1,180 research outputs found

    The impact of a high versus a low glycaemic index breakfast cereal meal on verbal episodic memory in healthy adolescents

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    In this study, healthy adolescents consumed a) a low glycaemic index (G.I.) breakfast cereal meal, or b) a high G.I. breakfast cereal meal, before completing a test of verbal episodic memory in which the memory materials were encoded under conditions of divided attention. Analysis of remembering/forgetting indices revealed that the High G.I. breakfast group remembered significantly more items relative to the Low G.I. breakfast group after a long delay. The superior performance observed in the High G.I. group, relative to the Low G.I. group, may be due to the additional glucose availability provided by the high G.I. meal at the time of memory encoding. This increased glucose availability may be necessary for effective encoding under dual task conditions

    The Y-Band at 1.035 um: Photometric Calibration and the Dwarf Stellar/Sub-Stellar Color Sequence

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    We define and characterize a photometric bandpass (called "Y") that is centered at 1.035 um, in between the traditionally classified ``optical'' and ``infrared'' spectral regimes. We present Y magnitudes and Y-H and Y-K colors for a sample consisting mostly of photometric and spectral standards, spanning the spectral type range sdO to T5V. Deep molecular absorption features in the near-infrared spectra of extremely cool objects are such that the Y-H and Y-K colors grow rapidly with advancing spectral type especially from late M through mid L, substantially more rapidly than J-H or H-K which span a smaller total dynamic range. Consistent with other near-infrared colors, however, Y-H and Y-K colors turn blueward in the L6-L8 temperature range with later T-type objects having colors similar to those of warmer M and L stars. Use of the Y-band filter is nonetheless promising for easy identification of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, especially at young ages. The slope of the interstellar reddening vector within this filter is A_Y = 0.38 x A_V. Reddening moves stars nearly along the YHK dwarf color sequence making it more difficult to distinguish unambiguously very low mass candidate brown dwarf objects from higher mass stars seen, e.g. through the galactic plane or towards star-forming regions. Other diagrams involving the Y-band may be somewhat more discriminating.Comment: accepted at PAS

    Hunting Galaxies to (and for) Extinction

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    In studies of star-forming regions, near-infrared excess (NIRX) sources--objects with intrinsic colors redder than normal stars--constitute both signal (young stars) and noise (e.g. background galaxies). We hunt down (identify) galaxies using near-infrared observations in the Perseus star-forming region by combining structural information, colors, and number density estimates. Galaxies at moderate redshifts (z = 0.1 - 0.5) have colors similar to young stellar objects (YSOs) at both near- and mid-infrared (e.g. Spitzer) wavelengths, which limits our ability to identify YSOs from colors alone. Structural information from high-quality near-infrared observations allows us to better separate YSOs from galaxies, rejecting 2/5 of the YSO candidates identified from Spitzer observations of our regions and potentially extending the YSO luminosity function below K of 15 magnitudes where galaxy contamination dominates. Once they are identified we use galaxies as valuable extra signal for making extinction maps of molecular clouds. Our new iterative procedure: the Galaxies Near Infrared Color Excess method Revisited (GNICER), uses the mean colors of galaxies as a function of magnitude to include them in extinction maps in an unbiased way. GNICER increases the number of background sources used to probe the structure of a cloud, decreasing the noise and increasing the resolution of extinction maps made far from the galactic plane.Comment: 16 pages and 16 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full resolution version at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/COMPLETE/papers/Foster_HuntingGalaxies.pd

    Cloudshine: New Light on Dark Clouds

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    We present new deep near-infrared images of dark clouds in the Perseus molecular complex. These images show beautiful extended emission which we model as scattered ambient starlight and name ``cloudshine''. The brightness and color variation of cloudshine complicates the production of extinction maps, the best tracer of column density in clouds. However, since the profile of reflected light is essentially a function of mass distribution, cloudshine provides a new way to study the structure of dark clouds. Previous work has used optical scattered light to study the density profile of tenuous clouds; extending this technique into the infrared provides a high-resolution view into the interiors of very dense clouds, bypassing the complexities of using thermal dust emission, which is biased by grain temperature, or molecular tracers, which have complicated depletion patterns. As new wide-field infrared cameras are used to study star-forming regions at greater depth, cloudshine will be widely observed and should be seen as a new high-resolution tool, rather than an inconvenience.Comment: 6 pages with 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters v2: correct attribution of the Henyey-Greenstein function and other typos and minor word change

