2 research outputs found

    Production of erythrocytes from directly isolated or Delta1 Notch ligand expanded CD34 hematopoietic progenitor cells: process characterization, monitoring and implications for manufacture

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    Background aims: Economic ex vivo manufacture of erythrocytes at 10 cell doses requires an efficiently controlled bio-process capable of extensive proliferation and high terminal density. High-resolution characterization of the process would identify production strategies for increased efficiency, monitoring and control. Methods: CD34 cord blood cells or equivalent cells that had been pre-expanded for 7 days with Delta1 Notch ligand were placed in erythroid expansion and differentiation conditions in a micro-scale ambr suspension bioreactor. Multiple culture parameters were varied, and phenotype markers and metabolites measured to identify conserved trends and robust monitoring markers. Results: The cells exhibited a bi-modal erythroid differentiation pattern with an erythroid marker peak after 2 weeks and 3 weeks of culture; differentiation was comparatively weighted toward the second peak in Delta1 pre-expanded cells. Both differentiation events were strengthened by omission of stem cell factor and dexamethasone. The cumulative cell proliferation and death, or directly measured CD45 expression, enabled monitoring of proliferative rate of the cells. The metabolic activities of the cultures (glucose, glutamine and ammonia consumption or production) were highly variable but exhibited systematic change synchronized with the change in differentiation state. Conclusions: Erythroid differentiation chronology is partly determined by the heterogeneous CD34 progenitor compartment with implications for input control; Delta1 ligand-mediated progenitor culture can alter differentiation profile with control benefits for engineering production strategy. Differentiation correlated changes in cytokine response, markers and metabolic state will enable scientifically designed monitoring and timing of manufacturing process steps. © 2013 International Society for Cellular Therapy

    The productivity limit of manufacturing blood cell therapy in scalable stirred bioreactors

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    Manufacture of red blood cells (RBCs) from progenitors has been proposed as a method to reduce reliance on donors. Such a process would need to be extremely efficient for economic viability given a relatively low value product and high 2E12 cell dose. Therefore, the aim of these studies was to define the productivity of an industry standard stirred-tank bioreactor and determine engineering limitations of commercial RBC production. Cord blood derived CD34+ cells were cultured under erythroid differentiation conditions in a stirred micro-bioreactor (ambr™). Enucleated cells of 80% purity could be created under optimal physical conditions: pH 7.5, 50% oxygen, without gas-sparging (which damaged cells) and with mechanical agitation (which directly increased enucleation). O2 consumption was low (~5x10(-8) µg/cell.hr) theoretically enabling erythroblast densities in excess of 5x10(8) /ml in commercial bioreactors and sub-10 L/unit production volumes. The bioreactor process achieved a 24% and 42% reduction in media volume and culture time respectively relative to unoptimized flask processing. However, media exchange limited productivity to 1 unit of erythroblasts per 500 L of media. Systematic replacement of media constituents, as well as screening for inhibitory levels of ammonia, lactate and key cytokines did not identify a reason for this limitation. We conclude that the properties of erythroblasts are such that the conventional constraints on cell manufacturing efficiency, such as mass transfer and metabolic demand, should not prevent high intensity production; furthermore this could be achieved in industry standard equipment. However, identification and removal of an inhibitory mediator is required to enable these economies to be realized