218 research outputs found

    Interfacial tension behavior of binary and ternary mixtures of partially miscible Lennard-Jones fluids: a molecular dynamics simulation

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    By means of extensive equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations we have investigated, the behavior of the interfacial tension γ\gamma of two immiscible symmetrical Lennard-Jones fluids. This quantity is studied as function of reduced temperature T=kBTϵT^{*}={{k_{_B} T}\over \epsilon} in the range 0.6T3.00.6 \leq T^{*} \leq 3.0. We find that, unlike the monotonic decay obtained for the liquid-vapor interfacial tension, for the liquid-liquid interface, γ(T)\gamma (T) has a maximum at a specific temperature. We also investigate the effect that surfactant-like particles has on the thermodynamic as well as the structural properties of the liquid-liquid interface. It is found that γ\gamma decays monotonically as the concentration of the surfactant-like particles increases.Comment: LaTeX-Revtex file with 7 encapsulated postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Light trapping and guidance in plasmonic nanocrystals

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    We illustrate the possibility of light trapping and funneling in periodic arrays of metallic nanoparticles. A controllable minimum in the transmission spectra of such constructs arises from a collective plasmon resonance phenomenon, where an incident plane wave sharply localizes in the vertical direction, remaining delocalized in the direction parallel to the crystal plane. Using hybrid arrays of different structures or different materials, we apply the trapping effect to structure the eigen-mode spectrum, introduce overlapping resonances, and hence direct the light in space in a wavelength-sensitive fashion

    Disorder induced local density of states oscillations on narrow Ag(111) terraces

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    The local density of states of Ag(111) has been probed in detail on disordered terraces of varying width by dI/dV-mapping with a scanning tunneling microscope at low temperatures. Apparent shifts of the bottom of the surface-state band edge from terrace induced confinement are observed. Disordered terraces show interesting contrast reversals in the dI/dV maps as a function of tip-sample voltage polarity with details that depend on the average width of the terrace and the particular edge profile. In contrast to perfect terraces with straight edges, standing wave patterns are observed parallel to the step edges, i.e. in the non-confined direction. Scattering calculations based on the Ag(111) surface states reproduce these spatial oscillations and all the qualitative features of the standing wave patterns, including the polarity-dependent contrast reversals.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Snell's law for surface electrons: Refraction of an electron gas imaged in real space

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    On NaCl(100)/Cu(111) an interface state band is observed that descends from the surface-state band of the clean copper surface. This band exhibits a Moire-pattern-induced one-dimensional band gap, which is accompanied by strong standing-wave patterns, as revealed in low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy images. At NaCl island step edges, one can directly see the refraction of these standing waves, which obey Snell's refraction law.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The demixing phase instability in the ion-dipole mixture

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    By considering the variation of the grand potential functional Ω with respect to small density fluctuations δρα(1) we can determine the phase instability of a system from the correlation functions. Using the reference hypernetted chain (RHNC) approximation the correlation functions of an iondipole mixture have been calculated. With the obtained correlation functions the phase behaviour of ion-dipole mixtures has been investigated.Розглядаючи варіацію функціоналу великого потенціалу Ω по відношенню до малих флуктуацій густини δρα (1), ми можемо визначити фазову нестійкість системи з кореляційних функцій. Обчислено кореляційні функції іонно-дипольної суміші, використовуючи базисне гіперланцюгове наближення. На основі отриманих кореляційних функцій була досліджена фазова поведінка іонно-дипольних сумішей

    Optical Properties of Crystals with Spatial Dispersion: Josephson Plasma Resonance in Layered Superconductors

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    We derive the transmission coefficient, T(ω)T(\omega), for grazing incidence of crystals with spatial dispersion accounting for the excitation of multiple modes with different wave vectors k{\bf k} for a given frequency ω\omega. The generalization of the Fresnel formulas contains the refraction indices of these modes as determined by the dielectric function ϵ(ω,k)\epsilon(\omega,{\bf k}). Near frequencies ωe\omega_e, where the group velocity vanishes, T(ω)T(\omega) depends also on an additional parameter determined by the crystal microstructure. The transmission TT is significantly suppressed, if one of the excited modes is decaying into the crystal. We derive these features microscopically for the Josephson plasma resonance in layered superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, epl.cls style file, minor change

    Collisionless hydrodynamics for 1D motion of inhomogeneous degenerate electron gases: equivalence of two recent descriptions

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    Recently I. Tokatly and O. Pankratov (''TP'', Phys. Rev. B 60, 15550 (1999)) used velocity moments of a semiclassical kinetic equation to derive a hydrodynamic description of electron motion in a degenerate electron gas. Independently, the present authors (Theochem 501-502, 327 (2000)) used considerations arising from the Harmonic Potential Theorem (Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2244 (1994)) to generate a new form of high-frequency hydrodynamics for inhomogeneous degenerate electron gases (HPT-N3 hydrodynamics). We show here that TP hydrodynamics yields HPT-N3 hydrodynamics when linearized about a Thomas-Fermi groundstate with one-dimensional spatial inhomnogeneity.Comment: 17p

    Surface Screening in the Casimir Force

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    We calculate the corrections to the Casimir force between two metals due to the spatial dispersion of their response functions. We employ model-independent expressions for the force in terms of the optical coefficients. We express the non-local corrections to the Fresnel coefficients employing the surface dd_\perp parameter, which accounts for the distribution of the surface screening charge. Within a self-consistent jellium calculation, spatial dispersion increases the Casimir force significatively for small separations. The nonlocal correction has the opposite sign than previously predicted employing hydrodynamic models and assuming abruptly terminated surfaces.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-von Weizsacker hydrodynamics in laterally modulated electronic systems

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    We have studied the collective plasma excitations of a two-dimensional electron gas with an arbitrary lateral charge-density modulation. The dynamics is formulated using a previously developed hydrodynamic theory based on the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-von Weizsacker approximation. In this approach, both the equilibrium and dynamical properties of the periodically modulated electron gas are treated in a consistent fashion. We pay particular attention to the evolution of the collective excitations as the system undergoes the transition from the ideal two-dimensional limit to the highly-localized one-dimensional limit. We also calculate the power absorption in the long-wavelength limit to illustrate the effect of the modulation on the modes probed by far-infrared (FIR) transmission spectroscopy.Comment: 27 page Revtex file, 15 Postscript figure