20 research outputs found

    Crop Updates 2002 - Farming Systems

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    This session covers forty one papers from different authors: INTRODUCTION 1. Future Farming Systems session for Crop Updates 2002 Peter Metcalf, FARMING SYSTEMS SUBPROGRAM MANAGER GRAINS PROGRAM Department of Agriculture 2. Perennial pastures in annual cropping systems: Lucerne and beyond, the ‘Big Picture’, Mike Ewing, Deputy CEO CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity, Department of Agriculture 3. Perennial pastures in annual cropping systems: lucerne and beyond, Roy Latta and Keith Devenish, Department of Agriculture 4. Establishing Lucerne with a cover crop, Diana Fedorenko1, Clayton Butterly1, Chantelle Butterly1, Kim and Neil Diamond2, Stuart McAlpine2, Bill Bowden1, Jessica Johns3, 1Centre for Cropping Systems, Northam, 2Farmer, Buntine, 3Department of Agriculture 5. Overcropping: Chemical suppression of Lucerne, Terry Piper1, Diana Fedorenko1, Clayton Butterly1, Chantelle Butterly1, Stuart McAlpine2, Jessica Johns3, 1Centre for Cropping Systems, Northam, 2Farmer, Buntine, 3Department of Agriculture 6. Overcropping: Effect of Lucerne density on crop yield, Diana Fedorenko1, Bill Bowden1, Clayton Butterly1, Chantelle Butterly1, Stuart McAlpine2, Terry Piper1,1Centre for Cropping Systems, Department of Agriculture, Northam, 2Farmer, Buntine 7. Residual effect of weed management in the third year of Lucerne on the following wheat crop, Diana Fedorenko1, Clayton Butterly1, Chantelle Butterly1, Stuart McAlpine2,Terry Piper1, David Bowran1, Jessica Johns3,1Centre for Cropping Systems, Northam, 2Farmer, Buntine, 3Department of Agriculture 8. Production of Lucerne and serradella in four soil types, Diana Fedorenko1 Clayton Butterly1, Chantelle Butterly1, Robert Beard2 1Centre for Cropping Systems, Department of Agriculture, 2Farmer, Cunderdin 9. The effect of spray topping on newly established Lucerne, Keith Devenish, Agriculture Western Australia 10. Leakage from phase rotations involving Lucerne, Phil Ward, CSIRO Plant Industry 11. Fungal diseases present in Western Australian Lucerne crops, Dominie Wright and Nichole Burges, Department of Agriculture 12. Survey of Western Australian Lucerne stands reveals widespread virus infection, Roger Jones and Danae Harman, Crop Improvement Institute, Department of Agriculture, and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of WA ANNUAL PASTURE SYSTEMS 13. The use of Twist Fungus as a biosecurity measure against Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT), Greg Shea, GrainGuard Coordinator and George Yan, Biological and Resource Technology 14.Limitations and opportunities for increasing water use by annual crops and pastures, David Tennant1, Phil Ward2and David Hall1 1Department of Agriculture, 2CSIRO, Plant Industries, Floreat Park 15. Developing pasture species mixtures for more productive and sustainable cropping systems – 2001 crop performance, Anyou Liu, Clinton Revell and Candy Hudson, Centre for Cropping Systems, Department of Agriculture 16. Developing pasture species mixtures for more productive and sustainable cropping systems – weed management in regenerating mixtures, Anyou Liu and Clinton Revell, Centre for Cropping Systems, Department of Agriculture 17. Aphid tolerance of annual pasture legumes, Andrew Blake, Natalie Lauritsen, Department of Agriculture 18. Selecting the right variety for phase pasture systems, Keith Devenish, Department of Agriculture 19. Responses of alternative annual pasture and forage legumes to challenge with infectious subterranean clover mottle virus, John Fosu-Nyarko, Roger Jones, Lisa Smith, Mike Jones and Geoff Dwyer, State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre and Centre for Bioinformatics and Biological