    The COMPLETE Nature of the Warm Dust Ring in Perseus

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    The Perseus molecular cloud complex is a ~30pc long chain of molecular clouds most well-known for the two star-forming clusters NGC1333 and IC348 and the well-studied outflow source in B5. However, when studied at mid- to far-infrared wavelengths the region is dominated by a ~10pc diameter shell of warm dust, likely generated by an HII region caused by the early B-star HD278942. Using a revised calibration technique the COMPLETE team has produced high-sensitivity temperature and column-density maps of the Perseus region from IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) 60 and 100um data. In this paper, we combine the ISSA based dust-emission maps with other observations collected as part of the COMPLETE Survey, along with archival H-alpha and MSX observations. Molecular line observations from FCRAO and extinction maps constructed by applying the NICER method to the 2MASS catalog provide independent estimates of the ``true'' column-density of the shell. H-alpha emission in the region of the shell confirms that it is most likely an HII region located behind the cloud complex, and 8um data from MSX indicates that the shell may be interacting with the cloud. Finally, the two polarisation components previously seen towards background stars in the region can be explained by the association of the stronger component with the shell. If confirmed, this would be the first observation of a parsec-scale swept-up magnetic field.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Figures have been compressed - full resolution version available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/COMPLETE/results.htm

    Changing Snow Cover and Stream Discharge in the Western United States - Wind River Range, Wyoming

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    Earlier onset of springtime weather has been documented in the western United States over at least the last 50 years. Because the majority (>70%) of the water supply in the western U.S. comes from snowmelt, analysis of the declining spring snowpack has important implications for the management of water resources. We studied ten years of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow-cover products, 40 years of stream discharge and meteorological station data and 30 years of snow-water equivalent (SWE) SNOw Telemetry (SNOTEL) data in the Wind River Range (WRR), Wyoming. Results show increasing air temperatures for.the 40-year study period. Discharge from streams in WRR drainage basins show lower annual discharge and earlier snowmelt in the decade of the 2000s than in the previous three decades. Changes in streamflow may be related to increasing air temperatures which are probably contributing to a reduction in snow cover, although no trend of either increasingly lower streamflow or earlier snowmelt was observed within the decade of the 2000s. And SWE on 1 April does not show an expected downward trend from 1980 to 2009. The extent of snow cover derived from the lowest-elevation zone of the WRR study area is strongly correlated (r=0.91) with stream discharge on 1 May during the decade of the 2000s. The strong relationship between snow cover and streamflow indicates that MODIS snow-cover maps can be used to improve management of water resources in the drought-prone western U.S

    Intraorbital foreign body projectile as a consideration for unilateral pupillary defect

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    Intraorbital foreign bodies are frequently the result of high-velocity injuries with varying clinical presentations. The resultant diagnosis, management, and outcome depend on the type of foreign body present, anatomical location, tissue disruption, and symptomatology. A patient who presented to the Emergency Department with a large intraorbital foreign body projectile that was not evident clinically, but found incidentally on computed tomography and subsequent plain films is reported. The emergency room physician needs to be aware of the differential diagnosis of a unilateral irregular pupil with or without visual acuity changes. The differential diagnosis for any trauma patient with an irregular pupil with significant visual loss must include intraorbital foreign body and associated injury to the optic nerve directly or via orbital compartment syndrome secondary to hemorrhage and/or edema. Patients with significantly decreased visual acuity may benefit from emergent surgical intervention. In patients with intact visual acuity, the patient must be monitored closely for any visual changes as this may require emergent surgical intervention

    Teaching Elementary Mathematics with Educational Robotics

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    Current education reforms call for engaging students in learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in an integrative way. This critical case study of one fourth grade teacher investigated the use of educational robots (ER) not only for teaching coding, but as an instructional support in teaching mathematical concepts. To support teachers in teaching coding in an integrative and logical manner, our team developed the Collective Argumentation Learning and Coding (CALC) approach. The CALC approach consists of three elements: choice of task, coding content, and teacher support for argumentation. After a cohort of elementary teachers completed a professional development course, we followed them into their classrooms to support and document implementation of the CALC approach. Data for this case consisted of video recordings of two lessons, a Pre-interview, and Post-interview after each lesson. Research questions included: How does an elementary teacher use the CALC approach (integrative STEM approach) to teach mathematics concepts with ER? What are the teacher’s perspectives towards teaching mathematics with ER using an integrative STEM approach? Results from this critical case provide evidence that teachers can successfully integrate ER into the mathematics curriculum without losing coherence of mathematics topics and while remaining sensitive to students’ needs

    Visual search strategies during facial recognition in children with ASD

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    Facial recognition is a complex skill necessary for successful human interpersonal and social interactions. Given that the most prevalent disorder of social interaction is autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a number of studies have investigated and found impaired facial recognition abilities in people with ASD. Further, this impairment may be critically involved in mediating the deficits in interpersonal and social interactions in people with ASD. We sought to address the question of whether face processing is impaired in children with ASD in the current study. While there were a number of differences in visual search behaviours between the 19 children with ASD and the 15 controls, this did not manifest in deficits in facial recognition accuracy. In addition, there were notable differences with respect to eye fixation behaviours and recognition accuracy in this study compared to the findings in a previous similar study conducted in adults with ASD. These differences suggest a performance enhancing developmental trajectory in facial processing in controls that may not be present in individuals with ASD
