550 research outputs found

    Interplay of buried histidine protonation and protein stability in prion misfolding

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    Misofolding of mammalian prion proteins (PrP) is believed to be the cause of a group of rare and fatal neurodegenerative diseases. Despite intense scrutiny however, the mechanism of the misfolding reaction remains unclear. We perform nuclear Magnetic Resonance and thermodynamic stability measurements on the C-terminal domains (residues 90–231) of two PrP variants exhibiting different pH-induced susceptibilities to aggregation: the susceptible hamster prion (GHaPrP) and its less susceptible rabbit homolog (RaPrP). The pKa of histidines in these domains are determined from titration experiments, and proton-exchange rates are measured at pH 5 and pH 7. A single buried highly conserved histidine, H187/H186 in GHaPrP/RaPrP, exhibited a markedly down shifted pKa ~5 for both proteins. However, noticeably larger pH-induced shifts in exchange rates occur for GHaPrP versus RaPrP. Analysis of the data indicates that protonation of the buried histidine destabilizes both PrP variants, but produces a more drastic effect in the less stable GHaPrP. This interpretation is supported by urea denaturation experiments performed on both PrP variants at neutral and low pH, and correlates with the difference in disease susceptibility of the two species, as expected from the documented linkage between destabilization of the folded state and formation of misfolded and aggregated species

    Configurational Entropy of Folded Proteins and its Importance for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

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    Many pairwise additive force fields are in active use for intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and regions (IDRs), some of which modify energetic terms to improve description of IDPs/IDRs, but are largely in disagreement with solution experiments for the disordered states. We have evaluated representative pairwise and many-body protein and water force fields against experimental data on representative IDPs and IDRs, a peptide that undergoes a disorder-to-order transition, and for seven globular proteins ranging in size from 130-266 amino acids. We find that force fields with the largest statistical fluctuations consistent with the radius of gyration and universal Lindemann values for folded states simultaneously better describe IDPs and IDRs and disorder to order transitions. Hence the crux of what a force field should exhibit to well describe IDRs/IDPs is not just the balance between protein and water energetics, but the balance between energetic effects and configurational entropy of folded states of globular proteins

    Learning to Evolve Structural Ensembles of Unfolded and Disordered Proteins Using Experimental Solution Data

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    We have developed a Generative Recurrent Neural Networks (GRNN) that learns the probability of the next residue torsions $X_{i+1}=\ [\phi_{i+1},\psi_{i+1},\omega _{i+1}, \chi_{i+1}]fromthepreviousresidueinthesequence from the previous residue in the sequence X_i$ to generate new IDP conformations. In addition, we couple the GRNN with a Bayesian model, X-EISD, in a reinforcement learning step that biases the probability distributions of torsions to take advantage of experimental data types such as J-couplingss, NOEs and PREs. We show that updating the generative model parameters according to the reward feedback on the basis of the agreement between structures and data improves upon existing approaches that simply reweight static structural pools for disordered proteins. Instead the GRNN "DynamICE" model learns to physically change the conformations of the underlying pool to those that better agree with experiment

    Development and characterization of synthetic antibodies binding to the cystic fibrosis conductance regulator

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    Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel in the apical surface of epithelial cells in the airway and gastrointestinal tract, and mutation of CFTR is the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis. However, the precise molecular details of the structure and function of CFTR in native and disease states remains elusive and cystic fibrosis researchers are hindered by a lack of high specificity, high affinity binding reagents for use in structural and biological studies. Here, we describe a panel of synthetic antigen-binding fragments (Fabs) isolated from a phage-displayed library that are specific for intracellular domains of CFTR that include the nucleotide-binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2), the R-region, and the regulatory insertion loop of NBD1. Binding assays performed under conditions that promote the native fold of the protein demonstrated that all Fabs recognized full-length CFTR. However, only the NBD1-specific Fab recognized denatured CFTR by western blot, suggesting a conformational epitope requirement for the other Fabs. Surface plasmon resonance experiments showed that the R-region Fab binds with high affinity to both the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated R-region. In addition, NMR analysis of bound versus unbound R-region revealed a distinct conformational effect upon Fab binding. We further defined residues involved with antibody recognition using an overlapping peptide array. In summary, we describe methodology complementary to previous hybridoma-based efforts to develop antibody reagents to CFTR, and introduce a synthetic antibody panel to aid structural and biological studies

    Structural signature of the MYPT1-PP1 interaction

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    Muscle relaxation is triggered by the dephosphorylation of Ser19 in the myosin regulatory light chain. This reaction is catalyzed by the holoenzyme myosin phosphatase (MP), which includes the catalytic subunit protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and the regulatory targeting subunit (MYPT). MYPT1 (myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1) is responsible for both targeting the holoenzyme to subcellular compartments in the muscle and directing PP1 specificity towards myosin. In order to understand the molecular events leading to the MYPT1:PP1 holoenzyme formation, we used NMR spectroscopy to determine the structural and dynamic characteristics of unbound MYPT1. This allowed the conformations of MYPT1 in the free, unbound state to be directly compared to the PP1-bound state. Our results show that MYPT1(1-98) behaves like a two-domain protein in solution. The first 40 residues of MYPT1(1-98), the disordered region, are intrinsically disordered and highly dynamic, whereas residues 41–98, the folded ankyrin-repeat region, are well-structured and rigid. Furthermore, the integrated use of NMR and biophysical data enabled us to calculate an ensemble model for MYPT1(1-98). The most prominent structural feature of the MYPT1(1-98) ensemble is a 25% populated transient α-helix in the disordered region of MYPT1(1-98). This α-helix becomes fully populated when bound to PP1 and, as we show, likely plays a central role in the formation of the MYPT1:PP1 holoenzyme complex. Finally, this combined analysis shows that the structural and dynamic behaviors exhibited by MYPT1 for PP1 are distinct from those of any other previously analyzed PP1 regulatory protein. Collectively, these data enable us to present a new model of the molecular events that drive MYPT1:PP1 holoenzyme formation and demonstrate that there are structural differences in unbound PP1 regulators that have not been previously observed. Thus this work adds significant insights to the currently limited data for molecular structures and dynamics of PP1 regulators

    Dynamics Intrinsic to Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Function and Stability

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    The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) requires dynamic fluctuations between states in its gating cycle for proper channel function, including changes in the interactions between the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) and between the intracellular domain (ICD) coupling helices and NBDs. Such motions are also linked with fluctuating phosphorylation-dependent binding of CFTR’s disordered regulatory (R) region to the NBDs and partners. Folding of CFTR is highly inefficient, with the marginally stable NBD1 sampling excited states or folding intermediates that are aggregation-prone. The severe CF–causing F508del mutation exacerbates the folding inefficiency of CFTR and leads to impaired channel regulation and function, partly as a result of perturbed NBD1–ICD interactions and enhanced sampling of these NBD1 excited states. Increased knowledge of the dynamics within CFTR will expand our understanding of the regulated channel gating of the protein as well as of the F508del defects in folding and function
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