Computing, Murdoch University, Department of Agriculture, and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture SOIL AND LAND MANAGEMENT 20. Nutrition in 2002: Decisions to be made as a result of last season, Bill Bowden,Western Australia Department of Agriculture 21. Profitability of deep banding lime, Michael O\u27Connell, Chris Gazey and David Gartner, Department of Agriculture 22. Lime efficiency percentage…the new measure of lime effectiveness for Western Australia, Amanda Miller, Department of Agriculture 23. Boron – should we be worried about it, Richard W. BellA, K. FrostA, Mike WongBand Ross BrennanC ASchool of Environmental Science, Murdoch University, BCSIRO Land and Water, CDepartment of Agriculture 24. Impact of claying and other amelioration on paddock profit, N.J. Blake1, G. McConnell2, D. Patabendige1and N. Venn11Department of Agriculture, 2PlanFarm P/L 25. Raised bed farming in the 2001 growing season, Derk Bakker, Greg Hamilton, Dave Houlbrooke and Cliff Spann, Department of Agriculture 26. Economics of tramline farming systems, Paul Blackwell and Bindi Webb, Department of Agriculture, Stuart McAlpine, Liebe Group. 27. Relay planting from Tramlines to increase water use and productivity os summer crops, Dr Paul Blackwell, Department of Agriculture, Neil and Kim Diamond, Buntine. Liebe Group 28.Evidence-based zone management of paddock variability to improve profits and environmental outcomes, M.T.F. WongA, D. PatabendigeB, G. LyleA and K. WittwerA ACSIRO Land and Water, BDepartment of Agriculture 29. How much soil water is lost over summer in sandy soils? Perry Dolling1, Senthold Asseng2, Ian Fillery2, Phil Ward2and Michael Robertson3 1University of Western Australia/Department of Agriculture Western Australia/CSIRO, 2CSIRO Plant Industry 3CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Indooroopilly, Queensland FARMER DECISION SUPPORT AND ADOPTION 30. Economic comparisons of farming systems for the medium rainfall northern sandplain, No 1, Caroline Peek and David Rogers, Department of Agriculture 31. Sensitivity analysis of farming systems for the medium rainfall northern sandplain No 2, Caroline Peek and David Rogers, Department of Agriculture 32. Transition analysis of farming systems in the medium rainfall northern sandplain. No 3, Caroline Peek and David Rogers, Department of Agriculture 33. Implementing on-farm quality assurance, Peter Portmann, Manager Research and Development, The Grain Pool of Western Australia 34. On-farm research – principles of the ‘Test As You Grow’ kit, Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture 35. Broadscale wheat variety comparisons featuring Wyalkatchem, Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture 36. GrainGuardÔ - A biosecurity plan for the Canola Industry,Greg Shea Department of Agriculture 37. Are Western Australian broadacre farms efficient? Ben Henderson, University of Western Australia, Ross Kingwell, Department of Agriculture and University of Western Australia DISEASE MODELLING WORKSHOP 38. WORKSHOP: Pest and disease forecasts for you! An interactive forum, Tresslyn Walmsley, Jean Galloway, Debbie Thackray, Moin Salam and Art Diggle, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture and Department of Agriculture 39. Blackspot spread: Disease models are based in reality (Workshop paper 1), JeanGalloway,Department of Agriculture 40. Blackspot spread: Scaling-up field data to simulate ‘Baker’s farm’ (Workshop paper 2), Moin U. Salam, Jean Galloway, Art J. Diggle and William J. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia 41. A decision support system for control of aphids and CMV in lupin crops (Workshop paper 3), Debbie Thackray, Jenny Hawkes and Roger Jones, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture and Department of Agricultur

