1,033 research outputs found

    New Zealand's Oceans Policy

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    In light of recent Oceans Policy developments this paper proposes a legal and institutional framework for the management of New Zealand's oceans. It focuses on one key existing problem: the lack of a comprehensive, coherent framework for the sustainable management of the marine environment. The proposed framework addresses this issue by suggesting an overarching statute, based on the approach taken by the Resource Management Act, under which several layers of policy refinement and implementation create national consistency coexisting with localised solutions based on the purpose of sustainability and broad guiding principles. The proposal is consistent with New Zealand's international obligations, other domestic legislation and existing institutional structures. The paper concludes with a statement on the importance to our future well-being of developing a comprehensive and enduring Oceans Policy

    Thought-Action Fusion and Neutralization Behavior

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    This study presents a new inventory to assess thought-action fusion (TAF). 160 college students ages 18 to 22 (M = 19.17, SD = 1.11) completed the new Modified Thought Action Scale (MTAFS). Results indicated high internal consistency in the MTAFS (Cronbach’s α = .95). A principal component analysis suggested a three factor solution of TAF-Moral (TAFM), TAFLikelihood (TAFL), and TAF-Harm avoidance-Positive (TAFHP) all with eigenvalues above 1, and factor loadings above .4. A second study examined the association between TAF, obsessivecompulsive and anxiety tendencies after the activation of TAF-like thought processes in a nonclinical sample (n=76). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups intended to provoke TAFL-self, TAFL-other, and TAF moral thought processes. Stepwise regression analyses revealed: 1) the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory subscales Neutralizing and Ordering significantly predicted instructed neutralization behavior (INB) in non-clinical participants; 2) TAF-Likelihood contributed significant unique variance in INB. These findings suggest that the provocation of neutralization behavior may be mediated by specific subsets of TAF and obsessive-compulsive tendencies

    A Quest to Increase Women in Corporate Board Leadership: Comparing the Law in Norway and the U.S.

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    Gender imbalance is a persistent problem on corporate boards the world over. Women are severely underrepresented in these important leadership positions within public companies. Norway took a big swing at inequality in 2003 by enacting a quota law requiring at least 40% representation of each gender on boards of directors of public companies. Norway now has the highest percentage of women serving on corporate boards. Through Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, the United States enacted a diversity disclosure rule that requires public companies to divulge their policy regarding gender in board hiring. The disclosure rule has proven ineffectual, and at the current rate of change, it will take 70 years for women to gain equal seats on U.S. corporate boards. Many stereotypes about women in the workplace persist, making it difficult for women to climb to the top of the corporate hierarchy. A closer look at the barriers to women’s success reveals that advocates of gender equality on corporate boards may need to change tactics in the U.S. and advocate for stronger government intervention in the private sphere in order to achieve change more quickly. Short of imposing a quota, which is highly unlikely in the United States, what can advocates learn from the advancements made in Norway

    Making a Case for Collaborative Business Planning: Educating Information Management and Systems Graduates for the Knowledge-Based Economy

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    This paper presents and discusses the design and evaluation of an innovative educational exercise that combines elements of both learning about and learning for e-commerce. The principle guiding the design of the exercise was the provision of an opportunity for postgraduate information management and information systems students to learn about and for e-commerce through the collaborative development of a business plan. A survey distributed at the end of the module collected data on students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills related to their learning about and for e-commerce on the business plan exercise. The data analysis focuses on students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills relevant to entrepreneurship, and demonstrates that the collaborative development of a business plan can be an effective learning tool for students to acquire not only specific domain knowledge of e-commerce topics such as business strategy, e-commerce business models, and e-commerce technology, but also generic information, communication, and management skills, relevant to learning about and for entrepreneurship

    Understanding the marine environment : seabed habitat investigations of the Dogger Bank offshore draft SAC

