the complexity of population selection for voice evidence. We evaluate the effects of population specificity in terms of regional background on LR output using combinations of the F1, F2, and F3 trajectories of the diphthong /aɪ/. LRs were computed using development and reference data which were regionally matched (Standard Southern British English) and mixed (general British English) relative to the test data. These conditions reflect the paradox that without knowing who the offender is, it is not possible to know the population of which he is a member. Results show that the more specific population produced stronger evidence and better system validity than the more general definition. However, as region-specific voice features (lower formants) were removed, the difference in the output from the matched and mixed systems was reduced. This shows that the effects of population selection are dependent on the sociolinguistic constraints on the feature analysed

    Strength of forensic voice comparison evidence from the acoustics of filled pauses

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    This study investigates the evidential value of filled pauses (FPs, i.e. um, uh) as variables in forensic voice comparison. FPs for 60 young male speakers of standard southern British English were analysed. The following acoustic properties were analysed: midpoint frequencies of the first three formants in the vocalic portion; ‘dynamic’ characterisations of formant trajectories (i.e. quadratic polynomial equations fitted to nine measurement points over the entire vowel); vowel duration; and nasal duration for um. Likelihood ratio (LR) scores were computed using the Multivariate Kernel Density formula (MVKD; Aitken and Lucy, 2004) and converted to calibrated log10 LRs (LLRs) using logistic-regression (Brümmer et al., 2007). System validity was assessed using both equal error rate (EER) and the log LR cost function (Cllr; Brümmer and du Preez, 2006). The system with the best performance combines dynamic measurements of all three formants with vowel and nasal duration for um, achieving an EER of 4.08% and Cllr of 0.12. In terms of general patterns, um consistently outperformed uh. For um, the formant dynamic systems generated better validity than those based on midpoints, presumably reflecting the additional degree of formant movement in um caused by the transition from vowel to nasal. By contrast, midpoints outperformed dynamics for the more monophthongal uh. Further, the addition of duration (vowel or vowel and nasal) consistently improved system performance. The study supports the view that FPs have excellent potential as variables in forensic voice comparison cases

    Formant dynamics and durations of um improve the performance of automatic speaker recognition systems

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    We assess the potential improvement in the performance of MFCC-based automatic speaker recognition (ASR) systems with the inclusion of linguistic-phonetic information. Likelihood ratios were computed using MFCCs and the formant trajectories and durations of the hesitation marker um, extracted from recordings of male standard southern British English speakers. Testing was run over 20 replications using randomised sets of speakers. System validity (EER and Cllr) was found to improve with the inclusion of um relative to the baseline ASR across all 20 replications. These results offer support for the growing integration of automatic and linguistic-phonetic methods in forensic voice comparison

    Strength of forensic voice comparison evidence from the acoustics of filled pauses

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    This study investigates the evidential value of filled pauses (FPs, i.e. um, uh) as variables in forensic voice comparison. FPs for 60 young male speakers of standard southern British English were analysed. The following acoustic properties were analysed: midpoint frequencies of the first three formants in the vocalic portion; ‘dynamic’ characterisations of formant trajectories (i.e. quadratic polynomial equations fitted to nine measurement points over the entire vowel); vowel duration; and nasal duration for um. Likelihood ratio (LR) scores were computed using the Multivariate Kernel Density formula (MVKD; Aitken and Lucy, 2004) and converted to calibrated log10 LRs (LLRs) using logistic-regression (Brümmer et al., 2007). System validity was assessed using both equal error rate (EER) and the log LR cost function (Cllr; Brümmer and du Preez, 2006). The system with the best performance combines dynamic measurements of all three formants with vowel and nasal duration for um, achieving an EER of 4.08% and Cllr of 0.12. In terms of general patterns, um consistently outperformed uh. For um, the formant dynamic systems generated better validity than those based on midpoints, presumably reflecting the additional degree of formant movement in um caused by the transition from vowel to nasal. By contrast, midpoints outperformed dynamics for the more monophthongal uh. Further, the addition of duration (vowel or vowel and nasal) consistently improved system performance. The study supports the view that FPs have excellent potential as variables in forensic voice comparison cases

    The Emergence of Structured Variation

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