    The <i>Pratylenchus penetrans</i> transcriptome as a source for the development of alternative control strategies:mining for putative genes involved in parasitism and evaluation of <i>in planta</i> RNAi

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    The root lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans is considered one of the most economically important species within the genus. Host range studies have shown that nearly 400 plant species can be parasitized by this species. To obtain insight into the transcriptome of this migratory plant-parasitic nematode, we used Illumina mRNA sequencing analysis of a mixed population, as well as nematode reads detected in infected soybean roots 3 and 7 days after nematode infection. Over 140 million paired end reads were obtained for this species, and de novo assembly resulted in a total of 23,715 transcripts. Homology searches showed significant hit matches to 58% of the total number of transcripts using different protein and EST databases. In general, the transcriptome of P. penetrans follows common features reported for other root lesion nematode species. We also explored the efficacy of RNAi, delivered from the host, as a strategy to control P. penetrans, by targeted knock-down of selected nematode genes. Different comparisons were performed to identify putative nematode genes with a role in parasitism, resulting in the identification of transcripts with similarities to other nematode parasitism genes. Focusing on the predicted nematode secreted proteins found in this transcriptome, we observed specific members to be up-regulated at the early time points of infection. In the present study, we observed an enrichment of predicted secreted proteins along the early time points of parasitism by this species, with a significant number being pioneer candidate genes. A representative set of genes examined using RT-PCR confirms their expression during the host infection. The expression patterns of the different candidate genes raise the possibility that they might be involved in critical steps of P. penetrans parasitism. This analysis sheds light on the transcriptional changes that accompany plant infection by P. penetrans, and will aid in identifying potential gene targets for selection and use to design effective control strategies against root lesion nematodes

    Studies on Subterranean clover mottle virus towards development of a gene silencing vector

