68 research outputs found

    Comparison of Thaumarchaeotal populations from four deep sea basins.

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    The nitrogen cycle in the marine environment is strongly affected by ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota. In some marine settings, Thaumarchaeotes can comprise a large percentage of the prokaryotic population. To better understand the biogeographic patterns of Thaumarchaeotes, we sought to investigate differences in their abundance and phylogenetic diversity between geographically distinct basins. Samples were collected from four marine basins (The Caspian Sea, the Great Australian Bight, and the Central and Eastern Mediterranean). The concentration of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes and archaeal amoA genes were assessed using qPCR. Minimum entropy decomposition was used to elucidate the fine-scale diversity of Thaumarchaeotes. We demonstrated that there were significant differences in the abundance and diversity of Thaumarchaeotes between these four basins. The diversity of Thaumarchaeotal oligotypes differed between basins with many oligotypes only present in one of the four basins, which suggests that their distribution showed biogeographic patterning. There were also significant differences in Thaumarchaeotal community structure between these basins. This would suggest that geographically distant, yet geochemically similar basins may house distinct Thaumarchaeaotal populations. These findings suggest that Thaumarchaeota are very diverse and that biogeography in part contributes in determining the diversity and distribution of Thaumarchaeotes

    Widespread nitrogen fixation in sediments from diverse deep-sea sites of elevated carbon loading

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    Nitrogen fixation, the biological conversion of N_2 to NH_3, is critical to alleviating nitrogen limitation in many marine ecosystems. To date, few measurements exist of N_2 fixation in deep‐sea sediments. Here, we conducted > 400 bottle incubations with sediments from methane seeps, whale falls and background sites off the western coast of the United States from 600 to 2893 m water depth to investigate the potential rates, spatial distribution and biological mediators of benthic N_2 fixation. We found that N2 fixation was widespread, yet heterogeneously distributed with sediment depth at all sites. In some locations, rates exceeded previous measurements by > 10×, and provided up to 30% of the community anabolic growth requirement for nitrogen. Diazotrophic activity appeared to be inhibited by pore water ammonium: N_2 fixation was only observed if incubation ammonium concentrations were ≤ 25 μM, and experimental additions of ammonium reduced diazotrophy. In seep sediments, N_2 fixation was dependent on CH_4 and coincident with sulphate reduction, consistent with previous work showing diazotrophy by microorganisms mediating sulphate‐coupled methane oxidation. However, the pattern of diazotrophy was different in whale‐fall and associated reference sediments, where it was largely unaffected by CH_4, suggesting catabolically different diazotrophs at these sites

    Complete genome sequence of the lignin-degrading bacterium Klebsiella sp. strain BRL6-2

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    In an effort to discover anaerobic bacteria capable of lignin degradation, we isolated Klebsiella sp. strain BRL6-2 on minimal media with alkali lignin as the sole carbon source. This organism was isolated anaerobically from tropical forest soils collected from the Bisley watershed at the Ridge site in the El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico, USA, part of the Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Station. At this site, the soils experience strong fluctuations in redox potential and are characterized by cycles of iron oxidation and reduction. Genome sequencing was targeted because of its ability to grow on lignin anaerobically and lignocellulolytic activity via in vitro enzyme assays. The genome of Klebsiella sp. strain BRL6-2 is 5.80 Mbp with no detected plasmids, and includes a relatively small arsenal of genes encoding lignocellulolytic carbohydrate active enzymes. The genome revealed four putative peroxidases including glutathione and DyP-type peroxidases, and a complete protocatechuate pathway encoded in a single gene cluster. Physiological studies revealed Klebsiella sp. strain BRL6-2 to be relatively stress tolerant to high ionic strength conditions. It grows in increasing concentrations of ionic liquid (1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate) up to 73.44 mM and NaCl up to 1.5 M

    Widespread nitrogen fixation in sediments from diverse deep-sea sites of elevated carbon loading

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    Nitrogen fixation, the biological conversion of N_2 to NH_3, is critical to alleviating nitrogen limitation in many marine ecosystems. To date, few measurements exist of N_2 fixation in deep‐sea sediments. Here, we conducted > 400 bottle incubations with sediments from methane seeps, whale falls and background sites off the western coast of the United States from 600 to 2893 m water depth to investigate the potential rates, spatial distribution and biological mediators of benthic N_2 fixation. We found that N2 fixation was widespread, yet heterogeneously distributed with sediment depth at all sites. In some locations, rates exceeded previous measurements by > 10×, and provided up to 30% of the community anabolic growth requirement for nitrogen. Diazotrophic activity appeared to be inhibited by pore water ammonium: N_2 fixation was only observed if incubation ammonium concentrations were ≤ 25 μM, and experimental additions of ammonium reduced diazotrophy. In seep sediments, N_2 fixation was dependent on CH_4 and coincident with sulphate reduction, consistent with previous work showing diazotrophy by microorganisms mediating sulphate‐coupled methane oxidation. However, the pattern of diazotrophy was different in whale‐fall and associated reference sediments, where it was largely unaffected by CH_4, suggesting catabolically different diazotrophs at these sites