207 research outputs found

    Longitudinal investigation of the course of asthma and allergies in young German adults

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    The association of European microstates with the EU: integration test with model value

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    The European microstates Andorra, Monaco, and San Marino have only been partially integrated into the European single market. Consequently, there are several regulatory gaps in areas such as financial markets, the free movement of workers, as well as within the Schengen Agreement. Moreover, the smooth adaptation of Community acquis is being hampered. In December 2013, the European Council called for the negotiation of a framework Association Agreement with the three countries. For Brussels, the rapprochement of these countries might also serve as a test run for dealing with other European countries whose full membership is rejected either by the EU or by the state concerned. (author's abstract

    Essays in development economics and industrial organisation

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    This thesis studies three topics in development economics and industrial organisation as summarized below. Chapter 1 explores the effectiveness of import tariffs to reduce the inflow of old, highly polluting vehicles in low-income countries. Specifically, we estimate the impact on imports and first-time registrations of a stark increase in such a tariff levied on passenger vehicles in Uganda. We find that the levy increase was effective in reducing purchases of the targeted vehicles, but also document unintended substitution from younger towards older vehicles that undermines the policy's objective. Our results point to potential policy improvements and we assess several alternatives through counterfactual simulation. Chapter 2 investigates the relationship between vehicle demand in low-income countries and the existing vehicle stock, through the availability of spare parts and repair services. We study this \indirect network effect" in the context of the passenger vehicle sector in Uganda. We present a structural model that incorporates the spare part market equilibrium into the consumer choice over vehicles and estimate this model using rich data from administrative records, online platforms, and an original survey of spare parts traders. We find strong evidence in favour of the hypothesized indirect network effect. Chapter 3 studies how political connections affect the gains from trade liberalization in the context of the removal of import license requirements in Myanmar. We provide evidence that (i) the implementation of the reform protected connected firms and (ii) the presence of connected firms is associated with lower sector growth. A unifying thread among both these findings is the role of entry barriers in the form of economies of scale that seem to protect connected firms from potential competition

    Constructive and Synthetic Reducibility Degrees: Post's Problem for Many-one and Truth-table Reducibility in Coq

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    International audienceWe present a constructive analysis and machine-checked theory of one-one, many-one, and truth-table reductions based on synthetic computability theory in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, the type theory underlying the proof assistant Coq. We give elegant, synthetic, and machine-checked proofs of Post's landmark results that a simple predicate exists, is enumerable, undecidable, but many-one incomplete (Post's problem for many-one reducibility), and a hypersimple predicate exists, is enumerable, undecidable, but truth-table incomplete (Post's problem for truth-table reducibility). In synthetic computability, one assumes axioms allowing to carry out computability theory with all definitions and proofs purely in terms of functions of the type theory with no mention of a model of computation. Proofs can focus on the essence of the argument, without having to sacrifice formality. Synthetic computability also clears the lense for constructivisation. Our constructively careful definition of simple and hypersimple predicates allows us to not assume classical axioms, not even Markov's principle, still yielding the expected strong results

    Die Assoziierung der europäischen Mikrostaaten: Integrationstest mit Modellcharakter

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    Die Mikrostaaten Andorra, Monaco und San Marino sind bislang nur sektoriell in den EU-Binnenmarkt eingebunden. Die Folge sind Regulierungslücken im Finanzmarktbereich, bei der Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit oder im Schengenraum. Außerdem wird ein reibungsloser Nachvollzug des Gemeinsamen Besitzstandes erschwert. Im Dezember 2013 sprach sich der Europäische Rat für die Aushandlung von Rahmenassoziierungsabkommen mit den drei Ländern aus. Die Heranführung dieser Staaten könnte Brüssel auch als Testlauf für den Umgang mit jenen europäischen Staaten dienen, deren Vollmitgliedschaft entweder von der EU oder vom betroffenen Staat abgelehnt wird. (Autorenreferat

    Ursachen fĂĽr Ertragsunterschiede in Betrieben mit unterschiedlicher Wirtschaftsweise und Betriebsstruktur in zwei Regionen Deutschlands

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    In this study, winter wheat yields of organic and conventional farms with and without livestock in two regions in Germany were examined, with the aim of determining yield differences between the farming systems and possible reasons for these differences. Yields were 85% higher on conventional farms, mainly due to higher nitrogen input and the positive effects of chemical plant protection. The farms in North Rhine-Westphalia achieved higher yields than the farms in Bavaria. Climate was the most important factor, as lower temperatures during winter and higher precipitation during summer in Bavaria probably negatively affected yields. Differences in yield between farms with and without livestock could only be observed for conventional farms. The high intensity of farms without livestock resulted in higher yields