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    Subterranean clover mottle virus (SCMoV) is a positive sense, single-stranded RNA virus that infects subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) and a number of related legume species. The ultimate aim of this research was to investigate aspects of SCMoV that would support its use as a gene silencing vector for legume species, since RNA (gene) silencing is now a potential tool for studylng gene function. The ability of viruses to induce an antiviral defense system is being explored by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS), in which engmeered viral genomes are used as vectors to introduce genes or gene ii-agments to understand the function of endogenous genes by silencing them. To develop a gene silencing vector, a number of aspects of SCMoV host range and molecular biology needed to be studied. A requirement for a useful viral vector is a suitably wide host range. Hence the first part of this work involved study of the host range and symptom development of SCMoV in a range of leguminous and non-leguminous plants. The aim of this work was to identify new and most suitable hosts among economically important crop and model legumes for functional genomic studies, and also to study symptom development in these hosts for comparison with host responses to any SCMoV-based viral vectors that might be used in later infection studies. A total of 61 plant genotypes representing 52 species from 25 different genera belonging to 7 families were examined for their response to SCMoV infection, including established and new crop legumes, established pasture, and novel pasture and forage legumes, and 12 host indicator plants belonging to the families Amaranthaceae, Apiaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Cruciferae, Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae. Following mechanical inoculation, plants were examined for symptoms and tested for primary and secondary infection by RT-PCR andlor ELISA after 2-3 weeks and 3-9 weeks, respectively. Thirty-six legume hosts belonging to eight different genera of legumes were identified as suitable hosts of SCMoV, 22 of them systemic hosts and 15 were infected locally. Only two non-legumes were infected with SCMoV-P23, one systemically and one as a local host, so confirming that SCMoV is essentially a legume-infecting virus. This work considerably expanded knowledge of the host range of SCMoV. To provide the information needed to modify the SCMoV genome to develop gene vectors, the virus was characterized in detail. The complete genomes of four isolates, SCMoV-AL, SCMoV-MB, SCMoV-MJ and SCMoV-pFL, were sequenced using high fidelity RT-PCR and molecular cloning, and compared to the first sequenced isolate (SCMoV-P23) to give a complete picture of the genome organisation of the virus. The 4,258 nucleotide (nt) sequence of SCMoV RNA is not polyadenylated. The 5' non-coding region (NCR) is 68 nt in length and the 3' NCR is 174 nt. The coding regon contains four overlapping open reading fi-ames (ORFs). The first, OW1 (nt 68-608), encodes a putative protein containing 179 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass (Ma,) of 20.3 kDa. It overlaps with the next ORF, ORF2a, by four bases. ORF2a (nt 605-2347) encodes a putative protein of 580 amino acids with a Ma, of 63.7 kDa and contains a motif characteristic of chymotrypsin-like serine proteases. The ORF2b is probably translated as part of a polyprotein by -1 ribosomal fiameshifting in ORF2a. The transfiame product (Ma, = 107.5 kDa) is made up of 966 amino acids. A GDD motif typical of RNA virus polymerases is present in ORF2b. The 3' terminal ORF3 (nt 3323-4084) encodes the 27.3 kDa coat protein (CP). Nucleotide variation between the complete sequences of the isolates was two to three orders of magnitude larger than base misincoporation rates of the polymerases used in RT-PCR. Molecular relationship analysis between all five isolates, undertaken with the complete nucleotide sequences, clearly separated them into three groups. These groups reflect similar significantly diverse groupings based on the symptoms and their severity in subterranean clover. Intra-isolate sequence variability is therefore a possible cause of the differences in symptom severity. The analysis also showed that there were more nucleotide substitutions at the 5' terminal half of SCMoV than at the 3' end. This observation was confirmed by the higher value of nucleotide diversities at nonsynonymous versus synonymous sites (dN/ds ratio) estimated for the ORF1, compared to the near conservation of sequences of the other ORFs. These results, together with functional and comparative sequence analysis with other sobemoviruses, implicate the ORFl gene product in pathogenicity of SCMoV, possibly as a severity determinant or as a viral suppressor of RNA silencing in plants. Because more information on SCMoV genome function was required, the possible involvement of the ORFl gene product (PI) and the CP in movement of SCMoV was studied in cells of grasspea (Lathyrus clymenum L) and chickpea as C-terminal fusion constructs with jellyfish (Aequorea victoriae) green fluorescent protein (GFP). A transient expression vector, pTEV, for in planta synthesis of reporter gene constructs was developed. The vector was based on pGEM-T with 35s RNA transcriptional promoter of Caulzjlower Mosaic virus (CaMV) and nopaline synthase gene transcription terminator signal (T-Nos) separated by a multiple subcloning site. A custom-made particle inflow gun was used to introduce the constructs into plant cells. The bombardment conditions were fxst optimised for efficient delivery of DNAcoated particles. Transient gene expression of GFP was monitored 24-96 hours after particle bombardment. Fluorescence from GFP alone, GFP:CP and GFP:Pl constructs was observed in the nucleus of single cells, cytoplasm and cell periphery of neighbouring cells. There was limited spread of these fusion proteins from one cell to another 36-48 hours after transformation. These results indicate that the P 1 and CP cannot move independently from cell to cell. Other viral/cellular components might be needed to form a complex with these proteins to transport the viral genome. Putative nuclear export signals in the P1 and CP sequences of SCMoV were identified by sequence comparison. These could be tested by mutagenesis using full-length infectious clones. To determine the possibility of gene expression of vectors based on SCMoV, three forms of a full-length cDNA clone of SCMoV-pFL were developed: one with no heterologous transcriptional factors (pFL), a second under the control of only 35s (p35SFL) and a third with 35s and T-Nos (pTEVFL). Fifteen day-old in vitro-cultured chickpea, grasspea and subterranean clover seedlings were inoculated by particle bombardment using gold particles coated with plasmid pTEVFL. In vivo-transcribed RNA transcripts were detected by RT-PCR after two weeks in grasspea but not in subterranean clover and chickpea. Experiments were undertaken towards developing the SCMoV genome into a VIGS vector. Three forms each of five major GFP chimeric constructs of pFL (the full length SCMoV cDNA clone) were generated from which in vitro- and in vivo-transcribed RNA transcripts could be derived. The rationale used in developing these constructs was gene insertion andlor replacement with d p , and duplication of the putative subgenomic RNA promoter (sgPro) of SCMoV. The major constructs were as follows: * pFLCPgfp, pFL with the d p gene fused to the 3' end of the CP gene * pFLP1gfp, pFL with gj27 gene fused to the 3' end of the ORF 1, * pFLCPsgprogfp, pFL with a putative sgPro sequence and a translatable and gene cloned in tandem between the CP gene and the 3' NCR of SCMoV, * pFLCPVsgprogfp, pFL with a putative sgPro sequence and a translatable gfp gene cloned in tandem between a truncated CP gene and the 3' NCR and * pFLREPsgprogfp, pFL with the ORF2b, a putative sgPro sequence and a translatable gfP gene cloned in tandem between a truncated CP gene and the 3' NCR These constructs were all made, but a detailed assessment of their vector potential could not be done because there was a delay of about one year whilst the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator processed the application for permission for glasshouse testing. Although additional work needs to be undertaken to complete development of a final RNA silencing vector, this study has contributed to new knowledge in terms of extending understanding of SCMoV host range, symptoms, sequence variation and control of gene expression. The constructs made have also laid the groundwork for development of a legume gene silencing vector based on SCMoV