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    This report details work carried out by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), British Geological Surveys (BGS) and Envision Ltd. for the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). It has been produced to provide the JNCC with evidence on the distribution and extent of Annex I habitat (including variations of these features) on the Dogger Bank in advance of its possible designation as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The report contains information required under Regulation 7 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2007 and will enable the JNCC to advise the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) as to whether the site is deemed eligible as a SAC. The report provides detailed information about the Dogger Bank and evaluates its features of interest according to the Habitats Directive selection criteria and guiding principles. This assessment has been made following a thorough analysis of existing information combined with newly acquired field survey data collected using ‘state of the art’ equipment. In support of this process acoustic (sidescan sonar and multibeam echosounder) and groundtruthing data (Hamon grabs, trawls and underwater video) were collected during a 19-day cruise on RV Cefas Endeavour, which took place between 2-20 April 2008. Existing information and newly acquired data were combined to investigate the sub-surface geology, surface sediments and bedforms, epifaunal and infaunal communities of the Dogger Bank. Results were integrated into a habitat map employing the EUNIS classification. Key results are as follows: • The upper Pleistocene Dogger Bank Formation dictates the shape of the Dogger Bank. • The Dogger Bank is morphologically distinguishable from the surrounding seafloor following the application of a technique, which differentiates the degree of slope. • A sheet of Holocene sediments of variable thickness overlies the Dogger Bank Formation. At the seabed surface, these Holocene sediments can be broadly delineated into fine sands and coarse sediments. • Epifaunal and infaunal communities were distinguished based on multivariate analysis of data derived from video and stills analysis and Hamon grab samples. Sediment properties and depth were the main factors controlling the distribution of infauna and epifauna across the Bank. • Epifaunal and infaunal community links were explored. Most stations could be categorised according to one of four combined infaunal/epifaunal community types (i.e. sandy sediment bank community, shallow sandy sediment bank community, coarse sediment bank community or deep community north of the bank). • Biological zones were identified using modelling techniques based on light climate and wave base data. Three biological zones, namely infralittoral, circalittoral and deep circalittoral are present in the study site. • EUNIS level 4 habitats were mapped by integrating acoustic, biological, physical and optical data. Eight different habitats are present on the Dogger Bank. This report also provides some of the necessary information and data to help the JNCC ultimately reach a judgement as to whether the Dogger Bank is suitable as an SAC. In support of this process the encountered habitats and the ecology of the Dogger Bank are compared with other SACs known to contain sandbank habitats in UK waters. The functional and ecological importance of the Dogger Bank as well as potential anthropogenic impacts is discussed. A scientific justification underlying the proposed Dogger Bank dSAC boundary is also given (Appendix 1). This is followed by a discussion of the suitability and cost-effectiveness of techniques utilised for seabed investigations of the Dogger Bank. Finally, recommendations for strategies and techniques employed for investigation of Annex I sandbanks are provided

    Administrative Innovation in Human Resource Information Systems: Exploring Post-Adoption Usage in Kuwait’s Public Sector

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    Human resource information systems (HRIS) have a prominent role in organizational success and have been used to support various HR goals. Previous research on HRIS focuses on its adoption as a form of innovation per se, and limited studies examine innovation emerging in the context of HRIS post-adoption usage. This study will focus on post-adoption usage from the perspective of administrative innovation, which is related to improvements in work processes and tasks following the adoption of HRIS. Although innovation has gained more interest in the public sector as a way to improve efficiency, there is a lack of studies regarding HRIS and administrative innovation in this sector. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the development of administrative innovation in the public sector of Kuwait where HRIS has been adopted and integrated into various HR practices. This poster presents the preliminary findings of the research in progress

    Parents’ experiences of their child’s best interests during a hospital stay in Australia

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    Determining the child’s best interests in a hospital setting will ideally involve the combined views of children, parents, and healthcare professionals. However, few studies have explored parents’ experiences of their child’s best interests when they engage with the healthcare system. Therefore, this study aimed to explore parents’ experiences of their child’s best interests during hospitalisation. A descriptive qualitative inductive design using face-to-face parent–child combined interviews, analysed by latent content analysis, was used. Sixteen parents recruited from a tertiary hospital in Western Australia were interviewed. Collaboration, development of trustworthy relationships, and effective communication were essential in shaping parents’ experiences of their child’s best interests during hospitalisation

