2 research outputs found

    Education of pupils at earlier school ages in Slovakia and in Poland – a comparative view

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    Bardzo istotnym czynnikiem występowania otyłości wieku dziecięcego są nieprawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe oraz niedostateczny poziom aktywności fizycznej. Celem pracy jest określenie poziomu rozwoju fizycznego, stanu odżywienia i aktywności fizycznej dzieci w wieku szkolnym, które ze względu na obowiązki wynikające z uczestniczenia w zajęciach w szkole muzycznej, mają ograniczony czas wolny. Materiał i metody: Materiał do pracy stanowią pomiary antropometryczne oraz składu ciała dzieci w wieku 11-13 lat, będących uczniami szkoły muzycznej oraz ich rówieśników, uczęszczających tylko do szkoły podstawowej. Wyznaczono wskaźniki odżywienia oraz przeprowadzono kwestionariusz ankiety dotyczący żywienia i aktywności fizycznej dzieci. Materiał opracowano metodami statystyki opisowej oraz wykorzystano test t Studenta dla prób niezależnych. Wyniki: Wykazano masywną budowę ciała i znaczne otłuszczenie ciała uczniów szkoły muzycznej. Dzieci nieregularnie spożywają posiłki, przy niewłaściwie zbilansowanym jadłospisie oraz nie uczestniczą w zorganizowanych pozaszkolnych zajęciach sportowych. Wnioski: Duże otłuszczenie ciała dzieci ze szkoły muzycznej można wiązać z niewłaściwym odżywianiem i ograniczeniem aktywności fizycznej.The aim of the study is to determine the level of physical development, nutritional status and physical activity of school-age children who due to the obligations arising from participation in music school classes have limited free time. Material and methods: The material consists of anthropometric measurements and body composition measurements of children aged 11-13 who are students of the music school and their peers attending primary school only. Nutrition indicators were determined and a questionnaire was conducted on the nutrition and physical activity of children. The material was prepared with the use of descriptive statistics methods and using a t-test. Results: The massive body structure and significant body fatness of the students of the music school were shown. Children eat meals irregularly with an improperly balanced menu and do not participate in extracurricular sports activities. Conclusions: High body fat in music school children can be associated with improper nutrition and limited physical activity

    The impact of inertial exercises performed in the workplace on shoulder muscles’ strength and muscles’ fatigue resistance in women with disabilities

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    Background Workers who do monotonous and repetitive work in a static position often complain about fatigue and decreased work efficiency. Some studies indicate that to improve muscle fatigue, resistance strength training can be used. Material and Methods To investigate the effect of 4-week inertial training on shoulder muscles’ strength and muscles’ fatigue resistance 44 female workers with disabilities were examined. The participants were randomized into the training group (T) (N = 32) and the control group (C) (N = 12). Before the training and after that shoulder muscles’ strength were tested at the start and at the end of the workday (Monday and Friday). The participants were asked to complete questionnaire concerning their fatigue at work (T and C), inertial training and work efficiency (T). Results The work performed during the last day of the workweek, i.e., Friday (before training) resulted in a significant decrease in shoulder muscles’ strength in T and C. Muscle strength achieved at the end of the workweek (Friday afternoon) was significantly lower than achieved at the start of the workweek (Monday morning) in both tested groups (before training). Moreover, inertial training resulted in a significant increase in shoulder muscles’ strength in T; 34–74% for different muscles. No changes in muscles’ strength were noted in C. Increased muscle strength in T following inertial training effectively prevented muscle fatigue. After training the differences in shoulder muscles’ strength noted in T during different times of the workday and workweek were insignificant. Moreover, 4-week inertial training increased significantly the work efficiency of women from T by 4%; no changes were noted in C. Inertial training was well tolerated by the participants. Conclusions Using inertial training in women with disabilities to prevent shoulder muscles’ fatigue during the workday and workweek is recommended