247 research outputs found

    Field-induced gap in ordered Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    Heisenberg antiferromagnets in a strong uniform magnetic field HH are expected to exhibit a gapless phase with a global O(2) symmetry. In many real magnets, a small energy gap is induced by additional interactions that can be viewed as a staggered transverse magnetic field h=cHh = c H, where cc is a small proportionality constant. We study the effects of such a perturbation, particularly for magnets with long-range order, by using several complimentary approaches: numerical diagonalizations of a model with long-range interactions, classical equations of motion, and scaling arguments. In an ordered state at zero temperature, the energy gap at first grows as (cH)1/2(cH)^{1/2} and then may dip to a smaller value, of order (cH)2/3(cH)^{2/3}, at the quantum critical point separating the ``gapless'' phase from the gapped state with saturated magnetization. In one spatial dimension, the latter exponent changes to 4/5.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Frustrated three-leg spin tubes: from spin 1/2 with chirality to spin 3/2

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of the spin tube [(CuCl2_2tachH)3_3Cl]Cl2_2, we investigate the properties of a frustrated three-leg spin tube with antiferromagnetic intra-ring and inter-ring couplings. We pay special attention to the evolution of the properties from weak to strong inter-ring coupling and show on the basis of extensive density matrix renormalization group and exact diagonalization calculations that the system undergoes a first-order phase transition between a dimerized gapped phase at weak coupling that can be described by the usual spin-chirality model and a gapless critical phase at strong coupling that can be described by an effective spin-3/2 model. We also show that there is a magnetization plateau at 1/3 in the gapped phase and slightly beyond. The implications for [(CuCl2_2tachH)3_3Cl]Cl2_2 are discussed, with the conclusion that this system behaves essentially as a spin-3/2 chain.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, revised versio

    Field Induced Staggered Magnetization and Magnetic Ordering in Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4Cu_2 (C_5 H_{12} N_2)_2 Cl_4

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    We present a 2^2D NMR investigation of the gapped spin-1/2 compound Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4Cu_2 (C_5 H_{12} N_2)_2 Cl_4. Our measurements reveal the presence of a magnetic field induced transverse staggered magnetization (TSM) which persists well below and above the field-induced 3D long-range magnetically ordered (FIMO) phase. The symmetry of this TSM is different from that of the TSM induced by the order parameter of the FIMO phase. Its origin, field dependence and symmetry can be explained by an intra-dimer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, as shown by DMRG calculations on a spin-1/2 ladder. This leads us to predict that the transition into the FIMO phase is not in the BEC universality class.Comment: 4 page

    Uniform and staggered magnetizations induced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in isolated and coupled spin 1/2 dimers in a magnetic field

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    We investigate the interplay of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions and an external field in spin 1/2 dimers. For isolated dimers and at low field, we derive simple expressions for the staggered and uniform magnetizations which show that the orientation of the uniform magnetization can deviate significantly from that of the external field. In fact, in the limit where the D{\bf D} vector of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is parallel to the external field, the uniform magnetization actually becomes {\it perpendicular} to the field. For larger fields, we show that the staggered magnetization of an isolated dimer has a maximum close to one-half the polarization, with a large maximal value of 0.35gμB0.35 g\mu_B in the limit of very small Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We investigate the effect of inter-dimer coupling in the context of ladders with Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) calculations and show that, as long as the values of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and of the exchange interaction are compatible with respect to the development of a staggered magnetization, the simple picture that emerges for isolated dimers is also valid for weakly coupled dimers with minor modifications. The results are compared with torque measurements on Cu2_{2}(C5_{5}H12_{12}N2_{2})2_{2}Cl4_{4}.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum spin liquids: a large-S route

