55 research outputs found

    Tax burden and tax behaviour of branches of the Russian economy: part I, taxation in the Russian mining and metals sector

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht das Steuersystem in Russland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Metall- und Bergbausektors (MBS). Die beiden Subsektoren haben häufig unterschiedliche Interessen und Schwierigkeiten, beklagen sich aber darüber, dass sie einer enorm hohen Steuerbelastung ausgesetzt sind, wobei der Bergbausektor besonders belastet wird. Diese hohe Steuerlast wird sowohl im nationalen als auch im internationalen Vergleich beklagt. Der erste Teil des Beitrages beschäftigt sich mit der relativen Besteuerung des MBS in den neunziger Jahren, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umsatzsteuer, der Exportauflagen und der Ressourcensteuer. Darüber hinaus wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob der MBS als Teil einer allgemeinen Ausbeutung des Ressourcensektors steuerlich benachteiligt ist. Der zweite Teil des Papiers beleuchtet die Bemühungen um die Steuerreform, seit der Amtszeit Putins. Da viele der Reformen, die den MBS betreffen, noch nicht verabschiedet wurden, kann in diesem Kontext noch keine abschließende Bewertung vorgenommen werden. (ICDÜbers)"The mining and metals (M&M) sector has with regard to tax, as indeed with respect to other aspects of its existence, a dual character, being made up of miners and metal producers, usually in the guise of juridically independent enterprises. The two sub-sectors often have different interests and difficulties. Both claim to be harshly treated by the taxation system, with it being said that the M&M sector bears a tax burden double that of the economy as a whole, with the miners' burden being double that of the metal producers. Further, it is claimed, an enterprise in the Russian M&M sector bears a tax burden double that of the typical Western M&M firm. The miners claim to suffer from liability to a range of particular taxes related to their resource exploitation activities as well as heavy liability to assets tax. The difficulties claimed by the metal producers are based on their VAT liability at each stage of a multi-stage production process; they also find themselves subject to the sudden imposition of export duties. The claimed difficulties of the M&M sector can be seen in the context of the general discussion of whether the resource sector is the milk cow or wolf of the Russian economy. That discussion is generally focused on the oil and gas sector, but the complaints of the M&M sector of an unfair tax burden, on the one hand, and accusations of massive tax evasion and capital flight against the sector, on the other, suggest that it is not an irrelevant issue here. The main tasks, therefore, in the first part of this paper, dealing with taxation in the M&M sector in the 1990s, is to examine relative tax rates in the two branches of the sector; the specific issues of the VAT and export duty liabilities of metal producers and the resource taxes faced by the miners; the tax evasion issue among metal producers, something generally although not always related to their export activities; and finally whether or not the M&M sector is being exploited through the tax system as part of a general exploitation of the resource sector. These questions will necessarily be approached with a degree of vagueness, given the paucity, inconsistency and uncertain reliability of the data. The second part of the paper will deal with efforts at tax reform since Putin came to the presidency, including an account of lobbying by the M&M sector within the tax reform process. This part of the paper will have to be open-ended, since some of the most important changes for the M&M sector had not been implemented or taken effect at the time this paper was written." (extract

    Die russische Metallindustrie unter Putin

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    Die hohen Weltmarktpreise für Metalle führen dazu, dass die russischen Metallunternehmen beträchtliche Gewinne erzielen und damit die Ressourcen für eine nachhaltige technische Modernisierung erhalten. Zum ersten Mal seit dem Ende der sowjetischen Planwirtschaft ist auch Interesse an der Erschließung von neuen Vorkommen im Inland und an neuen Projekten auf der grünen Wiese erkennbar. Dieses Interesse ist aber noch begrenzt und hat nicht den Rang einer strategischen Priorität. Mit Ausnahme von RusAl, das gerade zum weltweit größten Aluminiumproduzenten aufsteigt, sind die Firmen der russischen Metallindustrie auch keine echten „global players“ geworden

    Die russischen Oligarchen in der Wirtschaftskrise

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    In diesem Beitrag wird die Eff ektivität der Oligarchen beim Management ihrer Unternehmen unter den Bedingungen der aktuellen Wirtschaftskrise untersucht. Zudem wird die Einstellung des Staates gegenüber den Oligarchen analysiert, wobei sowohl ihre Rolle im politischen Prozess als auch die Frage der Renationalisierung behandelt wird

    Oligarkki - karkki vai kepponen?

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    Russia's economic prospects in the Asia Pacific region

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    Russia has declared a priority interest in developing a strong economic relationship with the Asia Pacific Region. There has been considerable internal debate over the best strategic approach to such a relationship. While a policy victory has been won by a strategy focusing on the export into the region of manufactured goods and services, a resource-export strategy is still dominant in practice and funding. Here the prospects of each strategy are assessed. Regarding resource exports, hydrocarbons, copper and iron ore prospects are reviewed, but most detail is provided on the coal sector. That involves an account of infrastructure issues, including a major debate over the expansion of the BAM and TransSiberian railways. The analysis suggests that Russia will struggle both to revitalise the Russian Far East through manufacturing exports to the APR and to replace revenues earned through resource exports to the West through an economic ‘turn to the East’

    The role of the executive in Russian budget formation

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    The article provides an examination of the role of Russia’s dual (semi-presidential) executive in the budget process. The Constitution gives the president a strategic role, leaving operational budget formation to the ‘government’, chaired by the prime minister, whereas the common view of Russian policy making is of the president’s ‘hands-on management’. The article looks at how the president engages in the budget process, and whether, on the one hand, excessive ‘hands-on’ presidential involvement leads to a disrupted policy process, or, on the other hand, it breaks down the inter-agency deadlocks that are common in Russian policy making. The conclusion is that a reasonable balance is found between the two

    Location decisions in the Russian Aluminium Industry

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    Locations decisions - where production enterprises are located - are crucial for corporate and national economic development
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