2,041 research outputs found

    Semi-classical Laguerre polynomials and a third order discrete integrable equation

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    A semi-discrete Lax pair formed from the differential system and recurrence relation for semi-classical orthogonal polynomials, leads to a discrete integrable equation for a specific semi-classical orthogonal polynomial weight. The main example we use is a semi-classical Laguerre weight to derive a third order difference equation with a corresponding Lax pair.Comment: 11 page

    Applications and generalizations of Fisher-Hartwig asymptotics

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    Fisher-Hartwig asymptotics refers to the large nn form of a class of Toeplitz determinants with singular generating functions. This class of Toeplitz determinants occurs in the study of the spin-spin correlations for the two-dimensional Ising model, and the ground state density matrix of the impenetrable Bose gas, amongst other problems in mathematical physics. We give a new application of the original Fisher-Hartwig formula to the asymptotic decay of the Ising correlations above TcT_c, while the study of the Bose gas density matrix leads us to generalize the Fisher-Hartwig formula to the asymptotic form of random matrix averages over the classical groups and the Gaussian and Laguerre unitary matrix ensembles. Another viewpoint of our generalizations is that they extend to Hankel determinants the Fisher-Hartwig asymptotic form known for Toeplitz determinants.Comment: 25 page

    Expanded Vandermonde powers and sum rules for the two-dimensional one-component plasma

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    The two-dimensional one-component plasma (2dOCP) is a system of NN mobile particles of the same charge qq on a surface with a neutralising background. The Boltzmann factor of the 2dOCP at temperature TT can be expressed as a Vandermonde determinant to the power Γ=q2/(kBT)\Gamma=q^{2}/(k_B T). Recent advances in the theory of symmetric and anti-symmetric Jack polymonials provide an efficient way to expand this power of the Vandermonde in their monomial basis, allowing the computation of several thermodynamic and structural properties of the 2dOCP for NN values up to 14 and Γ\Gamma equal to 4, 6 and 8. In this work, we explore two applications of this formalism to study the moments of the pair correlation function of the 2dOCP on a sphere, and the distribution of radial linear statistics of the 2dOCP in the plane

    Joint distribution of the first and second eigenvalues at the soft edge of unitary ensembles

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    The density function for the joint distribution of the first and second eigenvalues at the soft edge of unitary ensembles is found in terms of a Painlev\'e II transcendent and its associated isomonodromic system. As a corollary, the density function for the spacing between these two eigenvalues is similarly characterized.The particular solution of Painlev\'e II that arises is a double shifted B\"acklund transformation of the Hasting-McLeod solution, which applies in the case of the distribution of the largest eigenvalue at the soft edge. Our deductions are made by employing the hard-to-soft edge transitions to existing results for the joint distribution of the first and second eigenvalue at the hard edge \cite{FW_2007}. In addition recursions under a↩a+1a \mapsto a+1 of quantities specifying the latter are obtained. A Fredholm determinant type characterisation is used to provide accurate numerics for the distribution of the spacing between the two largest eigenvalues.Comment: 26 pages, 1 Figure, 2 Table

    Solving 1d plasmas and 2d boundary problems using Jack polynomials and functional relations

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    The general one-dimensional ``log-sine'' gas is defined by restricting the positive and negative charges of a two-dimensional Coulomb gas to live on a circle. Depending on charge constraints, this problem is equivalent to different boundary field theories. We study the electrically neutral case, which is equivalent to a two-dimensional free boson with an impurity cosine potential. We use two different methods: a perturbative one based on Jack symmetric functions, and a non-perturbative one based on the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and functional relations. The first method allows us to compute explicitly all coefficients in the virial expansion of the free energy and the experimentally-measurable conductance. Some results for correlation functions are also presented. The second method provides in particular a surprising fluctuation-dissipation relation between the free energy and the conductance.Comment: 19 page

    Large deviations of the maximal eigenvalue of random matrices

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    We present detailed computations of the 'at least finite' terms (three dominant orders) of the free energy in a one-cut matrix model with a hard edge a, in beta-ensembles, with any polynomial potential. beta is a positive number, so not restricted to the standard values beta = 1 (hermitian matrices), beta = 1/2 (symmetric matrices), beta = 2 (quaternionic self-dual matrices). This model allows to study the statistic of the maximum eigenvalue of random matrices. We compute the large deviation function to the left of the expected maximum. We specialize our results to the gaussian beta-ensembles and check them numerically. Our method is based on general results and procedures already developed in the literature to solve the Pastur equations (also called "loop equations"). It allows to compute the left tail of the analog of Tracy-Widom laws for any beta, including the constant term.Comment: 62 pages, 4 figures, pdflatex ; v2 bibliography corrected ; v3 typos corrected and preprint added ; v4 few more numbers adde

    Jack vertex operators and realization of Jack functions

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    We give an iterative method to realize general Jack functions from Jack functions of rectangular shapes. We first show some cases of Stanley's conjecture on positivity of the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, and then use this method to give a new realization of Jack functions. We also show in general that vectors of products of Jack vertex operators form a basis of symmetric functions. In particular this gives a new proof of linear independence for the rectangular and marked rectangular Jack vertex operators. Thirdly a generalized Frobenius formula for Jack functions was given and was used to give new evaluation of Dyson integrals and even powers of Vandermonde determinant.Comment: Expanded versio

    Exact Dynamical Correlation Functions of Calogero-Sutherland Model and One-Dimensional Fractional Statistics

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    One-dimensional model of non-relativistic particles with inverse-square interaction potential known as Calogero-Sutherland Model (CSM) is shown to possess fractional statistics. Using the theory of Jack symmetric polynomial the exact dynamical density-density correlation function and the one-particle Green's function (hole propagator) at any rational interaction coupling constant λ=p/q\lambda = p/q are obtained and used to show clear evidences of the fractional statistics. Motifs representing the eigenstates of the model are also constructed and used to reveal the fractional {\it exclusion} statistics (in the sense of Haldane's ``Generalized Pauli Exclusion Principle''). This model is also endowed with a natural {\it exchange } statistics (1D analog of 2D braiding statistics) compatible with the {\it exclusion} statistics. (Submitted to PRL on April 18, 1994)Comment: Revtex 11 pages, IASSNS-HEP-94/27 (April 18, 1994

    Watermelon configurations with wall interaction: exact and asymptotic results

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    We perform an exact and asymptotic analysis of the model of nn vicious walkers interacting with a wall via contact potentials, a model introduced by Brak, Essam and Owczarek. More specifically, we study the partition function of watermelon configurations which start on the wall, but may end at arbitrary height, and their mean number of contacts with the wall. We improve and extend the earlier (partially non-rigorous) results by Brak, Essam and Owczarek, providing new exact results, and more precise and more general asymptotic results, in particular full asymptotic expansions for the partition function and the mean number of contacts. Furthermore, we relate this circle of problems to earlier results in the combinatorial and statistical literature.Comment: AmS-TeX, 41 page