    Chlamydia infection status, genotype, and age-related macular degeneration

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate whether Chlamydia (C.) infections are associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and to assess if this association is influenced by the complement factor H (CFH) Y402H or the high temperature requirement A serine peptidase 1 (HTRA1) rs11200638 risk genotypes.METHODS: One hundred ninety-nine AMD patients with early and late forms of the disease and 100 unaffected controls, at least 50 years old were included in the study. Patients in the AMD and control groups were selected based on known CFH Y402H variant genotype status (one third homozygous CC, one third heterozygous CT, and one third wild-type TT). Plasma from all patients and controls was tested for C. pneumoniae, C. trachomatis, and C. psittaci IgG seropositivity using a micro-immunofluorescent assay to establish previous infection status. Assays were conducted blind to risk genotypes and the results analyzed using univariate and multivariate (logistic regression) analysis.RESULTS:IgG seropositivity to C. pneumoniae was most prevalent (69.2%, n=207), followed by C. trachomatis (7.4%, n=22) and C. psittaci (3.3%, n=10). No association was found between each of the three Chlamydia species IgG seropositivity and AMD status or severity (early/late). There was also no significant association between Chlamydia species IgG seropositivity and AMD status or severity, in patients carrying at least one CFH Y402H risk allele (C) or HTRA1 rs11200638 risk allele (A), with univariate or logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS:Chlamydia infection status does not appear to be associated with AMD status or severity. The presence of CFH Y402H and HTRA1 rs11200638 risk genotypes does not alter this negative association

    Quantifying late-stage host-seeking behaviour of Anopheles gambiae at the insecticidal net interface using a baited-box bioassay

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    Background Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) are losing efficacy against pyrethroid-resistant malaria vector populations throughout Africa. Safeguarding bed net efficacy, vital for effective malaria control, requires greater knowledge of mosquito–ITN interactions and how this impacts on the mosquito. Methods A purpose-built benchtop apparatus with a closed 10 cm cubic chamber (the ‘Baited-box’) was used to video record behaviour of individual free-flying female Anopheles gambiae during approach and blood-feeding on a human hand through untreated nets and ITNs at close range. Time and duration of defined behavioural events, and knockdown and mortality at 1- and 24-h post-exposure respectively, were recorded for pyrethroid susceptible and resistant mosquitoes. Results Using three human volunteers differing in relative attractiveness to mosquitoes, 328 mosquitoes were individually tested. There were no significant differences between response rates to ITNs and untreated nets (P > 0.1) or between resistant (Tiassalé) and susceptible (Kisumu) mosquito strains, at untreated nets (P = 0.39) or PermaNet 2.0 (P = 1). The sequence of behavioural events from host-seeking to completion of blood-feeding was consistent in all tests but duration and start time of events involving net contact were reduced or delayed respectively with ITNs. Blood-feeding durations at untreated nets (means from 4.25 to 8.47 min (95% confidence interval (CI) = 3.39–9.89) at 3 human volunteers) were reduced by 37–50% at PermaNet 2.0, in susceptible (mean 2.59–4.72 min, 95% CI = 1.54–5.5, P =  0.2), and neither ITN type showed detectable spatial repellency. After initial contact, blood-feeding commenced later at Olyset (mean 2.76 min, 95% CI = 1.74–3.76, P = 0.0009) and PermaNet (mean 2.4 min, 95% CI = 1.52–3.33, P = 0.0058) than untreated netting (mean 0.68 min, 95% CI = 0.42–0.94). Conclusions The baited box offers a simple method for detailed characterization of mosquito behavioural responses to insecticidal nets, for comparing entomological modes of action between nets and for defining the behavioural responses of particular mosquito strains or populations. The device has potential as a screening assay in the search for novel net treatments and for investigations into behavioural resistance mechanisms
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