1,001 research outputs found

    Employee Training in Canada

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    In this paper we first analyze the determinants of training using data from the 2003 International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey (IALSS). We find that education plays a key role in the receipt of all forms of training except in the case of employer-sponsored training. We also find substantial differences across demographic groups in the relationship between literacy skills and training. In the second part of the paper we merge the 1994 IALS to the 2003 IALSS and perform an analysis of the impact of the Quebec policy introduced in 1995 by which employers are required to devote at least 1% of the payroll to training activities. In the case of males we find no effect of the policy on the incidence of employer-sponsored training. On the other hand, Quebec females did experience a very large relative increase in training incidence between 1994 and 2003. However, the magnitude of the estimates is much too large to be plausibly caused by the policy given its modest scale. We show evidence of a significant relative increase in female employment rates in Quebec that could explain part -but probably not all-of the large increase in female employer-sponsored training.Literacy, Employer Training, Payroll Tax

    La pauvreté et la maladie mentale : est-ce que les pauvres sont plus malades et si oui pourquoi?

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    Cet article fait un tour d'horizon des principaux résultats de recherche qui permettent d'expliquer que les personnes les plus défavorisées, sur le plan économique, sont celles qui présentent le plus de symptômes de détresse, et expriment le moins de bien-être. L'article amorce aussi une réflexion sur ce que ces résultats signifient sur le plan théorique et sur le plan de l'intervention.This article provides an overview of research that attemps to explain why the economically under-priveledged show the greatest number of distress symptoms and the least sense of well-being. The author also elaborates on what those results mean on the theoretical level and on the intervention level

    Contributions to modeling spatially indexed functional data using a reproducing kernel Hilbert space framework

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    In many instances, it is useful to view data as a collection of curves, particularly when the questions motivating the analysis relate to properties of curves. In this case it makes sense to view the fundamental datum as a curve and refer to the collection of curves as functional data. This work deals with spatial models of functional data, where the underlying smooth curves are assumed to belong to a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The methodology developed here is illustrated using satellite data of phenological measurements over India

    Monoparentalité à chef féminin, pauvreté et santé mentale : état de la recherche

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    Cet article présente les résultats d'une revue de la documentation couvrant les années 1968 à 1993 et portant sur les liens entre la monoparentalité, la pauvreté et la santé mentale. A partir des banques de données courantes, 56 articles ont été retenus. Les mères monoparentales sont de plus en plus nombreuses et de plus en plus pauvres. Sur six variables de santé mentale répertoriées, quatre (détresse psychologique, estime de soi, sentiments de compétence et isolement psychologique) démontrent que ces mères sont en moins bonne santé mentale que les mères biparentales. L'estime de soi, la détresse et le bien-être psychologique des mères sont affectés par les variables économiques. Les résultats varient donc en fonction de la variable mesurée. Les mères monoparentales vivent plus de malaises psychologiques que les biparentales, mais elles ne semblent pas vivre plus de troubles sévères de santé mentale. Les recherches éventuelles devraient tenir compte d'un certain nombre d'aspects afin de rendre compte des liens entre la monoparentalité, la pauvreté et de la santé mentale.The goal of this article is to discuss an overview of literature published from 1968 to 1993 and dealing with links between singleparenting, poverty and mental health. A total of 56 articles were selected based on the most current data banks. Results show that the population of single-parent mothers is growing and that they are becoming increasngly poor. Of the six mental health variables listed by the author, four (psychological distress, self-esteem, perception of one's own skills and psychological isolation) clearly demonstrate that single-parent mothers are in a less healthy mental state than are mothers in two-parent families. Results also indicate that self-esteem, distress and psychological well-being are affected by economic variables. Results therefore vary according to the variable being measured. Although single-parent mothers experience more psychological discomfort than mothers in two-parent families, they do not seem to experience more serious mental health problems. The authors argue that future research on the subject should take into consideration a certain number of aspects, discussed in the conclusion of this article, which account for links between single-parenting, poverty and mental health

    Vécu et perception des usagers d’un centre de crise

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    Le texte rapporte les résultats d'une série d'entrevues semi-dirigées effectuées auprès de cinquante anciens usagers d'un centre de crise. Les données recueillies portent sur le vécu des résidants et leurs appréciations des services fournis, des intervenants et des résultats de l'intervention faite par le centre.The article presents the results of a series of semi-directed interviews conducted with fifty former clients of a crisis centre. Collected data relate to the experiences of residents and their appreciation of services supplied, to the social workers and to results of intervention carried out by the centre

    Une étude exploratoire des sources de stress et de soutien social chez les intervenantes communautaires en santé mentale

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    L'objectif de cette recherche exploratoire est d'identifier les principales sources de stress au travail et d'épuisement professionnel chez les intervenantes en santé mentale oeuvrant en milieu communautaire et d'examiner le soutien social qu'elles reçoivent. Les informations ont été recueillies au cours d'entrevues individuelles et d'entrevues de groupe auxquelles ont participé 19 intervenantes provenant de trois centres de crise de Montréal. Les principaux facteurs de stress qu'identifient les participantes ont trait à des dimensions relevant de l'intervention auprès des usagers et du rôle d'intervenante. Des difficultés spécifiques au travail en milieu communautaire sont aussi rapportées. Le soutien reçu des collègues de travail et la qualité des relations avec la direction ressortent comme facteurs importants de protection contre le stress et l'épuisèment.An exploratory study on sources of stress and social support among community mental health workers The objective of this exploratory research is to identify the main sources of work stress and burnout among community mental health workers and examine the social support they receive. Information has been collected through individual and group interviews with 19 community workers from three crisis centres in Montreal. The most stressing factors identified by participants are related to their intervention with users and their role as intervention worker. Difficulties related specifically to community work are also reported. Social support received from colleagues and quality of relations with superiors stand out as important factors of protection against stress and burnout

    Mesure de résultats des travaux communautaires chez les jeunes contrevenants : l’I.É.R.T.C.

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    The community work program is designed for young offenders between the ages of 12 and 17. Participants are allowed to make restitution for their delinquent acts by working a certain number of hours in a neighborhood organization. Aside from this work aspect, the program also aims at arriving at various short-term results that serve as indications of the program's impact on participants. The lack of instruments able to systematically collect data for this purpose led to the creation of the Community Work Evaluation Tool (CWET). Grounded in the objectives of the community work program, the CWET measures the process by which its 13 items were arrived at, its validation and its psychometric properties. The CWET is argued to be a valid tool for evaluating the effects of such a program. These effects fall along four areas: (1) the personal evolution of each participant; (2) the participant's commitment to the completion of the program; (3) relationships between participants; and (4) the participant's attitude and openness toward the community