200 research outputs found

    Accuracy of B(E2; 0+ -> 2+) transition rates from intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation experiments

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    The method of intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation has been widely used to determine absolute B(E2; 0+ -> 2+) quadrupole excitation strengths in exotic nuclei with even numbers of protons and neutrons. Transition rates measured with intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation are compared to their respective adopted values and for the example of 26Mg to the B(E2; 0+ -> 2+) values obtained with a variety of standard methods. Intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation is found to have an accuracy comparable to those of long-established experimental techniques.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Nuclear structure in 95,97Ru nuclei

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    The high-spin level structures of the nuclei 95,97Ru have been studied via the 92Mo(6Li,p2n)95Ru and 93Nb(7Li,3n)97Ru reactions, using γ-γ coincidence, γ-W(θ), and pulsed-beam-γ measurements. Shell-model calculations of energy levels and B(E2) values for 95Ru have been performed and compared with the experimentally observed levels and the measured (21/2)+ and (17/2)+ lifetimes. A collective ΔJ=2 band has been identified with the 1h11/2 neutron state in 97Ru, and discussed in the context of the general nature of collectivity in nuclei outside the N=50 closed shell. No ΔJ=1 band associated with the 1g9/2 neutron-hole intruder state was found in either of the N=51,53 Ru nuclei, as observed previously for the 1g9/2 proton-hole intruder states in the Z=51 Sb and Z=53 I nuclei

    O elemento popular na obra de Jorge Amado

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    Pesquisa científica apoiada pelo CNPq/PIBIC de agosto de 2012 a julho de 2013, que se dedicou ao estudo dos quatro primeiros romances publicados de Jorge Amado: O País do Carnaval (1931), Cacau (1933), Suor (1934) e Jubiabá (1935). Com o intuito de obter sentidos para o termo “popular”, amplamente relacionado ao autor e às suas obras, tal investigação embasou-se em críticos contemporâneos e em críticas da década de trinta publicadas no Boletim de Ariel. Também foi utilizado o método de compreensão de obras apresentado por Umberto Eco nas conferências Norton de 1993, para abarcar, a partir de conceitos como o de leitor-modelo, por quem e como Jorge Amado era lido, e se esse leitor-empírico difere daquele que os seus romances, denominados às vezes como panfletários, buscavam

    A Composite Chiral Pair of Rotational Bands in the odd-A Nucleus 135Nd

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    High-spin states in 135Nd were populated with the 110Pd(30Si,5n)135Nd reaction at a 30Si bombarding energy of 133 MeV. Two Delta(I)=1 bands with close excitation energies and the same parity were observed. These bands are directly linked by Delta(I)=1 and Delta(I)=2 transitions. The chiral nature of these two bands is confirmed by comparison with three-dimensional tilted axis cranking calculations. This is the first observation of a three-quasiparticle chiral structure and established the primarily geometric nature of this phenomenon.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures (1 in color), 1 table, submitted to Physics Review Letters, written in REVTEX4 forma

    A hybrid version of the tilted axis cranking model and its application to ^{128}Ba

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    A hybrid version the deformed nuclear potential is suggested, which combines a spherical Woods Saxon potential with a deformed Nilsson potential. It removes the problems of the conventional Nilsson potential in the mass 130 region. Based on the hybrid potential, tilted axis cranking calculations are carried out for the magnetic dipole band in ^{128}Ba.Comment: 10 pages 6 figure

    Magnetic and intruder rotational bands in (113)In

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    ©2005 American Physical SocietyExcited states in ¹¹³In were populated via the reactions ¹⁰⁰Mo(¹⁸O,p4n)¹¹³In and ¹¹⁰Pd(7Li,4n)¹¹³In. The two known ΔJ = 2 intruder bands, based on the πg7/2 ⊗ d5/2 and πh11/2 orbitals, have been extended by 8¯h to spins (49/2+)¯h and (55/2−)¯h, respectively. The previous finding of three sequences of ΔJ = 1 γ -ray transitions has been confirmed. A self-consistent cranked shell-model calculation gives a good description of the contrasting alignment patterns of the two ΔJ = 2 intruder bands. The intruder bands, the known sequences ofM1 transitions, and spherical levels together represent a coexistence of three different excitation modes in this nucleus.S. Naguleswaran, R. S. Chakrawarthy, U. Garg, K. L. Lamkin, G. Smith, J. C. Walpe, A. Galindo-Uribarri, V. P. Janzen, D. C. Radford, R. Kaczarowski, D. B. Fossan, D. R. Lafosse, P. Vaska, Ch. Droste, T. Morek, S. Pilotte, J. DeGraaf, T. Drake, and R. Wys