830 research outputs found

    Announcements and Reports of Progress of Work in the Departments of Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Entomology

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    This bulletin of the Dakota Experiment Station is simply a midsummer report of progress and an announcement to the farmers of the Territory of the experiments that are receiving attention. When the season closes, bulletins will be issued stating in detail the methods of the experiments, and so far as possible all reliable results. Most of the experiments are for the purpose of throwing light upon the relations of our climate to various kinds of cereals, forage crops, fruits and garden vegetables. Any farmer in the territory who desires the bulletins of the station can have them mailed free to him by sending in his address. The press of the territory can do a favor to the station and to the people by giving this notice wide publicity. Correspondence is also invited upon any question relating to farm interests. Questions relating to farm crops or stock should be addressed to Professor Foster; questions relating to tree culture or to gardening should be addressed to Professor Keffer; questions relating to insects should be addressed to Dr. Orcutt questions concerning the chemical composition of soils or waters should be addressed to Professor Shepard, and questions about the diseases of animals and their treatment should be addressed to Dr. Alloway,-all at Brookings, Dakota


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    The subject of irrigation is of great importance to the people of South Dakota, and especially so to those living in the strip of country known as the James River Valley. This strip lies in the great artesian basin of the Dakotas and wherever wells have been put down to the water bearing strata, water has been obtained in abundance. But the people in general, are unacquainted with the methods and effects of irrigation and many questions arise regarding it. Some of the most important of these questions are as follows: Will it pay to put down an artesian well for the purpose of irrigation? How much water will be required to irrigate a certain area of land? How can water be distributed over the land? When to irrigate and how much water do certain crops require? Will the artesian water be injurious to vegetation? Will the filling of natural reservoirs and channels increase the precipitation enough to insure a crop? It is not only the object of this bulletin to give the results of the experiments carried on by the Experiment Station, in irrigation and to answer as best we can these questions, but, to give as well, some ideas regarding fall and winter irrigation and a description of some of the methods used in Colorado and other states which may be of use in this state

    A Study of the 7-Li(p,n) 7-Be Excitation Function at Intermediate Energies Using Residual Activity

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit

    A Study of the 7-Li(p,n)7-Be Excitation Function at Intermediate Energies Using Residual Activity

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grants PHY 76-84033A01, PHY 78-22774, and Indiana Universit

    Energy Dependence of the Ratio of Isovector Effective Interaction Strengths |J_στ/J_τ| from 0° (p,n) Cross Sections

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grants NSF PHY 78-22774 A03, NSF PHY 81-14339, and by Indiana Universit

    Gamow-Teller Resonances Observed in 90,92,94-Zr(p,n) at 120 and 160 MeV

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit

    Gamow-Teller Strength in Simple Nuclei and Renormalization of the Axial-Vector Coupling Constant

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grants NSF PHY 78-22774 A03, NSF PHY 81-14339, and by Indiana Universit

    General Features of the Gamow-Teller Resonances

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 78-22774 A02 & A03 and by Indiana Universit

    Strong Spin-Flip Transitions in (p,n) Reactions

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant PHY 76-84033 and Indiana Universit