2,280 research outputs found

    Using Polvika\u27s Model to Create a Service-Learning Partnership

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    Collaboration can maximize limited resources of universities, school systems, and public health departments by offering learning from experience. Polvika\u27s theoretical model and principles from Community-Campus Partnerships for Health guided development of a service-learning partnership among a university, a county health department, and an alternative school in a large public school district. Of three commonly identified patterns of service-learning, this partnership demonstrated the pattern that equally emphasizes service to a community or agency, and mutual learning by all participants. All organizations in the partnership share a common goal to optimize the health of children in schools, and to provide quality learning for professional students. The partnership is in its fourth year. Formal interagency agreements now exist among all partners. Individuals continue to demonstrate flexibility and mutual awareness of strengths and limitations of respective organizations. Public school students receive more services, many high-risk children achieve better learning outcomes, school nurses offer expanded services in many schools with the help of nursing students, and undergraduate and graduate nursing students gain meaningful learning experiences. Some nursing students state that school nursing has become a career goal. The partnership continues to evolve to meet changing needs of the partners. Members remain satisfied with the collaboration

    Can the UNAIDS modes of transmission model be improved? A comparison of the original and revised model projections using data from a setting in west Africa.

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    OBJECTIVE: The UNAIDS modes of transmission model (MoT) is a user-friendly model, developed to predict the distribution of new HIV infections among different subgroups. The model has been used in 29 countries to guide interventions. However, there is the risk that the simplifications inherent in the MoT produce misleading findings. Using input data from Nigeria, we compare projections from the MoT with those from a revised model that incorporates additional heterogeneity. METHODS: We revised the MoT to explicitly incorporate brothel and street-based sex-work, transactional sex, and HIV-discordant couples. Both models were parameterized using behavioural and epidemiological data from Cross River State, Nigeria. Model projections were compared, and the robustness of the revised model projections to different model assumptions, was investigated. RESULTS: The original MoT predicts 21% of new infections occur in most-at-risk-populations (MARPs), compared with 45% (40-75%, 95% Crl) once additional heterogeneity and updated parameterization is incorporated. Discordant couples, a subgroup previously not explicitly modelled, are predicted to contribute a third of new HIV infections. In addition, the new findings suggest that women engaging in transactional sex may be an important but previously less recognized risk group, with 16% of infections occurring in this subgroup. CONCLUSION: The MoT is an accessible model that can inform intervention priorities. However, the current model may be potentially misleading, with our comparisons in Nigeria suggesting that the model lacks resolution, making it challenging for the user to correctly interpret the nature of the epidemic. Our findings highlight the need for a formal review of the MoT

    Is modelling complexity always needed?:Insights from modelling PrEP introduction in South Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Mathematical models can be powerful policymaking tools. Simple, static models are user-friendly for policymakers. More complex, dynamic models account for time-dependent changes but are complicated to understand and produce. Under which conditions are static models adequate? We compare static and dynamic model predictions of whether behavioural disinhibition could undermine the impact of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) provision to female sex workers in South Africa. METHODS: A static model of HIV risk was developed and adapted into a dynamic model. Both models were used to estimate the possible reduction in condom use, following PrEP introduction, without increasing HIV risk. The results were compared over a 20-year time horizon, in two contexts: at epidemic equilibrium and during an increasing epidemic. RESULTS: Over time horizons of up to 5 years, the models are consistent. Over longer timeframes, the static model overstates the tolerated reduction in condom use where initial condom use is reasonably high (\ge50%) and/or PrEP effectiveness is low (\le45%), especially during an increasing epidemic. CONCLUSIONS: Static models can provide useful deductions to guide policymaking around the introduction of a new HIV intervention over short-medium time horizons of up to 5 years. Over longer timeframes, static models may not sufficiently emphasise situations of programmatic importance, especially where underlying epidemics are still increasing

    Robust convergence in pulse coupled oscillators with delays

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    We show that for pulse coupled oscillators a class of phase response curves with both excitation and inhibition exhibit robust convergence to synchrony on arbitrary aperiodic connected graphs with delays. We describe the basins of convergence and give explicit bounds on the convergence times. These results provide new and more robust methods for synchronization of sensor nets and also have biological implications.Comment: http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v106/i19/e19410

    Spike-Train Responses of a Pair of Hodgkin-Huxley Neurons with Time-Delayed Couplings

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    Model calculations have been performed on the spike-train response of a pair of Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons coupled by recurrent excitatory-excitatory couplings with time delay. The coupled, excitable HH neurons are assumed to receive the two kinds of spike-train inputs: the transient input consisting of MM impulses for the finite duration (MM: integer) and the sequential input with the constant interspike interval (ISI). The distribution of the output ISI ToT_{\rm o} shows a rich of variety depending on the coupling strength and the time delay. The comparison is made between the dependence of the output ISI for the transient inputs and that for the sequential inputs.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Resonance between Noise and Delay

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    We propose here a stochastic binary element whose transition rate depends on its state at a fixed interval in the past. With this delayed stochastic transition this is one of the simplest dynamical models under the influence of ``noise'' and ``delay''. We demonstrate numerically and analytically that we can observe resonant phenomena between the oscillatory behavior due to noise and that due to delay.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett Expanded and Added Reference

    A L\'evy input fluid queue with input and workload regulation

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    We consider a queuing model with the workload evolving between consecutive i.i.d.\ exponential timers {eq(i)}i=1,2,...\{e_q^{(i)}\}_{i=1,2,...} according to a spectrally positive L\'evy process Yi(t)Y_i(t) that is reflected at zero, and where the environment ii equals 0 or 1. When the exponential clock eq(i)e_q^{(i)} ends, the workload, as well as the L\'evy input process, are modified; this modification may depend on the current value of the workload, the maximum and the minimum workload observed during the previous cycle, and the environment ii of the L\'evy input process itself during the previous cycle. We analyse the steady-state workload distribution for this model. The main theme of the analysis is the systematic application of non-trivial functionals, derived within the framework of fluctuation theory of L\'evy processes, to workload and queuing models

    The victorious English language: hegemonic practices in the management academy

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    This study explores hegemonic linguistic processes, that is, the dominant and unreflective use of the English language in the production of textual knowledge accounts. The authors see the production of management knowledge as situated in central or peripheral locations, which they examine from an English language perspective. Their inquiry is based on an empirical study based on the perspectives of 33 management academics (not English language speakers) in (semi) peripheral locations, who have to generate and disseminate knowledge in and through the English language. Although the hegemony of the center in the knowledge production process has long been acknowledged, the specific contribution of this study is to explore how the English language operates as part of the “ideological complex” that produces and maintains this hegemony, as well as how this hegemony is manifested at the local level of publication practices in peripherally located business and management schools

    Antimicrobial and Antiinsectan Phenolic Metabolites of Dalea searlsiae

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    Continued interest in the chemistry of Dalea spp. led to investigation of Dalea searlsiae, a plant native to areas of the western United States. Methanol extractions of D. searlsiae roots and subsequent chromatographic fractionation afforded the new prenylated and geranylated flavanones malheurans A–D (1–4) and known flavanones (5 and 6). Known rotenoids (7 and 8) and isoflavones (9 and 10) were isolated from aerial portions. Structure determination of pure compounds was accomplished primarily by extensive 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. The absolute configurations of compounds 1–5, 7, and 8 were assigned using electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy. Antimicrobial bioassays revealed significant activity concentrated in the plant roots. Compounds 1–6 exhibited MICs of 2–8 μg/mL against Streptococcus mutans, Bacillus cereus, and oxacillin-sensitive and -resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Aerial metabolites 7–10 were inactive against these organisms, but the presence of 7 and 8 prompted investigation of the antiinsectan activity of D. searlsiae metabolites toward the major crop pest Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm). While compounds 1–10 all caused significant reductions in larval growth rates, associated mortality (33–66%) was highest with flavanone 4 and rotenoids 7 and 8. These findings suggest a differential allocation of antimicrobial and antiinsectan plant resources to root and aerial portions of the plant, respectively