    Using Vital Dyes to Trace Uptake of dsRNA by Green Peach Aphid Allows Effective Assessment of Target Gene Knockdown

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is an effective tool to study gene function. For in vitro studies of RNAi in insects, microinjection of double-stranded (ds)RNA may cause stress. Non-persuasive oral delivery of dsRNA to trigger RNAi is a better mode of delivery for delicate insects such as aphids because it mimics natural feeding. However, when insects feed ad libitum, some individuals may not feed. For accurate measurement of gene knockdown, analysis should only include insects that have ingested dsRNA. The suitability of eleven dyes was assessed to trace ingestion of dsRNA in an artificial feeding system for green peach aphids (GPA, Myzus persicae). Non-toxic levels of neutral red and acridine orange were suitable tracers: they were visible in the stylet and gut after feeding for 24 h, and may also attract aphids to feed. Nymphs stained with neutral red (0.02%) were analysed for target gene expression after feeding on sucrose with dsRNA (V-ATPase, vha-8). There was a greater reduction in vha-8 expression and reproduction compared to nymphs fed the diet without dye. The results confirm the importance of identifying aphids that have ingested dsRNA, and also provide evidence that the vha-8 gene is a potential target for control of GPAs

    Multiplex CRISPR-Cas9 Gene-Editing Can Deliver Potato Cultivars with Reduced Browning and Acrylamide

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    Storing potato tubers at cold temperatures, either for transport or continuity of supply, is associated with the conversion of sucrose to reducing sugars. When cold-stored cut tubers are processed at high temperatures, with endogenous asparagine, acrylamide is formed. Acrylamide is classified as a carcinogen. Potato processors prefer cultivars which accumulate fewer reducing sugars and thus less acrylamide on processing, and suitable processing cultivars may not be available. We used CRISPR-Cas9 to disrupt the genes encoding vacuolar invertase (VInv) and asparagine synthetase 1 (AS1) of cultivars Atlantic and Desiree to reduce the accumulation of reducing sugars and the production of asparagine after cold storage. Three of the four guide RNAs employed induced mutation frequencies of 17–98%, which resulted in deletions, insertions and substitutions at the targeted gene sites. Eight of ten edited events had mutations in at least one allele of both genes; for two, only the VInv was edited. No wild-type allele was detected in both genes of events DSpco7, DSpFN4 and DSpco12, suggesting full allelic mutations. Tubers of two Atlantic and two Desiree events had reduced fructose and glucose concentrations after cold storage. Crisps from these and four other Desiree events were lighter in colour and included those with 85% less acrylamide. These results demonstrate that multiplex CRISPR-Cas9 technology can generate improved potato cultivars for healthier processed potato products

    <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i> spliceosomal genes showing similarity to <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> transcripts and their similarity scores for genes of seven other PPNs.

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    <p><i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i> spliceosomal genes showing similarity to <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> transcripts and their similarity scores for genes of seven other PPNs.</p

    Alignment of a <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> contig and virus protein showing two domains with significant similarity.

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    <p>Alignment of a <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> contig and virus protein showing two domains with significant similarity.</p

    Distribution of <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> transcripts amongst genes/ESTs of nematodes of different lifestyles.

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    <p>Distribution of <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> transcripts amongst genes/ESTs of nematodes of different lifestyles.</p

    Reads and assembly data of the <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> transcriptome.

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    <p>A). Size distribution of contigs assembled with CAP3 and CLC Genomics Workbench 7.0.4. B). Size distribution of singletons after read assembly with CAP3 and CLC Genomics Workbench 7.0.4. C). Transcriptome and assembly statistics of CAP3 and CLC Genomics Workbench 7.0.4.</p