6 research outputs found

    CIRCE: Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction Cubesat Experiment

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    The Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction Cubesat Experiment (CIRCE) is a collaborative space mission between the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), and the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in developing small satellite ionospheric physics capability. CIRCE will characterise space weather effects on a regional scale in the ionosphere/thermosphere system. Properly characterising the dynamic ionosphere is important for a wide range of both civil and defence applications such as GPS, communications, and sensing technology. Consisting of two near-identical 6U (2x3U) CubeSat buses, the CIRCE nanosatellites will fly in a lead-follow tandem configuration in co-planar near-polar orbits at 500km altitude. Provided by Blue Canyon Technologies (BCT), the two buses will use differential drag to achieve and maintain an in-track separation of between 250 and 500km, allowing short time-scale dynamics to be observed in-situ. These nanosatellites each carry a complement of 5 individual scientific instruments, contributed from academic, industrial, and government partners across the UK and US. Scheduled to launch in 2021 via the US Department of Defence Space Test Program, the two CIRCE satellites will provide observations to enable a greater understanding of the driving processes of geophysical phenomena in the ionosphere/thermosphere system, distributed across a wide range of latitudes, and altitudes, as the mission progresses

    Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction CubeSat Experiment (CIRCE), In situ and Remote Ionospheric Sensing (IRIS) suite

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    The UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is partnering with the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) on a joint mission to launch miniature sensors that will advance space weather measurement and modelling capabilities. The Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction Cubesat Experiment (CIRCE) comprises two 6U cube-satellites that will be launched into a near-polar low earth orbit (LEO), targeting 500 km altitude, in 2021. The UK contribution to CIRCE is the In situ and Remote Ionospheric Sensing (IRIS) suite, complementary to NRL sensors, and comprising three highly miniaturised payloads provided to Dstl by University College London (UCL), University of Bath, and University of Surrey/Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL). One IRIS suite will be flown on each satellite, and incorporates an ion/neutral mass spectrometer, a tri-band global positioning system (GPS) receiver for ionospheric remote sensing, and a radiation environment monitor. From the US, NRL have provided two 1U Triple Tiny Ionospheric Photometers (Tri-TIPs) on each satellite (Nicholas et al., 2019), observing the ultraviolet 135.6 nm emission of atomic oxygen at night-time to characterize the two-dimensional distribution of electrons

    Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction CubeSat Experiment (CIRCE),

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    The UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is partnering with the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) on a joint mission to launch miniature sensors that will advance space weather measurement and modelling capabilities. The Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction Cubesat Experiment (CIRCE) comprises two 6U cube-satellites that will be launched into a near-polar low earth orbit (LEO), targeting 500 km altitude, in 2021. The UK contribution to CIRCE is the In situ and Remote Ionospheric Sensing (IRIS) suite, complementary to NRL sensors, and comprising three highly miniaturised payloads provided to Dstl by University College London (UCL), University of Bath, and University of Surrey/Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL). One IRIS suite will be flown on each satellite, and incorporates an ion/neutral mass spectrometer, a tri-band global positioning system (GPS) receiver for ionospheric remote sensing, and a radiation environment monitor. From the US, NRL have provided two 1U Triple Tiny Ionospheric Photometers (Tri-TIPs) on each satellite (Nicholas et al., 201

    Twenty priorities for future social-ecological research on climate resilience

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    Faced with the global climate crisis and the inevitability of future climate shocks, enhancing social-ecological resilience has become an urgent area for research and policy internationally. Research to better understand the impacts of, and response to, climate shocks is critical to improve the resilience and well-being of affected people and places. This paper builds on the findings of a focus collection on this topic to provide a concluding and forward-looking perspective on the future of social-ecological research on climate resilience. Drawing on an expert workshop to identify research gaps, we distinguish 20 priorities for future research on climate resilience. These span four key themes: Systems and Scales, Governance and Knowledge, Climate Resilience and Development, and Sectoral Concerns. Given the need and urgency for evidence-based policies to address the climate crisis, the analysis considers the importance of understanding how findings on social-ecological resilience are used in policy, rather than solely focusing on how it is generated. Many of the priorities emphasise the governance systems within which climate research is produced, understood and used. We further reflect on the state of current evidence generation processes, emphasising that the involvement of a wider range of voices in the design, implementation and dissemination of climate resilience research is critical to developing the efficient and fair interventions it is meant to support