    Dwarfs on the Shoulders of Giants: Bayesian Analysis With Informative Priors in Elite Sports Research and Decision Making

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    While sample sizes in elite sports are necessarily small, so are the effects that may be relevant. This conundrum is complicated by an understandable reluctance of athletes to comply with extensive study requirements. In Bayesian analyses, pre-existing knowledge (e.g., from sub-elite trials) can be formally included to supplement scarce data. Moreover, some design specifics for small sample research extend to the extreme case of a single subject. This provides the basis for actionable feedback (e.g., about individual responses) thereby incentivising participation. As a proof-of-concept, we conducted a replicated cross-over trial on the effect of cold-water immersion (CWI) on sprint performance recovery in soccer players. Times for 30 m linear sprint and the initial 5 m section, respectively, were measured by light gates before and 24 h after induction of fatigue. Data were analysed by Bayesian and by standard frequentist methods. Informative priors are based on a published metaanalysis. Seven players completed the trial. Sprint performance was 4.156 ± 0.193 s for 30 m linear sprint and 0.978 ± 0.064 s for the initial 5 m section. CWI improved recovery of sprint time for the initial 5 m section (difference to control: -0.060 ± 0.060 s, p = 0.004) but not for the full 30 m sprint (0.002 ± 0.115 s, p = 0.959), with general agreement between Bayesian and frequentist interval estimates. On the individual level, relevant differences between analytical approaches were present for most players. Changes in the two performance measures are correlated (p = 0.009) with a fairly good reproducibility of individual response patterns. Bayesian analyses with informative priors may be a practicable and meaningful option particularly for very small samples and when the analytical aim is decision making (use / don't use in the specific setting) rather than generalizable inference

    Dynamic correlation functions and Boltzmann Langevin approach for driven one dimensional lattice gas

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    We study the dynamics of the totally asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries by phenomenological theories complemented by extensive Monte-Carlo simulations. Upon combining domain wall theory with a kinetic approach known as Boltzmann-Langevin theory we are able to give a complete qualitative picture of the dynamics in the low and high density regime and at the corresponding phase boundary. At the coexistence line between high and low density phases we observe a time scale separation between local density fluctuations and collective domain wall motion, which are well accounted for by the Boltzmann-Langevin and domain wall theory, respectively. We present Monte-Carlo data for the correlation functions and power spectra in the full parameter range of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    A Computational Cantor-Bernstein and Myhill's Isomorphism Theorem in Constructive Type Theory: Proof Pearl

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    International audienceThe Cantor-Bernstein theorem (CB) from set theory, stating that two sets which can be injectively embedded into each other are in bijection, is inherently classical in its full generality, i.e. implies the law of excluded middle, a result due to Pradic and Brown. Recently, EscardĂł has provided a proof of CB in univalent type theory, assuming the law of excluded middle. It is a natural question to ask which restrictions of CB can be proved without axiomatic assumptions. We give a partial answer to this question contributing an assumptionfree proof of CB restricted to enumerable discrete types, i.e. types which can be computationally treated. In fact, we construct several bijections from injections: The first is by translating a proof of the Myhill isomorphism theorem from computability theory-stating that 1-equivalent predicates are recursively isomorphic-to constructive type theory, where the bijection is constructed in stages and an algorithm with an intricate termination argument is used to extend the bijection in every step. The second is also constructed in stages, but with a simpler extension algorithm sufficient for CB. The third is constructed directly in such a way that it only relies on the given enumerations of the types, not on the given injections. We aim at keeping the explanations simple, accessible, and concise in the style of a "proof pearl". All proofs are machinechecked in Coq but should transport to other foundationsthey do not rely on impredicativity, on choice principles, or on large eliminations

    A Constructive and Synthetic Theory of Reducibility: Myhill's Isomorphism Theorem and Post's Problem for Many-one and Truth-table Reducibility in Coq (Full Version)

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    We present a constructive analysis and machine-checked synthetic approach to the theory of one-one, many-one, and truth-table reductions carried out in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, the type theory underlying the proof assistant Coq. In synthetic computability, one assumes axioms allowing to carry out computability theory with all definitions and proofs purely in terms of functions of the type theory with no mention of a model of computation. Our synthetic proof of Myhill's isomorphism theorem that one-one equivalence yields a computational isomorphism makes a compelling case for synthetic computability due to its simplicity without sacrificing formality. Synthetic computability also clears the lense for constructivisation. We do not assume classical axioms, not even Markov's principle, possible by a careful constructivised definition of simple and hypersimple predicates, still yielding the expected strong results: a simple predicate exists, is enumerable, undecidable, but many-one incomplete (Post's problem for many-one reducibility), and a hypersimple predicate exists, is enumerable, undecidable, but truth-table incomplete (Post's problem for truth-table reducibility)
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