6 research outputs found

    Schumann resonance data processing programs and four-year measurements from Sierra Nevada ELF station

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    In this work, we present to the scientific community the measurements taken during four years, from March 2013 to February 2017 inclusive, by the Extremely Low Frequency Sierra Nevada station, Spain, together with the data processing programs developed in Python (version 3.8) to extract the Schumann resonance (SR) parameters (i.e., amplitudes, resonant frequencies, resonance widths) in 10 min time periods from these records. The measure- ments correspond to the voltage induced by the atmospheric electromagnetic field at the north-south and east- west oriented magnetometers of the station. The process comprises four stages. The spectrum, calibrated in the frequency band ranging from 6 Hz to 25 Hz, is obtained at the first stage using the Welch method with Hann windows. The second step eliminates the anthropogenic noise generated by different undesired sources. Next, a non-linear fit of the measured spectrum combining Lorentzian functions together with a linear term is carried out in order to identify the presence of SRs and quantitatively characterize them. This third step is carried out using the Python package Lmfit, which implements the Levenberg-Marquad algorithm. Finally, a compact and easy-to- read output is generated at the fourth stage, using the power of the Numpy arrays and the npz format. In addition, four Jupyter notebooks with the description of the code and the possibility of their use in interactive mode are presented as supplementary material with this paper

    Resolución de las ecuaciones integrales MFIE y EFIE en el dominio del tiempo para superficies conductoras modeladas por parches planos

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    El estudio de la interacción de ondas electromagnéticas transitorias con estructuras conductoras modeladas por parches planos triangulares se lleva a cabo en el dominio del tiempo. Como método de solución se plantean las ecuaciones integrales mfie o efie y se resuelven mediante el método de los momentos, utilizando funciones base triangulares y funciones peso deltas. se aplica al estudio de la dispersión y radiaciónTesis Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Física Aplicad

    On the need of a unified methodology for processing Schumann resonance measurements. Data collection

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    Dataset of the paper "On the need of a unified methodology for processing Schumann resonance measurements" published in JGR Atmospheres

    Four Year Study of the Schumann Resonance Regular Variations Using the Sierra Nevada Station Ground-Based Magnetometers

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    We present a study of the Schumann resonance (SR) regular variations (March 2013–February 2017) using the ground-based magnetometers from the Sierra Nevada station, Spain (37°02′N, 3°19′W). The study is based on the fitting parameters obtained by the Lorentzian fit, calculated for each 10-min interval record, namely, peak amplitudes, peak frequencies, width of the resonances, and the power spectrum integral for the first three SR modes. We consider three time-scales in the study: seasonal, monthly, and daily variations. The processed data collected by the Sierra Nevada station are also made public with this work. The general characteristics of the long-term evolution of the SR are confirmed, but discrepancies appear that require further study comparing recent measurements from different stations. Signatures of the influences of the El Niño phenomenon and the solar cycle to SR have been foun