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    This paper explores the large-S route to quantum disorder in the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the pyrochlore lattice and its homologues in lower dimensions. It is shown that zero-point fluctuations of spins shape up a valence-bond solid at low temperatures for one two-dimensional lattice and a liquid with very short-range valence-bond correlations for another. A one-dimensional model demonstrates potential significance of quantum interference effects (as in Haldane's gap): the quantum melting of a valence-bond order yields different valence-bond liquids for integer and half-integer values of S.Comment: Proceedings of Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2003 (Grenoble), 6 LaTeX page

    Condensation of magnons and spinons in a frustrated ladder

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    Motivated by the ever-increasing experimental effort devoted to the properties of frustrated quantum magnets in a magnetic field, we present a careful and detailed theoretical analysis of a one-dimensional version of this problem, a frustrated ladder with a magnetization plateau at m=1/2. We show that even for purely isotropic Heisenberg interactions, the magnetization curve exhibits a rather complex behavior that can be fully accounted for in terms of simple elementary excitations. The introduction of anisotropic interactions (e.g., Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions) modifies significantly the picture and reveals an essential difference between integer and fractional plateaux. In particular, anisotropic interactions generically open a gap in the region between the plateaux, but we show that this gap closes upon entering fractional plateaux. All of these conclusions, based on analytical arguments, are supported by extensive Density Matrix Renormalization Group calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures. minor changes in tex

    Structural Transition of Li2RuO3 Induced by Molecular-Orbit Formation

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    A pseudo honeycomb system Li2RuO3 exhibits a second-order-like transition at temperature T=Tc=540 K to a low-T nonmagnetic phase with a significant lattice distortion forming Ru-Ru pairs. For this system, we have calculated the band structure, using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in both the high- and low- T phases, and found that the results of the calculation can naturally explain the insulating behavior observed in the low-T phase. The detailed characters of the Ru 4d t2g bands obtained by the tight-binding fit to the calculated dispersion curves show clear evidence that the structural transition is driven by the formation of the Ru-Ru molecular-orbits, as proposed in our previous experimental studies.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Spin-1/2 frustrated antiferromagnet on a spatially anisotopic square lattice: contribution of exact diagonalizations

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    The phase diagram of a spin-1/2 JJJ2J-J'-J_2 model is investigated by means of exact diagonalizations on finite samples. This model is a generalization of the J1J2J_1-J_2 model on the square lattice with two different nearest-neighbor couplings J,JJ,J' and may be also viewed as an array of coupled Heisenberg chains. The results suggest that the resonnating valence bond state predicted by Nersesyan and Tsvelik [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 67}, 024422 (2003)] for J2=0.5JJJ_2=0.5J' \ll J is realized and extends beyond the limit of small interchain coupling along a curve nearly coincident with the line where the energy per spin is maximum. This line is likely bordered on both side by a columnar dimer long range order. This columnar order could extends for JJJ'\to J which correspond to the J1J2J_1-J_2 model.Comment: 14 pages, 21 figures, final versio

    Motion of Bound Domain Walls in a Spin Ladder

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    The elementary excitation spectrum of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} antiferromagnetic (AFM) Heisenberg chain is described in terms of a pair of freely propagating spinons. In the case of the Ising-like Heisenberg Hamiltonian spinons can be interpreted as domain walls (DWs) separating degenerate ground states. In dimension d>1d>1, the issue of spinons as elementary excitations is still unsettled. In this paper, we study two spin-12\frac{1}{2} AFM ladder models in which the individual chains are described by the Ising-like Heisenberg Hamiltonian. The rung exchange interactions are assumed to be pure Ising-type in one case and Ising-like Heisenberg in the other. Using the low-energy effective Hamiltonian approach in a perturbative formulation, we show that the spinons are coupled in bound pairs. In the first model, the bound pairs are delocalized due to a four-spin ring exchange term in the effective Hamiltonian. The appropriate dynamic structure factor is calculated and the associated lineshape is found to be almost symmetric in contrast to the 1d case. In the case of the second model, the bound pair of spinons lowers its kinetic energy by propagating between chains. The results obtained are consistent with recent theoretical studies and experimental observations on ladder-like materials.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure