515 research outputs found

    Precision measurement of light shifts at two off-resonant wavelengths in a single trapped Ba+ ion and determination of atomic dipole matrix elements

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    We define and measure the ratio (R) of the vector ac-Stark effect (or light shift) in the 6S_1/2 and 5D_3/2 states of a single trapped barium ion to 0.2% accuracy at two different off-resonant wavelengths. We earlier found R = -11.494(13) at 514.531nm and now report the value at 1111.68nm, R = +0.4176(8). These observations together yield a value of the matrix element, previously unknown in the literature. Also, comparison of our results with an ab initio calculation of dynamic polarizability would yield a new test of atomic theory and improve the understanding of atomic structure needed to interpret a proposed atomic parity violation experiment.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, in submission to PR

    Effects of confinement on the permanent electric-dipole moment of Xe atoms in liquid Xe

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    Searches for permanent electric-dipole moments (EDM) of atoms provide important constraints on competing extensions to the standard model of elementary particles. Recently proposed experiment with liquid 129^{129}Xe [M.V. Romalis and M.P. Ledbetter, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{87}, 067601 (2001)] may significantly improve present limits on the EDMs. To interpret experimental data in terms of CP-violating sources, one must relate measured atomic EDM to various model interactions via electronic-structure calculations. Here we study density dependence of atomic EDMs. The analysis is carried out in the framework of the cell model of the liquid coupled with relativistic atomic-structure calculations. We find that compared to an isolated atom, the EDM of an atom of liquid Xe is suppressed by about 40%

    Measurement of Linear Stark Interference in 199Hg

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    We present measurements of Stark interference in the 61S0^1S_0 \rightarrow 63P1^3P_1 transition in 199^{199}Hg, a process whereby a static electric field EE mixes magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole couplings into an electric dipole transition, leading to EE-linear energy shifts similar to those produced by a permanent atomic electric dipole moment (EDM). The measured interference amplitude, aSIa_{SI} = (aM1+aE2)(a_{M1} + a_{E2}) = (5.8 ±\pm 1.5)×109\times 10^{-9} (kV/cm)1^{-1}, agrees with relativistic, many-body predictions and confirms that earlier central-field estimates are a factor of 10 too large. More importantly, this study validates the capability of the 199^{199}Hg EDM search apparatus to resolve non-trivial, controlled, and sub-nHz Larmor frequency shifts with EDM-like characteristics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; revised in response to reviewer comment

    Improved limit on the permanent electric dipole moment of 199Hg

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    We report the results of a new experimental search for a permanent electric dipole moment of 199Hg utilizing a stack of four vapor cells. We find d(199Hg) = (0.49 \pm 1.29_stat \pm 0.76_syst) x 10^{-29} e cm, and interpret this as a new upper bound, |d(199Hg)| < 3.1 x 10^{-29} e cm (95% C.L.). This result improves our previous 199Hg limit by a factor of 7, and can be used to set new constraints on CP violation in physics beyond the standard model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. additional reference, minor edits in response to reviewer comment

    Atomic Parity Nonconservation: Electroweak Parameters and Nuclear Structure

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    There have been suggestions to measure atomic parity nonconservation (PNC) along an isotopic chain, by taking ratios of observables in order to cancel complicated atomic structure effects. Precise atomic PNC measurements could make a significant contribution to tests of the Standard Model at the level of one loop radiative corrections. However, the results also depend upon certain features of nuclear structure, such as the spatial distribution of neutrons in the nucleus. To examine the sensitivity to nuclear structure, we consider the case of Pb isotopes using various recent relativistic and non-relativistic nuclear model calculations. Contributions from nucleon internal weak structure are included, but found to be fairly negligible. The spread among present models in predicted sizes of nuclear structure effects may preclude using Pb isotope ratios to test the Standard Model at better than a one percent level, unless there are adequate independent tests of the nuclear models by various alternative strong and electroweak nuclear probes. On the other hand, sufficiently accurate atomic PNC experiments would provide a unique method to measure neutron distributions in heavy nuclei.Comment: 44 pages, INT Preprint DOE/ER/40561-050-INT92-00-1

    Low Metallicity Galaxies from the Dark Energy Survey

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    We present a new selection of 358 blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) from 5,000 square degrees in the Dark Energy Survey (DES), and the spectroscopic follow-up of a subsample of 68 objects. For the subsample of 34 objects with deep spectra, we measure the metallicity via the direct Te_e method using the auroral [\oiii]λ\lambda 4363 emission line. These BCDs have average oxygen abundance of 12+log(O/H)= 7.8, stellar masses between 107^7 to 108^8 M_\odot and specific SFR between \sim 109^{-9} to 107^{-7} yr1^{-1}. We compare the position of our BCDs with the Mass-metallicity (M-Z) and Luminosity-metallicity (L-Z) relation derived from the Local Volume Legacy sample. We find the scatter around the M-Z relation is smaller than the scatter around the L-Z relation. We identify a correlation between the offsets from the M-Z and L-Z relation that we suggest is due to the contribution of metal-poor inflows. Finally, we explore the validity of the mass-metallicity-SFR fundamental plane in the mass range probed by our galaxies. We find that BCDs with stellar masses smaller than 10810^{8}M_{\odot} do not follow the extrapolation of the fundamental plane. This result suggests that mechanisms other than the balance between inflows and outflows may be at play in regulating the position of low mass galaxies in the M-Z-SFR space.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ, We invite comments from the communit

    Constraints on Gamma-ray Emission from the Galactic Plane at 300 TeV

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    We describe a new search for diffuse ultrahigh energy gamma-ray emission associated with molecular clouds in the galactic disk. The Chicago Air Shower Array (CASA), operating in coincidence with the Michigan muon array (MIA), has recorded over 2.2 x 10^{9} air showers from April 4, 1990 to October 7, 1995. We search for gamma rays based upon the muon content of air showers arriving from the direction of the galactic plane. We find no significant evidence for diffuse gamma-ray emission, and we set an upper limit on the ratio of gamma rays to normal hadronic cosmic rays at less than 2.4 x 10^{-5} at 310 TeV (90% confidence limit) from the galactic plane region: (50 degrees < l < 200 degrees); -5 degrees < b < 5 degrees). This limit places a strong constraint on models for emission from molecular clouds in the galaxy. We rule out significant spectral hardening in the outer galaxy, and conclude that emission from the plane at these energies is likely to be dominated by the decay of neutral pions resulting from cosmic rays interactions with passive target gas molecules.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, submitted, 11 pages, AASTeX Latex, 3 Postscript figure

    Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum and Composition from 10^{17} to 10^{18.3} eV Using a Hybrid Fluorescence Technique

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    We study the spectrum and average mass composition of cosmic rays with primary energies between 10^{17} eV and 10^{18} eV using a hybrid detector consisting of the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) prototype and the MIA muon array. Measurements have been made of the change in the depth of shower maximum as a function of energy. A complete Monte Carlo simulation of the detector response and comparisons with shower simulations leads to the conclusion that the cosmic ray intensity is changing f rom a heavier to a lighter composition in this energy range. The spectrum is consistent with earlier Fly's Eye measurements and supports the previously found steepening near 4 \times 10^{17} eV .Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, in revtex4 epsf style, submited to AP

    A Multi-Component Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Composition Between 10^{17} eV and 10^{18} eV

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    The average mass composition of cosmic rays with primary energies between 101710^{17}eV and 101810^{18}eV has been studied using a hybrid detector consisting of the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) prototype and the MIA muon array. Measurements have been made of the change in the depth of shower maximum, XmaxX_{max}, and in the change in the muon density at a fixed core location, ρμ(600m)\rho_\mu(600m), as a function of energy. The composition has also been evaluated in terms of the combination of XmaxX_{max} and ρμ(600m)\rho_\mu(600m). The results show that the composition is changing from a heavy to lighter mix as the energy increases.Comment: 14 pages including 3 figures in revtex epsf style, submited to PR